
"his lack of probity and integrity with a knee-jerk emotionalism resonant of a school-girl"

That pretty much sums up the personality type that rises to the top of bureaucracies--membership in the mean girls' club, regardless of gender.

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Keep Your Saw Sharp

Using Michael Hayden...and Merrick Garland...and Dick Cheney... and "Joe Biden" himself to defend the Biden Administration seems crazy and, increasingly, desperate. As do many, if not virtually all, of "Joe Biden"'s domestic and foreign policies. Certainly, the continuing efforts of the West to somehow win the war in Ukraine seem a fool's errand. Is it possible that the entire house of lies is coming down?

A theme which is attracting considerable attention both here and elsewhere is the extent to which the Western "globalist" powers, led, of course, by the United States are engaged in a 'war' to maintain global hegemony. The main opponent today is Russia, as evidenced by the conflict in Ukraine, but there are indications that other nations, including China and India, and the rest of the BRICs, and other countries, as well, such as Saudi Arabia, are increasingly opposed to the global hegemony of the U.S.

A few days ago Russia held the 10th annual Moscow Conference on International Security. On this occasion both Vladimir Putin and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu gave speeches explaining the foreign policy of Russia and Russia's view of current world events.

Putin was utterly blunt in condemning the actions of the United States and NATO and in describing his view of the world situation. He said (in verbatim translation),

"The situation in the world is changing dynamically and the outlines of a multipolar world order are taking shape. An increasing number of countries and peoples are choosing a path of free and sovereign development based on their own distinct identity, traditions and values.

These objective processes are being opposed by the Western globalist elites, who provoke chaos, fanning long-standing and new conflicts and pursuing the so-called containment policy, which in fact amounts to the subversion of any alternative, sovereign development options. Thus, they are doing all they can to keep hold onto the hegemony and power that are slipping from their hands; they are attempting to retain countries and peoples in the grip of what is essentially a neocolonial order. Their hegemony means stagnation for the rest of the world and for the entire civilisation; it means obscurantism, cancellation of culture, and neoliberal totalitarianism."

You can read his entire address here: https://archive.ph/VIfLL

Defense Minister Shoigu made similar remarks.

Of course, the Russian perspective on the world military-political situation is little noted in the Western media. I searched extensively for reports of the Moscow Conference on International Security this morning and could only find a Washington Post article attributed to an AP writer.

Here: https://archive.ph/HLfRq

But this does not mean that Russia's increasingly formally articulated view of the meaning of the war in Ukraine and the conflict with the West is going unnoticed. The astute London-based commentator, Alexander Mercouris, devoted a large portion of his daily videocast to the subject a day or two ago. You can watch it here: https://rumble.com/v1gcy61-putin-shoigu-pitch-russia-as-main-opponent-of-globalisation.-part-2.html

There is also evidence that other countries outside the U.S. sphere of influence/dominance are increasingly moving towards the Russian perspective. We can see this in some of the actions taken by China recently (although China's position is undoubtedly complex and difficult), as well as other of the BRICs countries, some African countries and even the strange bedfellows of Iran and Saudi Arabia.

I offer all of the foregoing to Mark and his readers simply for the purpose of showing how domestic opposition to the Coastal Elites and the Deep State, as extensively documented on this site, and international opposition to what Putin calls the "western globalist elites" may be coalescing around certain agreed upon facts and principles. It appears that these "elites" are increasingly engaged in a desperate effort to hold on to (what Putin calls) hegemony and power both at home and abroad...at all costs.

How else to explain the increasing irrationality of "Joe Biden"'s domestic politics where, for example, his agents raid the home of the ex-President in search of a crime or raise taxes to reduce inflation, and "his" foreign policy where billions of dollars are printed to prolong a war in the poorest and most corrupt country in Europe which is causing tens of thousands of deaths and which, objectively, cannot be won. Of course, there are many, many additional examples, many of which Mark and his commenters are chronicling.

Where does this all lead? In all likelihood to greater turmoil, divisions, dissent, and, yes, violence, before there is any resolution. But it is hard for me to believe that the increasing evidence of venality, dishonesty and wrongdoing of the 'elites' does not eventually do them in. As Michael Smith, another blogger here on Substack, has written,

"Truth will out. Reality exists. Natural laws and natural rights exist. But perhaps the greatest advantage is that this weaponized state is so centralized, when one part falls, it all falls. That is the greatest weakness of a totally [politicized] state, it is just as fragile as it is powerful. The greatest of redwood trees have been felled by a single saw cut in the right place."


Perhaps we are closer to victory than we think.

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Thank you for that analysis. Your commentary on how to interpret the actions of Russia/China with respect to the Great Reset has largely been my perspective for several months now. However, more recently I have been left wondering whether the globe is being intentionally split into two camps with both sides (mostly unknowingly) being worked toward the same end.

An analogy would be the situation set up in the Star Wars prequels, where Darth Sidious helps to foment galactic crises in such a way that splits the empire into two warring factions (the Republic and the Separatists), which then allows him to work his way into control on both sides. Regardless as to who wins the conflict, he is set up to be the ruler.

