Mark, thank you so much for your perception and clarity in describing "The New War." This description and the supporting info, while not being a surprise to those of us who follow you daily, is invaluable. I have Ctrl+C'd the first three paragraphs of this post both as a reminder to myself and as valuable information to share with others. It is the best succinct description I have seen of our current circumstance. Too often I find myself short of time and negligent in conveying thanks to you. So my apologies for the belated thanks. IMO, your posts and writing just keep getting better and better. Many thanks for all your posts!

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Oh, you're very welcome!

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Ok, did Borla really say this or is it a fake?


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So yes, it seems to have been edited.

"THE TAPE AT THE LINK BELOW WAS EDITED. WHAT BOURLA REALLY SAID WAS ‘WE WILL REDUCE THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO CANNOT AFFORD OUR MEDICINES BY 50%’………………Pfizer CEO: “By 2023 we will reduce the world population by 50%” Schwab: “You are a purpose driven company”


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Oh !

I guess I should not be surprised. Maybe false, but it seems like all the actions are directed toward that goal. My magic 8-ball says:

"Signs point to YES"

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Yes, but are any of these knuckleheads able, or perhaps willing, to see this?

I’ve seen nothing up to this point that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling about the elites depth of insight or willingness to compromise in order to prevent the whole house of cards from collapsing. All I see is an intractable group of people so convinced of their own infallibility, that they would be willing to risk nuclear war rather than change course.

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I don’t think they are even aware there is an issue, besides a potential one of losing in the midterms.

But, fortifying the elections may be enough for them to keep power…

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It seems inconceivable that this would be the case, but with this group all bets are off. If they do somehow manage to remain in power, I see no way that the republic survives.

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I’m still amazed the Trump coup happened, who aided and abetted it, and all the resistance during his Presidency.

Putin has made this into an economics war of Keynes vs Hayek. Keynes believed you could spend your way into prosperity, and that has been the economic gospel for almost 100 years. The Neocons / Western Elites walked right into Putins trap.

If you think about the elite push for a digital currency, that forces money to be used, it all aligns.

Two rap videos that do an incredible job of explaining the difference in economic philosophies. I know, Rap? I found them after a cartoon mentioned them of a wife looking at a husbands phone history and finding them…



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Someone wrote in his column recently that American investors have lost $20 trillion in this great reset since the stock market plunge began this year. That wealth will never be recovered. It is the price being paid for our being bankrupt. Even if there appears to be a grand stock market “recovery” of epic proportions it will be with inflated “dollars” worth who knows how much less than what was lost. Brandon has willfully destroyed everything he and the cabal behind him have touched. So sad to be leaving this mess to my grandchildren.

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Easy come, easy go, right? Someone's doing OK.

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I'm intrigued by and sympathetic to 'Friend George''s analysis but/and would like to read more. Can you provide a link to his whole piece?

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I'll have to ask him. He sends me pdfs, which is a bit frustrating in some ways. Those pdfs, btw, contain multiple items--this is a fraction.

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Is there any way your readers can get on his list, if they wish? Thx.

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I'll ask.

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The looting of America. The liars and thieves our society elevates to the top positions of influence and decision making will be our downfall. Our society is broken.

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The way to spur domestic growth in the real economy is to decentralize banking aggressively, create community banks that lend to community businesses (which may in fact do global business, but are local to the BANK) responsibly for productive purposes. This is a war against central bankers and their oligarchical confrairs. Valhallanetwork.dao is one entity pursuing this strategy. Need a movement in the US maybe led by Solari/Catherine Austin Fitts. Trump needs to embrace. MORE COMMUNITY BANKS.

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Denninger has written about it a number of times but the key to our economy as well as a manufacturing one is energy. With Brandon purposefully destroying our energy infrastructure as well as the ability to create energy, I don’t see how we’re going to ever get us out of this mess. They seem to think that if they turn the screws hard enough everybody will buy (or rent) electric cars and it’s all going to be much better, but there’s no way to get there since we already have issues with our current electric grid in terms of reliability as well as long-term capacity. Not to mention the failure to do other things to create energy such as nuclear and coal. Mandates such the recent ones for ultra high mileage vehicles, as well as their continued hobbling of our current fossil fuel infrastructure can only lead to a disaster and whether planned by forcing everyone to accept a brown new deal or crush the US for a great reset, It’s going to hurt “bad”.

