This is the statement that stopped me in my tracks to self reflect.

"It’s difficult to be optimistic that Americans will reflect rationally on the current crisis and demand rational policies be followed."

My thoughts are around what evidence do I have that others around me understand this? Take my wife. Love her to death. She gets her information by watching ABC Nightly news and 60 minutes. No chance to get another perspective from Fox or similar.

What I mean by sharing this is if things aren't or can't be as bleak because there is no sensation or stimulus to it then it must not be true. Gas prices by me just crossed the $4.00+ lexicon. That doesn't bother my wife. Inflation / cost of goods increases.. doesn't bother her. Signs/signals we become aware (e.g. currencies etc.) of because of blog's like this or having a critical thought don't come easy for most Americans. We are slaves to what we're presented. Further, her Ukraine attitude e.g. "over there" and not on our doorstep, so why should I really care? Clueless as to the catastrophe that could result from growing financial and economic situations.

"Playing with fire" is not self-evident to most Americans I fear. Only pain and suffering will cause the American populous to rise to the occasion. How will this happen? Don't count on the government to be candid, truthful, or honest. Count out the MSM too.

This is gonna be brutal. Burnt bridges are in fact... burnt

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Just remember. 10% goes to The Big Guy.

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Remarkable that Macgregor still thinks voting will change a thing.

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Caught this on line. "Recession Worries Rise After Downbeat Data" Not important. We got Trump on his 39 separate payments, or is it his 39 accountants. or maybe we just have the 39 accountants, and we are about to indict the other side for accepting the 39 payments, and then it will become clear to everyone why this was a RICO conspiracy to do a more elegant job of stealing an election than the one we pulled four years layer.. Just kidding, of course. They ain't kidding.

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Can I put this idea in two forms?

(Luongo) Powell is de-dollarizing Davos as it were, by sinking the eurodollar with our shiny new SOFR and raising our interest rates. The screams can be heard from outside the solar system; Voyagers 1 and 2 have called in a wellness check. Local control of our fiscal policy by local control of our monetary policy is beneficial in the near term and the long term despite considerable near term pain. Will the airbags inflate. Davos (and its US affiliates) will no longer have leverage over US monetary or fiscal policies? Reconstituting the US as a nation-state from the dollar up?

(MacLeod) BRICS are literally de-dollarizing by selling dollars for gold, insulating themselves from SWIFT, and accepting payment for oil in non-dollars. OPEC in particular is going to turn the screw by reducing production, heh. Dollars are returning home from the BRICS.

Between Powell and Putin et al, it feels like our "friends" are staging an intervention.

To answer MacGregor's question, will voters compel a shift away from endless foreign wars in the upcoming election? No. Powell and Putin and the rest of the world need to cut us off from the bottle. Our elections lack integrity and there is no correction: we can't outvote the margin of corruption if the margin is effected in the code.

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I work in the Gold Mining Industry in Aus. It is well known that "paper gold" far exceeds "physical gold".

Major countries switching to a gold standard will put a run on gold, as those with paper gold will be forced to buy real gold to cover their positions.

Currently, production of gold is looking to fall in the long term as all the easy to find ore has been mined already. Only lower grade "not ore" remains. But if the price of gold increases, "not ore" becomes ore and production of gold will increase.

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Hey wait -- can *we* have a gold standard? Or is that just for commies and despots?

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"Russia is capable of destroying the dollar." No way! Our Congress will beat them to it. Modern Monetary Theory, dontcha know! The more you owe the richer you are.

Anyway the only war that really counts is the war against Trump.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

Thank you Mark for this Meaning in History Substack and your work bringing us the information you do. It certainly is more than entertainment; I'll suggest it's critical info.

I know finances can get tedious, but as you suggested here, the Ukraine/Russia Kinetic war is tied directly to the Financial World War going on.

Simplicius the Thinker posted an exhaustive, if wonky, Russian financial status article the other day.


I'm not an economist, I just try to be a responsible 'tax paying citizen' and attempt to be informed. After reading that posting by Simplicius, I'm far less confident in our country's leadership's ability to do it's job to protect us and the USA generally. So much we're told to believe is illusionary if not outright fraudulent.

I'm going to take time to consider view and review the links Mark provided, leaving further commentary to you folks who're far better qualified. I appreciate this forum and value all readers (and Mark's) comments and info. Thank you all. (WrH)

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