My questioning in this regard follows discussions that were held at last week's True the Vote symposium/meeting in Arizona. A large portion of the meeting was spent discussing Chinese infiltration into our institutions and their influence on our elections. One of the recorded interviews was with a guy named J.R. Nyquist, who is presumably well-versed in Soviet and Maoist tactics and who has for the last 20-30 years been studying the spread of communism around the world. In this short interview, Nyquist notes that Putin is a devoted communist and warns people to be very wary of claims that Putin is a traditionalist, nationalist, or even religious. Granted, I don't know much about Nyquist, so I would be interested to hear from others on Mark's blog who can either support and criticize these claims.

The video to which I refer can be found at the link below. This is the second part of the True the Vote meeting, which was broadcast by RSBN and can be found on Rumble. To specifically see the discussion with Nyquist, I think you need to fast forward to approximately the 2:10 to 2:12 mark. His appearance follows that of Dr. Peter McCullough.


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I watched the Nyquist clip. I’ll first say that at this point in the continuing exposure of the divisions between Left and Right, and the tactics and strategies of each, I won’t be surprised to discover anything, including the possibility that Putin turns out to be a closeted anti-Christian, truly “Communist” enemy of true conservative Americans. Its interesting and helpful to understand better what everybody across the political spectrum is thinking these days (even when the thinking turns out to be less than persuasive).

I do concede that the rapprochement of Russia and China makes in some respect for strange bedfellows if Russia is in fact a conservative, nationalist, Christian state and China is truly an atheist, anti-capitalist (?), Communist state. I suppose the relationship could make more sense if Putin and Xi are secretly fellow travellers.

But…Nyquist doesn’t convince me that this is the case. I am more convinced that Putin is a conservative nationalist who wants to insure the national security of Russia and wants to lead Russia down its own independent path and that the division is really one between an increasingly corrupt and authoritarian Left in the West, led by Globalists bent on global hegemony, and the rest of the world which, for better or worse, seeks to develop independently of the heavy thumb of the West.

If Putin is in fact deep down inside a Communist, the far left Progressive, socialist wing of the Dem party sure doesn’t act like it. Aren’t they convinced that Trump and Putin are partners? Of course, I suppose there is a (conspiracy) theory that Trump, too, is part of the controlled opposition and is actually an agent of the Left…

I suppose I am also persuaded by Putin’s stated reverence for Solzhenitsyn, an avowed anti-Communist if there ever has been one. As well as Alexander Mercouris’ stated belief on his Duran videocast, the other day, that Putin is not a secret Communist.

At the end of the day I guess I don’t much care who Putin secretly is…independent of what he actually says and does. I am mostly persuaded that nuclear-armed Russia does not pose any existential threat to nuclear-armed US/NATO and that the United States has enormous long term advantages in terms of inherent wealth, geography and natural resources which insure not only our survival but also our relative well-being. I am not persuaded the US has operated with transparent good intentions in its dealings over the last 30 years with Russia and I’m not persuaded we have legitimate national security interests in defending an obviously corrupt Ukraine.

I wish we could come together and focus more on the obvious problems here at home which need to be addressed before even more harm is done to our national project.

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Nyquist appears to be a guy with no actual qualifications except that he writes books and pushes warmed over cold war grand conspiracy theories that appeal to people who still live in that past.. Color me unimpressed.

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"Nyquist appears to be a guy with no actual qualifications except that he writes...and pushes...theories..."

Well, I guess that applies to me, too... :-)

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Do you sell your ideas? Do I sell my ideas?

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He's a whore and I'm just a slut...


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Thank you for your reasoned response. I think you are correct about monitoring what people do, not what they say. This is he same admonition made by Luongo in his latest post. Time will tell, I suppose.

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Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou take a deeper dive into Putin's speech yesterday on the Duran. For those interested, you can watch it here: https://rumble.com/v1gfgft-putin-takes-on-globalists-live.html

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Pence has been renamed, he is now known as Dense.

Gen. Hayden always reminded me of a certain Looney Tunes character . . . Elmer J. Fudd .

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I was once stupid enough to go against City Hall. You don't win. President Trump did it and won. The proof-all the good legislation he managed to implement for us has now been reversed by the present regime, as a matter of principle, and look where we are now. How did Trump manage it in the face of universal opposition? I don't know, and the rest of you don't know either. I suggest we stop bad-mouthing Trump and get on his bandwagon.

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Another example of Trump’s super power to pull off the mask, and reveal the true person.

Too bad it was not working when Trump was vetting him for vp.

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Mash potato face

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Why do they fill they’re faces with mash potatoes? I’ll never understand the vanity.

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A million dead Arabs were unavailable for comment.

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It is quite true that today's real Republicans are the most dangerous group of people to the illegal coup that has taken over the United States government.

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It looks as if Pence is more one of them rather than one of us

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Pence is continuing his long slide to oblivion. Joining such luminaries as Jeb!!!!

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I’m surprised Pence is that tone deaf.

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I always wondered about him vetoing the religious rights bill in Indiana.

I shouldn't have wondered. It's all pretty clear in the rear view.

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Yes, his capitulation on that issue was a preview of things to come. Pence was just another leash on Trump, along with most of Trump's cabinet.

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