The plight of the West is the loss of belief. What we’re seeing now is that there are some people, the Anglo-Zionists, who retain belief—belief in themselves as destined to rule—who continue to manipulate the controls of society and governance. They can still do enormous harm, but the responses they get when the manipulate the controls are no longer entirely predictable, because the Subject Class is slowly catching on. This article about Ireland, a minor player in the world, could be a parable for the rest of the West. The Irish Subject Class are looking for alternatives to their Ruling Class while the Ruling Class looks for alternatives to their Subject Class. Sound familiar? More and more Irish resort to the traditional Irish remedy of voting with their feet in Times of Trouble, but there’s a new twist to that:
“Because Irish voters have no way to replace the uniparty government, the uniparty government is moving to replace Irish voters” Wendell O’ Willkie argues the uniparty of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have rendered Irish democracy dead…
Ireland’s Growing Democratic Deficit
As we can see, Fianna Fáil-Fine Gael are becoming less and less popular over time.
In 2007, they sucked up nearly 70% of the vote.
In 2024, they got barely over 40% – meaning that a large majority of the Irish population voted against them….
Yet they rule regardless. Just as in 2020, almost 60% of the Irish people cast a vote against the incumbent uniparty and saw that same uniparty reemerge like a zombie after it has been run over by a car in a horror film.
The following chart shows Irish-born migration together with the unemployment rate…. as we can see, emigration went up with it as people went abroad in search of work. But as unemployment has come down, emigration of the Irish-born remains stubbornly high.…
Dissatisfied with the way Irish society is being run, and unable to vote a new government in, Irish people are voting with their feet, and they are leaving. To fill the job vacancies in a country with falling unemployment, enormous amounts of immigrants are being let in.
That should all sound extremely familiar, because the Western Ruling Class is screwing up just about everywhere these days:
France now one rating cut away from falling out of “High Grade”. At that point they’ll be in the same category as Estonia and Iceland. @EmmanuelMacron got distracted by war and ego and is fast becoming the Fifth Republic’s worst ever President.
Moldova, not in the same category as Ireland, except in its extraordinarily strategic relation—a hop, skip, and a jump away from Odessa—was recently added to the growing list of countries large and small (with the US c. 2020 at the top of the list) that have undergone regime preservation election fakes. And now the Ruling Class, well …
I regret to inform you that a demented man in the White House is currently wrecking everything. If you encounter him please avoid him, he is extremely weak and pathetic but he is also desperate and unpredictable.
There’s always an exception to the rule:
Colour Revolutions no longer work, except to alienate other countries and push them further from the West. They require a party’s MPs to defect amidst protests. But once everyone sees how the trick is done and expects the protests ahead of time, they just ignore them.
And Syria is a large scale and very tragic example of how predator nations and rulers are taking advanctage of chaos whenever possible:
Philip Pilkington @philippilk
The Syrian thing is so sad. Everyone in the West knows - within days - that the fall of Assad does not clearly further Western interests but they’re leaning into the virtue-signalling hard. Foreign policy itself has become a weird simulacrum for regime legitimation.
ADAM @AdameMedia
Erdogan says he’s ‘reclaiming’ parts of Syria:
Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand
What's happening Syria is probably the most incoherent geopolitical event I've come across, and the more you look into it, the more confusing it gets.
I mean, just look at this list:
Chaos is a tactic.
Any time you see something ‘weird’ it’s because you’re leaving out a variable you hadn’t considered likely because it’s a new thing. The variable:
Is Erdogan a Great Man changing history, or is he a guy riding a tiger? How about Western politicians. I don’t discount the effect an individual can have on the course of history, but I tend to believe that rulers and their class, to varying degrees, reflect societal dynamics—virtues, pathologies. Pilkington writes:
If you still don’t get that enormous, multipolar changes are happening in the Middle East you’re not paying attention.
But how about the West?
I see the Turks and the Israelis and the Americans rushing to the mics to declare victory in Syria. It’s a bit too early for that isn’t it? What’s the prize?
Relax your mind. Imagine the unimaginable.