The days of aircraft carriers and B-52s are over. I wonder what sort of military debacle our China hawks might bring upon our military. Is the second phase of a war with China going to be an attempt at depopulation by nuclear means? (the first phase being the sinking of the Pacific Fleet)

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I hope Trump or one of his confidants reads every MIH post.

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"It’s logistical madness to think that the US can project power to the other side of the world against a country like China. Whether we like China or not, we have to come to terms with that reality and act on that reality." Absolutely!

Reality will assert itself. I don't want our country to pay dearly and perhaps fatally for a few tendentious warmongering empire seekers who remain in "la la land," even including those like Colby who may maintain a tenuous connection with reality as long as it does not contradict their wishes.

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Colby is a self-serving, careerist hack. You have to push endless war to get ahead in US foreign policy, so he's staked out conflict w/ China. His twitter posts reflect that he merely parrots tired US foreign policy dogma, while trying for a fresh "realist" spin to distinguish himself.

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I have disagreed with Colby about China nearly every time I have read or listened to him. I see no reason to view China as our enemy. Just as I cannot see American boots on the ground in Asia in sufficient numbers to defeat China (or China/Russia/North Korea/Iran), I can simply not envision Chinese troops in North America. So I also disagree with Mearsheimer. I simply don’t see a good reason for a hot war between us…ever.

Unless we start it.

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The only reason applied, is money and self interest that drives all these policy actions. That's the "Reason."

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Does anyone take seriously that the Chinese are most concerned with…China? As in they have no intention of being like us, that the “metrics” we use to evaluate them are of no concern to them? That China does not want to replace the US? That China remembers well the past 200 years when the West/US came into China for their own benefits and this led to millions of Chinese deaths? Any one talking about China taking seriously the US/Brits saber rattling to the extent that they have moved digital infrastructure way away from the coasts into underground/Mountain bunkers? Trump has said that China is concerned about itself, and it should be, and the US should be concerned with itself.

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Nov 11
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The US is massively “penetrated” by the Chinese, and just about everyone else, and this was a choice we made: globalism - we will reap the financial benefits and everyone will become like us. We are only beginning to see that things will not work out this way. China is most concerned about itself as a civilization and reaching the apex of the next historical cycle in 100 or so years. The leadership are Daoists: those that were pro tech over time, but were defeated by the Confucianists and Buddhists. They have the wheel now and are very much utilizing Digital technology to propel them forward in the next generations. They tend to think more in terms of generations into the future than the West does.

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"The US is massively “penetrated” by the Chinese, and just about everyone else, and this was a choice we made: globalism - we will reap the financial benefits and everyone will become like us. We are only beginning to see that things will not work out this way."

Absolutely. But this happened long before "globalism". It began with the delusion that a pure secularism is possible.

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Excellent point Mark. Might these be connected at birth? Modernity, what came from the Print paradigm (linear/progress away from the Church) exploded into the Post-Modern Electric Paradigm. Before say 1950, we called globalists, Internationalists, following the Brits. We did not meed to go to China, or anywhere else, to evangelize. We could do it by Radio and then Television. Then we realized we could have them come here! Easier to try and make them into us: secularism will triumph because we are the leaders and everyone will follow us! Psy-ops became the way post WWII through the technology. Television effects included: you can be whatever you can dream of.

The Chinese opted out of globalism a few decades ago, but we did not recognize it. But they were happy to get our help for them to “develop.” Then they embraced Digital as the way to retrieve their own history, which is not secular!

One could argue that Trump (Orban? Meloni? Putin? etc) is an effect of us going Digital (DIY) and searching for lost “meaning” and realizing it’s not going to be secular!

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