Thank you for sharing. "The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend." ~ Robertson Davies. Every day I comprehend a little more.

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I was thinking about The Second Coming a few days ago.

When I was in Iraq during the oughts, The Second Coming was being sent around. Many of us were thinking of the shear lunacy of many aspects of what was occurring....

Those depredations seem tame compared to today

Civilization as we know it keeps circling the drain...

Every time I think: it cannot get worse; but, of course, it can -- and will.


May the Blessings and Promise of Christ's birth be with you, Mark, your wife (and her recovery), and those reading this comment, throughout the New Year.

Happy 2023, hang on tight.

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Mark, I am simply amazed you posted this poem - a few comments back I mentioned it, as it is so filled with dreadful images of the mystery of Christmas - but in spite of the “bestial” imagery and how Yeats supremely conveys our desperate predicament, in both faith and politics, I extend to you and your family, as well as to all fellow commenters, the joys of Christmastide.

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Thanks, and Merry Christmas!

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The Fourth Turning.

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The rough slouching beast - Davos Man and his utopian but totalitarian plans for man’s redemption? Typical - satan imitating Jesus

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Thank you for sharing! I would never have heard this otherwise. Wonderful!!

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