Nothing new. The Israelis used to call it the iron fist. Basically you level everything. A sniper shoots at you from a skyscraper...you level the whole building. Its the same tactic the Nazis used in WW2. As long as you do not care about civilian casualties or future hatred/revenge of the victim and families, it works on a very temporary level. These people are egotistical sickos.

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Israel will never be safe.

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And that is their own fault.

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Well, yeah.

But my point is...if it will never be safe, it will be a garrison state. It will be fundamentally uninhabitable. Normals (Western European and American Israelis) will leave. No place to run a business or to raise a family. The economy will (further) implode.

But where will departing Israelis go? What is the friendliest country in the world to Israel? Which also happens to have open borders and no meaningful immigration laws?

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Why not Ukraine AKA big Israel?

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When Julian Assange was Editor-in-Chief, WikiLeaks exposed the Dahiya Doctrine.



He is also the only western journalist/publisher to interview Nasrallah. https://www.bitchute.com/video/zHB00dQmjLgX/

For 3 months since arriving in Australia, Assange has not been seen or spoken publicly.

Next week he will be appearing in Strasbourg as part of a "press freedom" event. https://pace.coe.int/en

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I just checked & the airport in Beirut looks to be systematically cancelling all flights in or out of Lebanon, so they are apparently expecting to be hit. I always take Al Mayadeen reporting with a grain of salt, but there's an article on Hezbollah return strikes & one on the Houthis supposedly going after some USN ships, both dated today: https://english.almayadeen.net/

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27

"If we just engage in despicable acts of terrorism and acts counter to all international law and basic human morality, we can get civilians to have our opponents leave their area!"

Really? Civilians will make Hezbollah do anything? That's the story you want to go with instead of just admitting that you're conducting genocide or ethnic cleansing?

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How does this mentality differ from other Middle East terrorist groups? It’s almost as though they use the same playbook.

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Total war threatens during the American election? Better call off the election and have Kamala continue in office to ensure a steady hand on the wheel, ha.

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T: I’m fully expecting some kind of “Houston we have a problem” event too! I just don’t see them letting Trump back in office and I’m equally convinced that NOTHING, no matter how extreme, is beyond consideration with these people.

Whatever it takes to get the job done!

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See I'm right: In the New York Times, retired US Army General Stanley McChrystal says that

"Ms. Harris has the strength, the temperament and, importantly, the values to serve as commander in chief. When she sits down with world leaders like President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, representing the United States on the global stage, I have no doubt that she is working in our national interest, not her own."

Who is writing these lines? Why are we hearing them? As with the reasoning in that NSL4A letter.

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Stanley is a kowtowing ingratiator. He is in the same boat as Keene, Petreus, Hodges and McCaffery. He is not to be trusted.

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McChrystal has TDS and went full BlueAnon a while back, can't say I'm surprised at this kind of dem worship.

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Waiting on "Mad Dog" Mattis to drop his letter of endorsement.

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A rather weak endorsement . Meeting with people you agree with is easy. Let’s get a read on how she would handle adversaries. I fear for such an encounter given her limited intellect.

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She could always show her strength by threatening to cackle at them.

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🤣………well done, diss1

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27

They couldn’t get the monkey pox fear going enough to affect the elections so maybe full blown war with martial law would do it. I do have my tinfoil hat on.

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This is insane. US must stop Israel. Why on earth does Biden-Harris admin allow this beserk entity to keep escalating?

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The money.

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Removed (Banned)Sep 27
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Immoralism free zone.

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