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It’s a religious issue that fossil fuels are evil, and it causes global warming! or was it cooling? Something bad anyway.

And since our elites are isolated, they don’t see the pain.

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If you are one of the useful idiots like AOC, yes. If I had to guess what's on the Soros destroy America plan, the top priority is to cripple energy which reverberates all though our nation from food creation to transportation to just keeping the lights on and the fridge running. Couple that with what he's done with regards to prosecutors, election manipulation, and other aspects, he's certainly landing a number of body blows on America. So, my point is if we don't stop the squelching of energy, soon, it's going to get a lot worse, and the useless idiots who think Telsas for all will address this perceived problem are just adding to their momentum that's going to lead us to a lot of pain even before the Fall elections. (assuming they even are fair)

I need to go and study how Venezuela went from well off to where they are now and I'll bet there are a lot of similarities??? Ex: You don't need your 2A as the gov is here to protect you at all times...

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Re Teslas: who in their right mind is going to fork over $66,000 for a Tesla? Or Renault’s behind-the-curve Mégane E-Tech, which is shown in a commercial in a deserted city (à la 1930’s Spain), alongside charging horses ( horsepower, or, horses for you but EV’s for me…). Unspoken: the cost of lithium now, and the toxicity of the EV batteries as they decay…more lying, more hypocrisy.

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KD has written several times re the crazy toxicity and energy use of EVs as compared to petro based fuels. Can't put my hands on one of them now.

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As usual, i will take the black pill position here and lay down heavy wagers that November will make very little practical difference in 2023 and *zero* difference in shaking loose the criminals running the DC mafia. The entire federal system is an illusion, a racket to distract us from the con and make us rubes think there's actually some utility in this voting thing. Fortify your state and local government by all means but the sooner we embrace the reality that we are now living in a criminal Oligarchy the sooner we can devise effective solutions.

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Georgia’s election results stunk. The degree of election fraud corruption seems to vary from state to state.

Once a state has progressed to one party thru structural fraud, can fair elections be restored? I’m very pessimistic on California.


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Exactly. When you get to California and New York levels of fraud at the state level it's over. That's what is really meant by "Blue State"-- a state where the fraud is so pervasive and so irremediable that there is no, meaningful electoral system. One party rule.

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Their means to our end.

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May 28, 2022
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"The volume of the commodities sold is how Russia's economy could be larger."

Neither Luongo nor Putin, for that matter, are concerned with metrics per se--except as they may obfuscate matters. Putin's point yesterday was precisely that sanctions provide an opportunity to grow Russia's domestic economy in the direction of more value added end products, and away from being strictly a producer of base commodities. That prospect is probably very scary for Neocons. Right now the value added component is heavily weighted toward national security products.

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May 28, 2022
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But there's no reason that Russia should remain a commodity-export based economy. They have excellent tech sectors, as witness their military sector. That's no longer just mass production of simple weapons. Their science is first rate, too.

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May 28, 2022
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As always, it will almost certainly come down to their system of incentives. If they can manage to properly incentivize in favor of a more developed economy and against enough of the obstacles that get in the way of that, a more developed economy will come.

The hard part is almost never the raw ability of the populace but overcoming the corrupt political systems that keep the people from flowering and flourishing. Russia can be anything it wants to be if (and what a big IF it is!) it can incentivize itself in that direction.

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May 28, 2022
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You're right.

Regardless of who wins in Ukraine, the world has changed and is changing.

Fifty years ago China was impoverished and undeveloped with GDP of about $100 bln. This year they'll have over $15 trln GDP. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/CHN/china/gdp-gross-domestic-product.

China and Russia both excel in STEM education. Russia has an enormous upside if it can harness its potential and vanquish its demons. Both have demographic and other challenges, but Russia and China together will be formidable competitors.

Perhaps the US could use a little 'real' competition.

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