Apologies for being off topic, but I saw this Anton piece linked by Revolver.news and found it quite worth reading. Anton thinks the self-immolation of the USA is Unprecedented.


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"If I were framing the argument, I would argue that the drivers of the genocide are in the Deep State."

I don't know about everyone else, yet my deep concern for the future for my children and grandchildren drives me to cope with increasing levels of cognitive dissonance in search of the truth.

From all that I have read, the dominant vector points to the hidden hands of opaque central bankers and those who control the monetary system as the ones who have the motive, resources, and mechanisms to align over 190 presidents of supposedly sovereign nations, media, entertainment, education and etc. to push the experimental gene therapy initiative and subsequent global misery. Are central bankers the deep state?

To ferret out our real enemy we must be willing to set aside socialist political correctness. There seems to be enormous and generational deception and disdirection being used and a master plan hundreds of years in making. Could this provocative Harry Vox video featuring a speech given by Louis Farrakhan point to an avenue worthy of our investigation? https://www.bitchute.com/video/F61mnERR1VRJ/

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The global scale of it all is the thing that I struggle to grasp in a unified theory.

Obviously the US is immensely influential, but there must be limits. A China-U.S. axis would extend that sphere of influence, and there does seem to be evidence of that (beyond the lab work) when the U.S. and WHO persuade countries to stop using early treatments, as in Costa Rica.

But everyone can't be hoodwinked, and also everyone can't be in on it.

The central bankers are as good as any theory, but probably needs to be expanded to include the Blackrock-Vanguard nexus.

I understand Deep State to refer to the unelected government, so I refer to these other non-government elements as the globalist cabal or something like that. Certainly the Deep State is largely sympathetic to the globalists, and perhaps Mark is using them interchangeably.

I maintain my belief that we're witnessing the rise of the ten kings from Revelation 17.

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My research pointed to Blackrock and Vanguard as institutional instruments of the central banker hierarchy. IMO, a banking cartel as we have seen cartels for drugs and oil exists. This has been going on for hundreds of years and they have now grown more powerful and sinister - Going Direct, Jackson Hole WY, August 2019. I need to learn more about Revelation 17 - as the amassing of wealth and power may date back to the Babylonian era. Welp.

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There's no need to trace a lineage back to historical Babylon.

Chapter 17 gives us the advantage of actually telling us what its images mean: Babylon the Great is a future entity that embodies all nations/peoples/tongues, produces immense wealth for the world, and leads the world into great sexual immorality; referencing an earlier image (ch11:8), it also combines sexual immorality (Sodom), slavery (Egypt), and great religious fervor (Jerusalem, 'where also their Lord was crucified'). If this doesn't describe America, then it is an entity that looks, tastes, and smells exactly like America. (I suppose it could refer broadly to the West with America as its pinnacle expression.)

The ten kings are described as non-state actors ('who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour') who help to destroy Babylon-America and lead to the eschatological end game.

Suggest you read Triumph of the Lamb by Dennis Johnson. He would probably resist my direct linkage of revelation imagery with specific nations or current events, but he does a great job of explaining how to read the book and understand it's use of OT prophecy, all in about 300 pages.

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"everyone can't be in on it." But everyone can know what will happen if they stick they're necks out and attempt to fight the good fight. That's more than enough to make it look like their in on it, since it buys both silence and cooperation, willing or not. Just look at how our doctors and nurses shut up and obey orders, knowing their patients could and should receive the effective treatment that's out there, knowing the adverse events should be reported to VAERS, etc. Politicians the world over are no more brave or principled than our nation's doctors and nurses, and this should surprise no one.

(Alternate version of above: that whole idea of "pour encourager les autres" or "the tall grass gets mowed" is not given nearly as much blame as it deserves for the evils in this world, and it's more than enough to explain the nearly universal silence from public and private actors alike.)

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Generally agree, and with the threatened Great Reset / Global Public Private Partnership structure it appears worlds politicians of (formerly) sovereign nations will serve as policy implementers of the new grand scheme.

"everyone can't be in on it." Or, has a robust system of carrots (reelection, debt funding, stewardship of the global commons) and sticks (weather control, regime change, murder) been gradually and masterly constructed leading to a tipping point of compliance - checkmate?

Begrudgingly I've reconciled myself to recognizing and accepting my role as an American Dream slave - to the capitalist system - of debt, greed and consumption. It seems this same system on a macro level has captured the Healthcare Industrial Complex, MIC and polititians - money is the root of all evil. It seems precious little freedom actually exists today.

