For a different take, try the Thomas Paine podcast. Potty mouth but is miles ahead of most patriot sources out there. He was calling bs on the Scamdemic in April 2020, way before almost anyone.

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I agree strongly with your conclusion, Mark. Way more power and money have migrated to Washington D.C. than was ever intended or imagined under our Constititutional order. They extorted and bought off the states. The remedy is local control and local accountability. States need to be weaned off the feds. How that happens practically I am not sure but strong, populist Governors are a must and local elections must be honest.

I agree with Morabito. Vigilence is required, as animals are at their most dangerous when cornered.

The story on Mexico IS an eye opener even to those of us who try to follow what is going on there. If all of that badness comes over the border (and as of now it is), in as few as 10 years the cartels will have their hooks in OUR politicians to the point where WE nationally are "New Mexico" and our National Guard are trying to keep the peace between cartels and factions.

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So much in your article here! I will read it again tomorrow and share it.

Good job. Now we know that Direct TV is canceling OAN! And Fauci spoke to the World Economic Forum Davos annual meeting. He sounded like a reasonable Doctor and a real human had possessed him? Truckers in Canada have organized a huge caravan at the border and it’s quite a thing to see. The police in Spain say they will no longer do the dirty work of the corrupt ruling class. They say other European countries police are also fed up! Godspeed to us allπŸ™πŸ’―

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Stop calling them "our elites". Just on general principles. They are neither 'ours' nor better than anybody else. They are garbage people. Snobs. Enemies. Address them accordingly.

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My wife was listening to The Business Hour on CBS radio. Whoever was on was saying that the economic mess we're in is directly traceable to the unprecedented shutdown of the economy, and will probably get worse before getting better. That may be good news long term for the nation--in focusing popular rage at the proper targets.

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I also have been wondering what the next phase of psychopath globalist domination is. Little things like Gates stating that the vaxes weren't working along with others like CNN's potato head changing tunes make me wonder if they really think Covid was a dud or if they are trying to fool us with the tide flowing out just before the oncoming tsunami. The fact that they are still forcing jabs on certain groups such as military and now the truckers crossing the Canada border seems like it might be a prelude to stir up more societal anxiety. The one that currently keeps me up is when the market bubble pops, it's going to dwarf the great recession by miles. The debt is also insane and I wonder if Build Back Broke was just a great way of not only lining their pockets, but accelerating us to be the mother of all defaults or worse, just taxed into poverty.

That said, we can chose to play along with crazy or simply reject it. I for one was delighted to hear what both the VA gov and AG have already done which I'm sure was shell shock to the wokesters. Right now, the focus has to be on not allowing Schumer to sneak through cheat by mail and it he and the wicked witch of the House are stopped, a lot should crumble. At least here is the US.

Let's just hope Tony the evil Gnome and his buddy Xi don't have any more bat soup recipes in the oven...

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