I hope the EU and DC keep on upping the sanctions. The more they do this, the quicker the economic alternatives to Dollar domination develop.

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So sanctions via the resort to lobbyists to reverse or ameliorate them become a major contributor to

the corruption of all the individuals and governments involved. Shamir's article from 2016 perfectly delineates a picture of all this in regard to Russia. http://www.israelshamir.com/article/the-untouchable-mr-browder/

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Funny, I don't remember voting for sanctions against anybody...

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Or voting to oppress other countries.

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We didn’t vote for most of the nonsense happening anymore. So much for “We the People.”

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No, and you’re correct! Sanctions aren’t a viable, reasoned and carefully studied economic policy. They’re anything but! More like a form of bullying, punishment or blackmail, a sort of enforcement of the menace, “you’re either with us or against us.” Doesn’t surprise me that the current brain-dead regime has authored most of them, out of spite and senescence combined.

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RemovedJul 25
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What happens if the individuals concerned really are behaving like Hitler?

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I'm not part of any community. I have never resorted to an argumentum ad hitlerum--any comparisons to Hitler here are based on fact. I'm not going to preemptively censor myself by making vows of any sort as to the content here. YMMV.

Have a nice day.

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