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I think it's the case that the consolidation at the top where we could say Blackrock "controls" Big Pharma through financial /fiduciary means which controls Big Medicine and "controls" portions of gov thru regulatory capture, and Big Medicine controls administratively all hospitals (research the consolidation of hospital services over the past decade) , and Blackrock controls Big Media the same way, and Big media has a virtual monopoly on the discussion in the public square and puts out the propaganda it is their corporate mission now to disseminate and so we conservatives see articles in local newspapers, on local news broadcasts touting the "shortage of ICU beds" across the state putatively, it is implied, because if delta or omicron or ..it's never quite made clear, and never mind that it is the business model of a modern hospital to keep beds as full as possible and historical levels of a profitable hospital is upwards of 90% of capacity so not really a crisis or emergency at all, but every unsuspecting normie out there is made fearful and anxious over the spectre of hospitals in crisis/ no room for you at the inn when you need it. This top down control does have it's drawbacks and I am of the opinion that as successful as they seemingly have been in implementing this plan and when we look at it in the way they want us to see it, for all that they have, as is their habit, overlooked human nature, and overlooked the invisible hand of ever ramifying micro-events, ie the actions of real individual people in their real lives at ALL levels of society, and whether they are in on the plan or not. My Marine training taught me one iron-clad principle above all else: in combat you can have a plan and it's good to have a plan, but that plan WILL go to shit within 5 minutes of kicking it off. Human Nature. Ramifications.

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Indifference to human life is not necessarily genocide. Genocide by definition is targeted at a particular national, racial, or ethnic group with the object of exterminating them. This isn't that. Thus, the author is sensationalizing his argument - not a good look. OK, I agree that a "crime against humanity" has been committed absent of genocide - by the knowing withholding of efficacious and life-saving treatments to many thousands of people.

What the crux of the problem and argument comes down to for me (based on the evidence thus far) is money. The Bible tells us "the love of money is the root of all evil" (1 Timothy 6:10). Well, the pharmaceutical companies have plenty of evil at their disposal and they are looking for more. Did anyone see that Pfizer just settled the Opioid class action lawsuit for $5 Billion - with a B? That apparently is a drop in the bucket for them and they consider it equity for doing business and killing untold numbers of people. Why should COVID be any different?

Then there are the seemingly countless number of pols who are either payed off by them or have investments in them or are scared to death of them. When has a pol of either party in Washington criticized them? Maybe never? Then there are those who Fauci controls by his holding the purse strings controlling federal money for research studies. Will the potential recipients in the scientific community ever criticize "Mr. Science" because of - well - science?

No it need not be a grand conspiracy. The every-day greed and fear of politicians, the medical establishment, researchers, colleges, health systems, and doctors can explain all of this all by itself.

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There's a better word for this: "democide".

And it is absolutely deliberate. Look at what's going on in Russia, for example. None of that is attributable to Pfizer et al or any other US actors. WEF, perhaps. You've seen Klaus Schwab's book? The "Deep State," as I understand it, is not really global enough to blame for this.

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Interesting theory, but I really believe that pharma is just one of the tools being using by Schwab/Gates/Soros/et. al to further something bigger. They've been working on this for quite a while evidenced by investments, patents, and other related events evidenced in Dr. Breggin's book which highlights the inter-relationships with Fauci, Gates, Daszak, and others and things such as NIAID ownership to vaccine patents before the "release". Gates was investing in several of the pharmas that just magically were able to create a brand new technology/never been used before "vaccine"(s) in just a short few weeks with the aid of supercomputers and AI? In the words of KD "Bull****".

I would though say if this is what it takes to wake up the 40%, meaning Pharma/money/corruption, at least we would be stepping back from the abyss. For some though, it's almost hopeless. My in-laws just got boosted and don't see anything wrong with it since they don't want to be tied down and not permitted to travel. I do see that, but I'm not sure they are aware of the risks and as such prefer to stay in denial.

We'll see what happens, but in the meantime, it is encouraging to see Brandon's mandates getting struck down and perhaps that will allow more time for more folks to see the light and push back at least here in parts of the US and maybe eventually other parts of the world. my 2 cents...

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I agree with Z-Twig. I am ready to believe almost anything when it comes to this thing but intentional genocide? Can't go that far. I listen to Daniel Horowitz's podcast and he's all over this thing. Doctors every show, etc. He's done an amazing job detailing all of the stuff going and I really appreciate what he puts out there. I have Ivermectin in my house because of the info he's out out there. He's also an "intentional genocide" guy and that's where I disagree. It puts people off and they think you're a nut. They think you're a nut anyway but... Unless someone comes up with smoking gun evidence of that I just think it's out there too far.

Maybe these money hungry fools are fine with people dying. I'd believe that. I watched Glenn Beck's program about where this thing came from and how Fauci, et al knew that it got out. They ran around trying to cover their asses, etc. The story behind that is supported by evidence and I'd be all for imprisoning those a-holes for that but, to believe they are internationally allowing millions to die?? Prove it and I'm all in with you. Until then I'm good with hating the hell out of everyone behind whatever is happening. Doom on all of em.

