
The Truth About the UK Election


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It’s Keir not Keif Starmer and Jeremy Corbyn not Corbin 😊

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Is there a difference between the US having a non-sentient being as President, and the UK having a sentient being as Prime Minister? Maybe not. The placeholder provides a face for the rubes and a hand that signs the papers they are told to sign. Entirely wrong?

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Pretty accurate I'd say.

The other travesty is how Reform achieved a higher percentage of the popular vote than the LibDem party (both in the region of 12-14% iirc) but the latter has 71 seats.

The notion that George Galloway is "the only politician in Britain who opposes Israel's genocide of children in Gaza" is not quite right. Jeremy Corbyn very much stands with Palestine and a few others likewise. But we're talking a caucus of less than half-a-dozen.

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Alex C of the Duran crew mentioned that yesterday in his personal Youtube update and that an upcoming Duran episode with Alex M. will cover this topic.

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Megatron @Megatron_ron



οΏΌοΏΌ The British Telegraph now openly admitted after the new elections that Israel had won the UK.

"Goodbay Galloway. This was a triumph for Israel," the media reported.

Galloway is the only politician in Britain who opposes Israel's genocide of children in Gaza, and lost his seat in parliament at this election.

The Telegraph has knowingly or unknowingly admitted that Britain is now under the control of Israel.

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Reform's ability to win 4 seats should be seen as revolutionary. They faxed media censorship and even a dirty tricks campaign by channel 4 who appear to have hired an actor to spew racist language while pretending to be canvassing for Reform. On top of that, despite having 14% of the vote share according to polls the media 'regulator' Ofcom only allowed them 8% of media air time. Most of their candidates had to campaign alone without a party machine behind them, yet in about 100 constituencies they received enough votes to put then in 2nd place. It was an awesome effort that afforded them a total of around 3.5 million votes across the nation. One of the reasons Sunak called a snap election was to catch Reform on the hop, yet they still got 5 MPs elected. It's unheard of. Our voting system is incredibly unfair and today there is a real air of fear everywhere I look. No one wanted Keif to win. He stands for nothing but what his globalist pals want. His party is filled with rabid left wing ideologues and has so many factions that the infighting will begin almost immediately. Forage has started a revolution that will come to pass at the next election. Until then most people are going to start hiding their money and valuables under their beds in preparation for the tax tsunami that is coming our way. We just Bidened ourselves.

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So many typos - it was late when I wrote this...

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Not heard of "media regulator" before. Sounds a bit socialist.

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Blair brought it in. Totally a control mechanism to censor / control media. They've now been given control of social media via the 'Online Harms' Act

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I'd like to think that the public Zhou debacle could lead to a wave of revulsion against the political establishment. I'm afraid many conservatives have not yet grokked the complicity of the GOPe.

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The entire video is fascinating, IMO. Highly recommended.

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I fixed Corbin to Corbyn.

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Keif to Keir.

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No, that was deliberate.

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I appreciate Mercouris' optimism, but am balancing it with Morgoth's review,


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Mercouris calls Farage's election a "revolutionary moment."

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SMP also collapsed.

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I think you mean SNP.

Although SMP is an acronym for slow-moving proteinase, which technically could describe the SNP. πŸ˜‰

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LOL! I think you're right. I was relying on the Youtube transcript function.

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The Labour party is on borrowed time--they're losing their base by bowing to the Israel Lobby and the popularity of Brexit. The Tories are dying.

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