In the UK, the numbers of people over the age of 60 and unvaccinated has been under 250K since September (and is surely smaller now).

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Reality setting in. I have pointed out several times and on several forums that the vast majority of the unvaccinated in the Western world are under the age of 18. The case loads everywhere in North America and Europe are vaccinated people for the most part, as are those who are dying. This can't be hidden forever.

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No question that reality is starting to set in. What is as troubling as any other part of this mass delusion is the FDA asking a judge to hold data on Pfizer molecules for 55 years; it's unprecedented (as is the sudden lapse in VAERS reporting - adverse events required by FDA). Part of that reality is also the fact there are many, many groups that have formed demanding* transparency from multiple medical disciplines.

Groups like "Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) include seasoned pro's like Professor Harvey Risch, an epidemiologist at Yale School of Public Health, and others affiliated with Harvard, UCLA, and Brown....that's but one single group demanding answers through FOIA; there are literally dozens now.

I work every single day with FDA regulatory boards; these are lawyers hired by the pharma companies that hire us. I can tell you anecdotally there is a growing level of unease within these boards as it pertains to risk and their dwindling ability to mitigate.

My team has quietly made comments that over the past 3 months, it appears from their conversations with their boards 'a message' has been syndicated & that it's now just a matter of time before this narrative implodes and people begin being held to account.

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Linguistically speaking, it seems to me, once people opining in good faith, like Mark in this post, no longer feel the need to give the benefit of the doubt, then we will have crossed a line. Scientifically illiterate idiots they are not. Nuremberg II trials for the lot of them. Where are the people of conscience? The obfuscation in the Lancet article is pathetic. Yet they feel the need to publish it. Once we drop the obfuscation the COVID POLICIES will be more and more clearly seen for the criminal acts they are. There's no sugarcoating the truth of the immense damage that has been done.

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You touch on a fascinating and vital issue, HH. I, too, track the language being used by both commenters and bloggers and i find that there is unmistakable movement towards a more red pilled mindset, a realization of what measures must be taken.

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A question I have not been able to answer is how do these companies produce so much vaccine so quickly? Did they already have huge factories and they just needed the formula? Are these the Bill Gates factories they were talking about building in 2020? Where does this stuff come from and how is it made at such a scale?

Whenever I search for this all I get is talk on the development, not the manufacture.

I'm not talking conspiracy, but as an engineer I'm really interested in how they pull off the scale of the manuafacturing.

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I have the same questions - I worry about the quality control at such large scales. Seems almost impossible to ensure that the exactly correct amount of stuff is in each of the billions of little vials.

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Z, don't be under *any* illusions about so called quality control as you put it. There is none. I point you to the RFKjr book just released. It documents quite extensively the sickening (pardon the pun) disregard Big Pharma and their FDA CDC NIH NIAID whores, led by Fauci, have for public health and safety. Read the book and you will rethink everything you thought you knew about vaccines, drug safety, the approval process, scientific standards. In short, we have been living under the reign of what Lara Logan rightly called a Joseph Mengele in Fauci, subjecting all of us and our children to experimental injections for the profit of Big Pharma and federal bureaucrats. Hanging is too good for these people.

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Just be glad we don't line in any country that starts with Aus.


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Yes, the only surprise is that anything remotely resembling the truth is being allowed out of the censorship zone. We can hope that the constant battering of reality on the barricaded doors of the brainwashed normies will eventually break through and the People will rise up in righteous anger over this Scamdemic mass murder.

In that vein, i hope Mark will devote a post soon to the Robert Kennedy Jr book, The Real Anthony Fauci. I'm nearly done and it's excellent. Blood boiling stuff. How a villain like Fauci wasn't jailed decades ago is inexplicable. How Trump failed to see what a slimy, treacherous barnacle of bureaucratic filth Fauci was is nearly disqualifying for future office.

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Not nearly. Is. DJT deserves our eternal gratitude for making them rip their masks off, but if we want to win, he is not the Jedi we are looking for.

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Just think of the issues we could avoid If we would of held ground on the constitutional restraints of government.

The question really shouldn't be about this vax or any of the other health and insurance related grains of rice in the bowl. The real question needs to be under what authority is the government mucking around in healthcare period.

Ignore the details, it's a loosing argument... these things need to be wholesaled.

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Just think how well I could fly if I had wings. The crimes committed here WILL NOT BE ignored. I guarantee it.

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A guarantee in government accountability? If you're an AAG with a plan I'm listening?

I'm not a betting man but I would definitely lean to the side of the typical anura arse bumping of implied and qualified immunity winning the day.

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The other thing no one is remembering from high school science classes is that as viruses mutate the become less deadly, not more. Though I don't know how artificially modifying human DNA affects this mutation affect. All this new variant hype is just more lies. I don't think it will work this time unless they just fake all the numbers in all the countries again.

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chuck: More infectious and less deadly/severe is the way it's supposed to go, as you say, though it's a total wildcard (and maybe you already know all this) what will happen when the jabs are as leaky as these are and then widely administered right into the teeth of an ongoing pandemic of a high-mutation vaccine. As was shown with Marek's disease in chickens given non-sterilizing vaccines (epidemics.psu.edu/articles/view/leaky-vaccines-promote-the-transmission-of-more-virulent-virus), such flawed vaccines can make it so that even with a highly virulent virus, the infected host's symptoms stay mild for a sufficient length of time for the viral load to build and then infect others. Only after this point does the virus overcome the vaccine and make its hosts feel sick enough to isolate themselves from others (i.e., stay home in bed or check in to hospital). In this way a really nasty virus can "beat the system" and be both highly transmissible and deadly at the same time.

I have zero evidence this is happening or will happen, but it's supposedly out there as a theoretical possibility, fwiw.

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Yes, I understood that science determined decades ago that you can't vaccinate your way out of a pandemic.

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Here's the portion of the study related to the Israel breakout. I'm still mulling it over, but wanted to point out that it was back in July. Note the table in the study.


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I just have to laugh when I read stuff like this:

"This suggests some waning of immunity, albeit still providing protection for individuals without comorbidities."

Aren't people without comorbidities already at extremely low risk anyway??? Total nonsense.

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It's all pathetic obfuscation. The criminals are daring anybody who can reason to call them out.

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Well, like me, the people who read this blog have known this since last spring. I personally expected this, and this is why I didn't want to get vaxxed. My employer did not know this because like the mis-informed he listens to the media and the government.

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Bad cattitude and Alex Barenson on substack (and Steve Kirsch) are excellent sources as well)

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I'm sorry, I forgot to add--I got the link from Karl Denninger.

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