With Steve Bannon's arrest and probable future arrests for failure to honor a congressional subpoena, it appears that the donkeys are taking the slash and burn approach while they still have majorities in congress. Examples of Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder ignoring congressional subpoenas have been mentioned in reporting, without any repercussions. I'm not sure what the donkeys are trying to do with their dog and pony show, but it could blow up in their faces if the flashing red lights of a red wave in 2022 result in a complete wipe-out giving republicans a reason for reciprocity, e.g. as McConnell did after Harry Reid changed circuit court senate advice and consent rules. Any potential advantage they may gain diminishes the supposed apolitical DOJ even further and will be lost on the voters in 2022 after a cold, dark expensive 2021 winter for many voters suffering from Branden's insane policies...

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"Things in general are rapidly turning to sh*t—politically, economically, socially—and the Dems are stuck with Zhou, and they daren’t even think of pulling a 25th amendment move..."

Sorry, AT, you're stuck in the wrong paradigm. I completely agree with Sundance on this-- Sock Puppet Biden was always and only intended to be a weapon of mass domestic destruction, aimed to wreak as much ruin on America and push through as many radical commie policies as possible in 4 years. There is no 2022 or 2024 when it comes to Sock Puppet or Knee Pads. The Donks aren't "stuck" with them any more than an arsonist is "stuck" with gasoline and matches.

The Regime plays both sides, Uniparty style. See, for example, VA governor race where, oooweee bob, we got us a real firebrand in that Youngkin--- wait, what? CEO of the Carlyle Group? Kaboodles of financial ties to the CCP? In favor of the jab? I get the feeling that the Criminal Syndicate will take that kind of 'loss' any day and twice on Sunday.

And oh boy! Can't wait for Cocaine Mitch and Meadows and co to control Congress so we can get more of the same #^#^@ sandwiches we had every other time they've gotten the keys. At least we'll get a bunch of swell SCOTUS picks, 15% of which will maybe not vote in lockstep with the commie justices. Oh yeah, 2022 can't come soon enough.

The Criminals aren't playing the voting game anymore, except for the poor saps who still believe it matters and write up the hyperventilating columns about the gosh awful pickle the Democrats are in now by golly.

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It's the global elite versus the rest of us, just waiting for the rest of the rest of us to figure that out.

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She is a behind the curtain foot soldier, not a puppet in the spotlight. If she was placed in the open, everyone would only think "bathhouse Barry's mouthpiece".

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More Bad News For Biden As Real Wages Plunge

First the good news: wages are rising; now the bad news: prices are rising much faster than wages.

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Why not Susan Rice, though? Were they already planning for the inevitable shitstorm and didn't want to tank her? Knew it was going to pot, hopefully (for them) after the midterms. Now, it's just beyond anything salvageable unless the Corporate / Chinese run media steps in.

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Because Rice is not nearly craven or brain dead enough to serve their purposes. They needed 2 people on the ticket who would do absolutely anything as instructed including jump off a tall building when necessary. The *only* qualification was a pulse and abject moral turpitude. Sock Puppet and Knee Pads fit that perfectly.

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I respectfully disagree, Ginned up. Rice is both craven and brain dead enough to serve their purposes, but she is also wholly, entirely and completely Obama's creature. To have nominated Rice as VP would have tipped off anyone with two functioning brain cells WAY too early that Obama was planning on running a Biden puppet presidency from his Kalorama garage.

Heels Up Harris understood and understands that she owes everything to Obama and will do whatever he dictates. Cripe, she couldn't get to 2% support in the primaries.

The real question is - who is running Obama? Other than his ability to read a teleprompter, he has no skills and is too lazy to acquire any. You always knew when he used the phrase "a whole bunch of ______", that he was speaking in his own unscripted voice.

Have you noticed how many abjectly stupid, inept, venal, entitled, arrogant people are in the Biden administration? - Biden, Harris, Kerry, Blinken, Milley, Psaki, ... ... ... (the list is endless). All are followers, none are leaders.

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Just a hunch that the Benghazi lies she brazenly vomited out on all the Sunday talking head shows was a bridge too far for Biden's campaign controllers. Plus, she has never been a retail - or any other kind - of politician. She's always been a swampy creature.

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Guessing. Did they consider she had too much baggage?

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Long ago I heard the "scouting report" on Rice read: "does not play well with other children."

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