Well, the good news is that at least we're more or less talking about this openly now. That's the first step in the long process of riding these parasites from the body politic. Also, the massive irony not raised in the discussion is that for all this towering and all-pervasive influence, Israel is in the worst state it's been since 1973, possibly even 1948. A US government controlled by AIPAC has overseen an Israel that has lost its moral authority and military dominance, that faces enemies never more united, and which is riven by internal and insoluble dissensions. Maybe AIPAC is being funded by the Iranians!

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About time. DC has been Israel occupied territory since at least 1967 when they attacked USS liberty who was monitoring another Israel atrocity and killed and maimed over 100 sailors and it was swept under the rug. They tried to sink the ship firing multiple torpedoes on multiple passes but did sink the collected evidence and inquiries in DC. Probably goes back even further like JFK didnt want Israel to have nukes...but they said some commie Oswald shot him when JFK was making peace/arms control overtures to USSR. Made no sense but everyone bought it in DC and MIC boomed.

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Incredible. You could take that fourth sentence, beginning with “A US government…” and invert it (calling all shrinks!) to read: “An Israeli government…has overseen a US that has lost its moral authority and military dominance, that faces enemies never more united, and which is riven by internal and insoluble dissensions…” Symbiosis? Symbiotic? Sick, anyway, and at the root of this is money. If you support us, we’ll pay, and pay we did. With our honour and our blood (Iraq!) and now, in the person of Blinken, risen from Yonkers to the halls of power, with our credibility. Daniel Davis does one of his deeper dives on the subject of Mark’s post - without a guest - refreshing! but very disconcerting. It’s very courageous and straight talking, about how we let Netenyahu humiliate us, scold us publicly, and we just take it! Link below

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Absolutely. It works both ways!

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N. is pretty obviously psychopathic. I took that as a ploy to try to force the US to commit to joining the war that Israel wants--which is the US against anyone in the Middle East that they point us toward.

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An ungrateful psychopath too. At this stage, I hope he works out his psychopathy to its fullest extent and takes on Hezbollah.

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Yup. Blinken better “screw his courage to the sticking point” if he has any.

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NB: what worries Davis is that our failure to exert authority and tell Israel NO, in other words to set limits, doesn’t just hurt Israel (he uses the word “suicidal” in connection w Israel taking on Hezbollah), but it harms the US by leaving us weaker and vulnerable.

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As with Ukraine, the Deep State's actions are achieving the very opposite of what they aim to do. At this point, you can almost see the hegemony draining down the plughole. Amazing times. Let's hope we survive them!

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