The answer to the corruption of the Dept of Justice is extreme federalism.

My proposal is the US Attorney General and dept heads are appointed by the Attorneys General of the states, serve at their will and can be summarily fired. No Senior Executive Service, no 'civil service'. Independent from Congress and the Executive branch and granted authority to prosecute anyone in the federal government as well as enforcement of federal laws.

It is a mistake to have all of the prosecutorial powers of the US government subject to the whim of the next presidential popularity poll. Breaking agencies away from the shadow of the God-King will provide stability to the government. It will also increase the likelihood that the USAG will prosecute clear violations of laws in face of political opposition because the games DoJ has played for decades do not help the States.

And note that this change does not require a Constitutional change. The office of US attorney general and the Dept of [In]Justice were created by act of Congress. What Congress maketh, Congress can changeth and taketh away.

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It'll end like the Stasi and all the rest of these precocious Panopticons: drowning in information, no way to handle it all. When people start playing the system against them, and filing "frivolous" reports on each other en masse, it's all over. (No, "AI" won't help at all.)

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022

Imagine a link analysis of articles at "Meaning In History"-- the topics, the noms de plume, the comments, and relevant metadata (IP addies, etc).

MIH could almost be thought of as a front for a FBI cyber-citizen honey-trap 😆

I denounce myself.

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Just think of all the "manufactured events" (per a comment in the previous post by Shy Boy) that can be ginned up with so much raw material being collected. At a bare minimum, it will make for a very detailed database on who plays for Team Reset and, more importantly, who does not. (No moral hazard there, right?!) It's the stuff of any good surveillance-stater's wet dreams.

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Resistance is Futile.

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"the shear magnitude of the information being captured is overwhelming their resources."

I can't imagine why you would say that.

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The only consolation at this time is that the shear magnitude of the information being captured is overwhelming their resources. In that way, that seem to be going after the low hanging fruit -- at least for now. Maybe, at some point, they will just round us all up for convenience sake -- like the Nazis did with the Jews. Is that what all of those FEMA camps are for?

My evidence to their incompetence would be that they have stopped few school shootings or mass shooting events. I suspect if they were more successful, they would be crowing about it. But, maybe they are being quiet because celebrating a success would give away their trade secrets. I would guess, though, that if they are searching literally everywhere for information, they are not able to piece events together as well as they like. And, likely, increasing video evidence shows they were/are a part of some of these events -- sometimes as instigators, sometimes as just observers surveilling the crowd.

It is nice though to see one of our intelligence collection agencies moving back to HUMINT, instead of relying so much on SIGINT. Just the wrong targets!

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This will only stop when the time comes that people pay a personal cost for this behavior. As long has they can participate in tyranny without fear they will.

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