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It's really a question of means and ends, I think. The ultimate end could be (for example) some form of what we're commonly calling these days the "great reset," with one of the key means to achieve that being the massive slaughter of innocent human beings (and the political freedoms that can be destroyed in the chaos) via the all-out war against anything that actually keeps the virus death toll low. OR…one of the ultimate ends could be the deaths themselves.

I definitely lean more toward the needless deaths as being less as an end unto itself and more as a necessary means to the age-old ends of power and control, but even if this is so, is the act any less murderous? "Gosh, we didn't really want to have to see countless millions die completely needlessly, but it was necessary to achieve our vision of how the world should be” (or to secure unbelievable wealth for Pharma or whatever).

There's a very fine line, I think, between "money hungry fools [who] are fine with people dying" and mass-murderous governments / power elites deciding that the killing is a goal in and of itself. I see the tyrannical governments and power elites as the prime movers in all this and Pharma as a willing and indispensable accomplice,* but they're both so mind numbingly guilty that I don't see much sense in saying that one is of them is genocidal and the other merely greedy. They’re both plenty of each in my book, however the means and ends shake out.

*No way Pharma doesn’t know how totally treatable this virus is. That it actively suppresses this knowledge makes it guilty of far more than just greed.

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"It puts people off. " I guess that's worse than letting them kill themselves. Let me ask you something, when you say "smoking gun evidence what are you thinking of? Would covering up the 1223 deaths from an experimental gene therapy they knew for a certainty was doing those 1223 no good at all, would that be a smoking gun?

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I am speaking strictly of convincing people that "the Government", Big Pharma, etc are committing genocide. You don't have to convince me that something nefarious is afoot. I'm all in (except on the willful genocide part) but when you're in conversation with people how do you convince them of that? They don't want to listen. Many, if not most still get their news from major media outlets and they're brainwashed. Getting them to listen is like talking to the dog. They'll do some tricks but, really listen?? Ain't happening.

Your comment about the deaths might be smoking gun for me but for the 90% of the people in my building who submitted themselves to a booster shot today??? Nope.

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I'm about to write an alternative theory--something that I probably should've done yesterday.

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Just 2 items that should put Fauci and Rick Bright in a Cuban prison cage, 1) Evidence provided by RJFjr and others showing the outright suppression of early treatment and efforts to restrict doctors through threats to not treat early and not disparage the junk jabs. My Primary care doc yesterday confirmed the threats part while I was in for a checkup. 2). The millions of doses of HCQ that Trump got early one were made unavailable for use on purpose. Also in RFK's book. These people are monsters, not fools, although that may play out in the end. tbd.

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IMO, Malone needs to be careful about linking to these kinds of extreme theories. It will be used by his detractors to discredit him.

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It could only be an "extreme theory" if it weren't convincingly demonstrated, in ways that couldn't possibly leave a shred of doubt to the Fauci's and Pharmas of the world, that the virus is totally treatable if treated early. As long as one assumes this to be the case, then those who have all the power in the world to make this early treatment happen are knowingly causing these millions of needless deaths worldwide. I'm not saying that "genocide" must be the one and only correct descriptor, but if it's not mass murder of one form or another, then just what is it?

Put another way, if millions of people have a deadly disease and I alone hold the medicine that will cure them all, what crime am I guilty of I if I dump that medicine into the sea and deny it ever existed to begin with?

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And we had patents on the system going back years linked to you evidencing your attempts to create the disease?

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Who are you to tell anybody to "be careful"? Much less anonymously warn a very courageously public person far more intimately familiar with the scientific , medical, and ethical details of this "virus" and these "vaccines" than I am sure you are? Seriously, what do you mean, "be careful"? How do you know and on what basis are you calling the theory at the link an "extreme theory". Theories can be crazy or wrong or abstract or cockamamie, but I'm struggling to figure out how a theory would be extreme? Should Dr. Malone refrain from tweeting or linking to anything but what his detractors won't use to discredit him? Please .

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I probably shoulda left this part in:

"... happy to increase all cause mortality by 5% to 15% every year and keep it going for decades until they reach their goal of total control over a much smaller population."

That's what he means by "The genocide this time is slow." "Slow" is a relative term.

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The problem is that they'll be disproportionately killing off the authority lovers.

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And creating a wrathful mob of the injured and bereaved, with shortened lifespans, less to lose, and perhaps hungry for revenge. Not all frogs boil at the same rate.

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The troublesome secular priests behind this must have very, very good security details. But in time, that will not be enough.

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