Someday this whole facade is going to come crashing down. I try and take everyday as a new day, focus on the issues that matter - work, family, hobbies, etc yet, I have this creeping sense that things are spinning out of control. One day I'm gonna wake up and everything I worked for will be gone because of lunatics like NP. That a person like her can stay Speaker as long as she has says a lot about where we are today. DC is a cancer on the country. One that is metastasizing faster and faster.

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And I feel that in that vein it's getting easier and easier to know who to trust - I trust those in whose utterances is a form of the question "what is really going on here?" And I don't trust even a little bit those whose utterances contain nothing but an explanation of what is really going on here .

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On glancing through today's headlines I cannot find one thing our government is doing that is not either reprehensible or imbecilic, or both. There is certainly nothing that is being done in my favor as an American citizen. Much of the news is also patently ridiculous and not worthy of a moments credence.

I am told to believe Putin intentionally shelled a nuclear facility to release radioactivity just prior to his troops occupying the area. He intentionally shelled a hospital when his intention is to take over areas as a 'liberator.' I do however take seriously the story of Guy Reffitt, a J6er whose young son the FBI sent with a wire into the home to gather evidence against his father when presumably they thought they didn't have enough to convict by his actions in Washington. Yes, I believe the Ukraine bio-weapons story too. Mark, I know you don't like Trump, and can appreciate your concerns. However the only solution I can see for the mess we are in is for Trump to come back and blow the whole thing out of the water. Afterwards, when we become a serious country again, we can pivot to someone more statesman-like, someone who can speak straight to us and the world without considering the hype this generation seems to require.

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"Mark, I know you don't like Trump"

There's no possible way for you to know that.

"the only solution I can see for the mess we are in is for Trump to come back and blow the whole thing out of the water."

It's a job that needs doing. Trump has had himself injected so there's always the chance that he won't make it to that point. I'd like to see it, but there's the other chance that he doesn't actually have the stomach for it. I've heard from people who know him that he actually doesn't like firing people.

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Sorry if I jumped to conclusions, but you don't have much confidence in Trump. And you did correct me when I called myself a "knucklehead" saying you were referring to a particular audience at a fund raiser. To quote a few random comments you made:

Donald Trump: “They’re all saying, ‘oh he’s a nuclear power.’ It’s like they’re afraid of him. You know [Putin] was a friend of mine. I got along great with him. I say, Vladimir, if you do it, we’re hitting Moscow. I said we’re gonna hit Moscow"

Really? We're gonna go nuclear over Ukraine, and then Russia is bound to respond?

Why is he saying these things? They're not true. Trump would not have gone nuclear over Ukraine.

It's exactly that kind of talk--if it happened--that convinced Putin that he had no alternative to invading Ukraine. Trump was in no better position to respond than Zhou is now. Trump got lucky, and Zhou and his gang were stupid.

Actually, I believe Trump is simply lying. I don't believe he ever said anything of the sort, any more than I believe he and Putin were "friends". And there was no way Trump would have gone nuclear.

Re Trump, I feel similarly--but the stuff he's saying currently is very unhelpful, lining up with the Globalists.

It could be, that being highly intelligent, you find Trump's comments which are obviously aimed at a different audience and even to mislead his opponents, highly offensive.

No chief executive likes firing people. And even bad employees can be useful. Also you have to replace them with good employees, and in Washington where do you find them?

I, for my part, hold that since he has done the impossible in the past (not too long ago we were exporting energy) have confidence in him, and as a native of Brooklyn take everything he says in stride. Ever hear of Leo Durocher, when we had our bums, the Brooklyn Dodgers?

As for his having the stomach for it, I think he is currently evaluating whether we have the stomach for it.

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Those aren't "a few random comments" that I made. That is the entirety of the comment--in continuous context--that I made about Trump's claim that he told Putin "we're gonna hit Moscow."

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I never answer the ridiculous claims and falsehoods of the trolls. You don't engage in logic with people who don't know what reason is, as Swift said centuries ago. But you are super-logical, and you are quoting Trump. He threatened to bomb Moscow. Was he serious? Yes, he would bomb Moscow, if this escalated to WW 3. This would never happen with Trump and Putin in charge. With Biden and his cohorts I'm not so sure. He was immediately putting Putin on notice that there would be immediate and not very pleasant consequences should Putin act. Trump undoubtedly had a list of targets, none of which he would reveal, that he would choose from to attack and Putin could expect the price for his action to be too high. I recollect Trump complaining about the spying on him that was going on, and the media immediately attacked him for the language he used. Truth be told, the data mining was done in less conspicuous fashion, but Trump expressed his outrage in the most graphic manner, in a language that everyone could understand. You reproach Trump for this. I admire him all the more.

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you're way off - see Mark's commentary on Trump for the past five years.

Recently, Trump has been shilling for the vaccine and doesn't have a coherent response to the Ukraine war. This indicates that he still doesn't understand how Fauci betrayed him and the country; and it calls into question his understanding of the situation in eastern Europe and the WEF. It's these recent developments that your quotes reference.

