Every election over the past twenty years people have assured us that, "this is the most consequential election of our lifetime!" Well, guess what? The 2008 election might well have been that after all. It installed an America-hating radical who plainly pledged to fundamentally transform the country. While he wasn't able to follow through on that pledge from a policy standpoint, he DID fundamentally transform critical institutions: the IRS was turned into political enforcers / harassers, Holder turned the DoJ into a hotbed of radical leftists, hundreds of war-fighting generals were replaced by rainbow wokesters, the FBI was turned into a radical secret police force...and the list goes on. The Trump presidency provided a brief respite, but below the surface the corruption and radicalization continued apace.
With Biden's installation in 2020, Obama's third term has begun the process of building upon the foundation constructed from Jan 2009 to Jan 2017. With the Biden sock puppet yammering away incomprehensibly, the people behind the scenes have rolled out the policies that Obama was unable to effect during his eight years. As Biden is fed unceremoniously into the electoral woodchipper, irreversible damage is being done to the country.
Sadly, if the GOP weren't such losers, we would not be in this predicament. Therefore, we cannot expect a 2022 recapture of congress by the Republican Party to provide solutions. All our lamentations about the GOP being the Stupid Party were true enough, but we didn't realize soon enough that the tipping point had been reached. The 2020 election was possibly our last chance to stop the train before it crested the hill and began barreling downhill. So, take your pick. Was 2008 the most consequential election or was 2020?
2022. The midterm election is by Congressional district, on a local level, and if enough citizens are unhappy or Trumpsters, and alerted to possible fraud, it wouild be very difficult and even impossible to cheat and prevent a non-RINO Republican/MAGA takeover of the House, and the Senate as well. Investigations and a sweeping reform of the FBI, CIA and many Washington bureaucracies could be expected. If there were crimes committed.....
Not sure if you read CTH, but he has coined the term Fourth Branch of government comprised of the intel and law enforcement agencies you mention. In short, this Fourth Branch controls and overrides the other three. CTH has given a ver persuasive list of evidence and examples. In light of this, it's simply too late to rein in these monsters at the federal level. Even if you could fill the Capitol w 535 America-firsters in 2023, they won't be allowed to do anything like the sweeping reforms you want. Embrace reality: we are ruled by a gangster government that will never allow themselves to be voted out or reformed out. There is a reason why every member of Congress refuses to do the things necessary to expose the Fourth Branch (to say nothing of ending them): they aren't allowed. Whether it's bribery, extortion, or simple betrayal. It's a fantasyland to think any act of Congress or a president will change anything for the better.
I hope you are wrong, but if true you prove my point. In spite of widespread dissatisfaction with inflation, Covid restrictions, Afghanistan, the Ukraine, fraud in elections, etc., etc., the American voter has no input or control over what our government does? That would make this election the most important in our history, and all future elections would be an exercise in futility.
Correct, P. At the federal level, Americans effectively have no representation in dc. Which makes the midterms pure theater. But hey, let's alk be sure to donate lots of ca$$$h to the usual suspects because "the alternative" and maybe this time a miracle will occur and the Fourth Branch will put themselves in prison.
I expect you will not agree, but I see hopeful signs. It is common that people with power get arrogant and abandon caution, assuming they control everything. This last election when it turned out that Trump was more popular than they imagined the 'coalition' working to achieve the desired result found that to 'fortify' the election extreme measures had to be employed. This means illegalities. The Russiagate effort is certain to go down in the history books as a scandal, but instead of implicating Trump it could be that Huber will implicate Meuller and his cohorts. Similarly Jan. 6 will go down as a scandal, but it is not sure Pelosi will be the heroine. The all-powerful 'fourth branch' could go down as criminals. When J. E. Dyer said there is evidence on the last election not yet revealed. I believe her. Most of all, current events are generating a malaise in America I have never felt in all my years, dating back to FDR. The climate may be ripe for a non-violent, super-legal upheaval this country has never seen or imagined.
Lawrence, Obummer was unquestionably horrible. But.
Let's not kid ourselves. We live in a fauxtocracy. And it's been this way since WWII. The fix has been in with DC increasingly in the hands of a corrupt band of criminals who cooperate as necessary and stage elaborate theater to fool us into thinking any of this sham government means anything. Obama, Bush I and Bush II.. Even Trump, despite a few notable wins, was nonetheless responsible for what may turn out to be the single worst medical murder in history with his insane Operation Warp Speed which is killing somewhere in the range of 50-100,000 per Steve Kirsch and others (something Trump amazingly continues to boast about).
It's kind of like asking who was the worst dictator of the 20th century....
2008 was the worst because it allowed the installation of the anti-American government, along with massively powerful far-left NGOs, total dictatorial technocratic control, a uniformly propagandistic media, a radical indoctrinating educational establishment, etc. that controls essentially every policy made to this day at the federal level while training our people to be barking seals (just watch any late-night "comedy" show).
2020 was the worst because it normalized the theft of our elections, while at the same time illuminating the fact that "they are all in on it". There is no cavalry coming. There is no solution by election.
