Bitter laughter over this farce. We're worse than a banana republic at this point as the inhabitants of countries ruled by the generalissimo at least *know* the sham under which they live. Here in the good ol USA way too many of us still live under the illusion that laws exist, that elections are real, that a criminal justice system exists, that the federal government is anything other than a criminal cartel etc... Every time we express surprise or outrage about any of these headlines only serves to show that we still don't understand the nature of the servitude under which we live. The only genuine shock should be that anything works or any of us are not yet rounded up.

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Two areas beautifully covered up:

1. John’s, besides a bit of sliming of Trump.

2. Intel agency (us and/ or Israeli) involvement / blackmail angles.

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The famed Settlement Agreement with Epstein and Prince Andrew and others has now been ordered to be unsealed and docketed on the public record by 1/3/22


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This is not far removed from the story in John 8, where the men bring the adulterous woman "caught in the act" for judgment but can't be bothered to bring the man.

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Just another Deep State tentacle. It protects its own. Its inhabitants laugh at us.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 30, 2021
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