Trump did an amazing job exposing and standing up to the corrupt media and deep state. But I'll be honest: I'm not sure he's the guy for the job moving forward. I'll vote for him, of course, but I think his success was due to his common sense approach to the economy and foreign policy. I think he thought at least the republicans would fall in line once they saw his success; I don't think he really understood that our leaders don't do common sense because they're serving masters other than the electorate.

But what is needed now is a complete tear down and rebuild. I'm not sure that he perceives that.

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You are being consistent and logical, as Mark always is. To understand Trump, and Putin for that matter, you have to understand that these guys operate in real time. They deal in results, not rhetoric. Trump holds his cards close to his chest, and lets you see what he wants you to see. That he could be so successful in enemy territory, Washington, is a tribute to his cunning.

You say "But what is needed now is a complete tear down and rebuild. I'm not sure that he perceives that." Maybe it is wishful thinking, but I think he does see that, and in their arrogance the 'swamp' have exposed themselves to being taken down completely. "We got 'em. We got 'em all" said Trump.

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That's a good example, mistcr--Fauci. Trump should be educating the nation about Fauci and the entire Globalist Covid Regime. He's not doing that. So where's his stomach for firing people like Fauci? I don't mind him attacking people like McConnell, but McConnell is far from the top of the heap directing things. He takes orders. Trump needs to be giving the big picture to Americans, and shilling for the vax and saying his Russian policy would be even crazier than the Globalist policy doesn't serve the purpose of MAGA.

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Trump is for him, keeping a low profile. He can’t fight everyone.

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He can't fight anyone. He has no official standing. Worse, anyone ever associated with him is subject to litigation. It is now his responsibility to educate us? I only hope he is not like me. In his position I would give up on the Country and have a good life.

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Mark, NP clearly suffers (along with Zhou and company) from NPD, narcissistic personality disorder. Pathetic that these people are our leaders. Not a serious country, as you say again and again. I am so tired of seeing her fake eyebrows, cheekbones and hair, but am shocked ( gobsmacked the Brits say) by what comes out of her mouth: vile mishmash. There is a hard-hitting piece at AmThinker on some of Kama’s absurd utterances…as if we needed more examples of a pea brain…woe are we as a country! Here in Versailles, Macaroni is hosting the sleepy “heads of state” in a belated attempt at “diplomacy” (i.e.putting icing on his re-election cake) - anither sock puppet who loves money… bon courage to you Mark for all your hard work!

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Yesterday marked an inflection point on the diplomatic/leadership front. National leaders, including the US, are now openly talking of finding a modus vivendi with Putin and Russia.

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Yes, albeit with much less leverage, but as they say, mieux vaut tard que jamais…

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Si ce n'est pas trop tard. Putin a tout interet a rester sur place.

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Which country is the bio weapon lab accusation going to have the most impact in?

My guess is European Countries…

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O/T, but a Biden apologist I know is pushing an article claiming oil and gas permitting has increased under Biden. Seems like part of the coordinated push to rehabilitate Biden ahead of midterms, but does anyone have a source for credible data /refutation?


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As Peter Drucker one told as part of an Accounting joke punchline, when an accountant was asked what the correct number was. The accountant answer was:

“What number do you want?”

Good start on rebutting:


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The inmates are running the asylum, Zhou, Kama Sutra and Nancy don't have half a brain between the three of them. Nancy is obviously on drugs!

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So Mark, can you give me the difference between sociopath and psychopath when it comes to people like Pelosi? I’m not sure she has a grip on reality actually. I’m wondering if it’s all coming apart for her? I mean trying to keep it all in the rails and she knows it’s a lost cause if you know what I mean. What an evil person.

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Matthew Crawford at Rounding the Earth substack has a series exploring the problem of the "kunlangeta" in society. Kunlangeta is an eskimo term for the psyco/sociopath. Their solution was to push them off the ice into the arctic waters. Our solution is to allow them to occupy all the highest offices of business, government, and education.

If we could bulldoze this all down and start over, we will wind up w the same problem as these kunlangetas are attracted to power and excel at doing whatever it takes to get there. The only solution may be a hyper federal country that doesn't present such massive opportunities for power and abuse.

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There's also the possibility that democracy is a failed experiment. Our system appears to be optimized for sociopaths, and it affects large swathes of the population, who take no intelligent interest is crucial matters that will affect them--preferring to live day to day only hoping to get by. Lowest common denominator.

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I hate to think so but you may be right. I'd prefer to think that government that is focused locally can more easily push the kunlangeta 'off the ice' and, worst case, these people will do far less damage and the last resort to move elsewhere is an option.

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RemovedMar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022
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I agree, it's distressing to me to read the nonsense propagated by people who have no excuse for not knowing better. All I can say is that the tide is clearly turning and these people are in for a rude awakening.

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