Every election over the past twenty years people have assured us that, "this is the most consequential election of our lifetime!" Well, guess what? The 2008 election might well have been that after all. It installed an America-hating radical who plainly pledged to fundamentally transform the country. While he wasn't able to follow through on that pledge from a policy standpoint, he DID fundamentally transform critical institutions: the IRS was turned into political enforcers / harassers, Holder turned the DoJ into a hotbed of radical leftists, hundreds of war-fighting generals were replaced by rainbow wokesters, the FBI was turned into a radical secret police force...and the list goes on. The Trump presidency provided a brief respite, but below the surface the corruption and radicalization continued apace.
With Biden's installation in 2020, Obama's third term has begun the process of building upon the foundation constructed from Jan 2009 to Jan 2017. With the Biden sock puppet yammering away incomprehensibly, the people behind the scenes have rolled out the policies that Obama was unable to effect during his eight years. As Biden is fed unceremoniously into the electoral woodchipper, irreversible damage is being done to the country.
Sadly, if the GOP weren't such losers, we would not be in this predicament. Therefore, we cannot expect a 2022 recapture of congress by the Republican Party to provide solutions. All our lamentations about the GOP being the Stupid Party were true enough, but we didn't realize soon enough that the tipping point had been reached. The 2020 election was possibly our last chance to stop the train before it crested the hill and began barreling downhill. So, take your pick. Was 2008 the most consequential election or was 2020?
2022. The midterm election is by Congressional district, on a local level, and if enough citizens are unhappy or Trumpsters, and alerted to possible fraud, it wouild be very difficult and even impossible to cheat and prevent a non-RINO Republican/MAGA takeover of the House, and the Senate as well. Investigations and a sweeping reform of the FBI, CIA and many Washington bureaucracies could be expected. If there were crimes committed.....
Not sure if you read CTH, but he has coined the term Fourth Branch of government comprised of the intel and law enforcement agencies you mention. In short, this Fourth Branch controls and overrides the other three. CTH has given a ver persuasive list of evidence and examples. In light of this, it's simply too late to rein in these monsters at the federal level. Even if you could fill the Capitol w 535 America-firsters in 2023, they won't be allowed to do anything like the sweeping reforms you want. Embrace reality: we are ruled by a gangster government that will never allow themselves to be voted out or reformed out. There is a reason why every member of Congress refuses to do the things necessary to expose the Fourth Branch (to say nothing of ending them): they aren't allowed. Whether it's bribery, extortion, or simple betrayal. It's a fantasyland to think any act of Congress or a president will change anything for the better.
I hope you are wrong, but if true you prove my point. In spite of widespread dissatisfaction with inflation, Covid restrictions, Afghanistan, the Ukraine, fraud in elections, etc., etc., the American voter has no input or control over what our government does? That would make this election the most important in our history, and all future elections would be an exercise in futility.
Correct, P. At the federal level, Americans effectively have no representation in dc. Which makes the midterms pure theater. But hey, let's alk be sure to donate lots of ca$$$h to the usual suspects because "the alternative" and maybe this time a miracle will occur and the Fourth Branch will put themselves in prison.
I expect you will not agree, but I see hopeful signs. It is common that people with power get arrogant and abandon caution, assuming they control everything. This last election when it turned out that Trump was more popular than they imagined the 'coalition' working to achieve the desired result found that to 'fortify' the election extreme measures had to be employed. This means illegalities. The Russiagate effort is certain to go down in the history books as a scandal, but instead of implicating Trump it could be that Huber will implicate Meuller and his cohorts. Similarly Jan. 6 will go down as a scandal, but it is not sure Pelosi will be the heroine. The all-powerful 'fourth branch' could go down as criminals. When J. E. Dyer said there is evidence on the last election not yet revealed. I believe her. Most of all, current events are generating a malaise in America I have never felt in all my years, dating back to FDR. The climate may be ripe for a non-violent, super-legal upheaval this country has never seen or imagined.
Lawrence, Obummer was unquestionably horrible. But.
Let's not kid ourselves. We live in a fauxtocracy. And it's been this way since WWII. The fix has been in with DC increasingly in the hands of a corrupt band of criminals who cooperate as necessary and stage elaborate theater to fool us into thinking any of this sham government means anything. Obama, Bush I and Bush II.. Even Trump, despite a few notable wins, was nonetheless responsible for what may turn out to be the single worst medical murder in history with his insane Operation Warp Speed which is killing somewhere in the range of 50-100,000 per Steve Kirsch and others (something Trump amazingly continues to boast about).
Maybe it's time for a real cleansing fire. One that burns all the way up to the canopy and down to the roots.
It's kind of like asking who was the worst dictator of the 20th century....
2008 was the worst because it allowed the installation of the anti-American government, along with massively powerful far-left NGOs, total dictatorial technocratic control, a uniformly propagandistic media, a radical indoctrinating educational establishment, etc. that controls essentially every policy made to this day at the federal level while training our people to be barking seals (just watch any late-night "comedy" show).
2020 was the worst because it normalized the theft of our elections, while at the same time illuminating the fact that "they are all in on it". There is no cavalry coming. There is no solution by election.
We are on our own.