May have more to say tomorrow (and haven’t read any comments yet, either), but two points: the seemingly smarter Twitter accounts I found through the whole Covid ordeal (those which earned my trust) said Huff was an asset and Malone, too (ie, not to be trusted). Have to wonder if this whole “revelation“ isn’t what Will Schryver calls a “Limited Hangout.” Some truth mixed with the narrative they wish to be adopted. With that said, the whole Wuhan exchange made zero sense unless They either desired to discern China’s biowarfare capabilities or they wished to lay the groundwork to later pin it on China. The other point is, of course, this wasn’t an accidental leak, and it didn’t occur in November. We really are in a space where you feel unsure about everything.

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I'm trying to assimilate all the disparate points of view I'm hearing and watching about how the war in Ukraine winds down...I just want to stake out my perspective here...

I don't think there is going to be a Russian offensive in the near or mid-future. I think Putin and Shoigu are going to let the Ukrainians annihilate themselves in the meat grinder indefinitely...until there are no more Ukrainian soldiers to sacrifice. But it is by far the lowest risk approach in terms of Russian casualties and risk. I think all things considered Putin is on the risk-averse end of the spectrum. This may take a year or more. Then it will end.

Will Russia move against Odessa or Kiev? I'm inclined to believe Russia eventually takes Odessa and establishes total control of the Black Sea. Why leave this door open for whatever remains of Ukraine. Kiev? I'm not so sure. Kiev looks to me like a viper's nest. I'm not sure why Russia would want to assume responsibility for this place. The game will then come down to what the rump Ukraine will look like and how Russia will insure that it is permanently, and effectively, neutralized. I don't think this 'war' ends until Russia is absolutely certain Ukraine is neutered, er, I mean, neutralized.

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"Using USAID as a cutout, the CIA was seeking to monitor global bio-warfare capabilities. USAID, of course, is officially an agency for distributing and administering “aid,” but there is a large amount of evidence suggesting that USAID is a key part of the Deep State."

Interesting to connect the dots...CIA...USAID...Samantha Power...Carnegie Endowment for International Peace...office of Barack Obama...Harvard Kennedy School...National Security Council...U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations...back to USAID...

Deep State indeed!

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And iirc, USAID is under the domain of the Dept of State. DoS & CIA often seem like one identical agency to me.

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If it was a package, disease and cure, don't ya think the cure should work?

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The cure did work. For them.

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Just as planned.

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"work?". Not needed if the package itself has pretty low lethality. It is interesting though, to look at the adverse drug reaction #s (ADR) as a function of mRNA batch over time ( https://knollfrank.github.io/HowBadIsMyBatch/batchCodes.html and https://www.howbad.info/clusters-toxicity3.pdf ) : the trend for Pfizer COVID mRNA is that the rate of adverse responses declines from high on the earliest batches to much lower on batches produced later. The appearance is of something 'cleaning up' internal to the production process.

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It’s interesting how far science and research has come and how their positions on health have changed. At one time science was used to benefit mankind. Science was used to improve the health of mankind by extending life and developing ways to combat disease, provide medicines that ease suffering when in the thralls of sickness. Now they are using research to destroy life, artificially create sickness in order to increase suffering and instead of extending life they seek to extinguish life over ideology. The Malthusians, the neo- puritans of such rigid ideology, remain steadfast that only a select group are saved and in modernity they seek to force people to perform good works to be saved, but only if those good works are for the greater good which they determine and compliance to their ideology is mandatory. All this is done to assist our elites in their lust for wealth and power over mankind.

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Looks like Fauci is going to be "Bidened". He's being lined up to take the fall.

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Sometimes you swallow the worm, sometimes the worm swallows you.

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Sep 29, 2023
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That's not at all mean, Frank. Personally, I'd have him hung, drawn and quartered, broken on the wheel, and castrated. And then be forced to listen to Taylor Swift's greatest hits.

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Sep 29, 2023
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Castration might add something.

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From what I picked up…

Defense bio research is create a deadly virus to figure out a cure / defense.

Since creating an offensive virus / bio warfare is banned.

The threat of Covid was a big up and coming threat war gamed by the elites prior to the actual release.

So Covid was being “investigated” with defensive research to develop a “vaccine”.

Bio Warefare with the technology development has become a lot easier, so it’s a huge potential threat. So l’m sure the Intel agencies jumped at this new threat to dramatically expand their budgets.

And the WEF disciples / deep state saw Covid as a huge opportunity to restructure society and get rid of Trump. And China saw it as a huge opportunity to weaken the West.

5th generation warfare is all about creating doubt with lots of chaff, so it’s hard to discern the truth.

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From the evidence, it doesn't seem that it was a massive, pre-planned and globally co-ordinated conspiracy. It seems that the virus leaked from the lab and from then on in, as you state, Ray, all the big players jumped on it with both feet as a means of achieving their various ends. Covid suited so many people from the WEF psychopaths right down to the main street Karen screaming at you to mask-up.

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I suspect Covid was a solution in search of a problem, and Trump presented the problem - they then jumped in. The timing of this virus's debut, about a year before Trump's re-election, is to me compelling - all civil rights abrogations ascribed to Covid were (imo) then smoke-screens for other lawlessness, including election-related. People were distracted by a set of unprecedented circumstances and individual pain, allowing these unscrupulous bastards (imo) free rein. Intelligence is no barrier to evil.

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I think also that mRNA vaxxes were a "solution" looking for lab rats. Covid was the perfect excuse to treat the whole human race as such without any pesky liability.

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Sep 28, 2023
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I'm open to persuasion on this one, Cast. Your suggestion that there was a plan but that it kicked off earlier than hoped for is intriguing. However, I would say that just because most global leaders came up with the same measures at the same time doesn't always mean pre-planning. Most leaders are as sheep-like as the people they rule. If the ruler of Country A sees Country B and C doing something, he doesn't want to the odd one out. As for Gates, he's always holding these kind of meetings. The bottom line is that, planned or not, these evil people committed a crime against humanity for which they should all hang.

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Sep 28, 2023
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Good luck, C. As an urban dweller, I think deer are just cuties like Bambi. I expect from your angle, they are more four-legged pests.

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It is the biggest scandal in the last 200 years if this is even half true.

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Greatest catastrophe in human history. Pitchforks, lanterns, ropes and lamp-posts spring to mind somehow.

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I think of Nuremberg - I would like to see a repeat of that. Line 'em all up and hold their feet to the fire. Get to the truth at all costs.

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As it turns out, we are the baddies.


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It would certainly explain the machinations that went into denying the virus came from a lab- Fauci etal. had blood on their hands, and their fingerprints were on the weapon. The Chinese may have even threatened to release all the documentation if the US government attempted to blame them.

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Below, Frances Lynch recommends a video in which Dr David Martin addresses the EU Parliament in July 2023.

Most strongly recommend watching.

Were he to give similar testimony in from of the US Congress...

Here's the link from Frances Lynch:


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I'd bet on at least half being true. I have no doubt at all that Covid is basically a product of US labs. Baric in NC.

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And God knows what they were doing in those Ukie biolabs. I wonder what the Russians have found out?

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This could explain the increased censorship efforts.

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Agreed, Ray. They aren't the all-knowing, omnipotent supermen we sometimes think they are. They know things are unravelling.

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Sep 29, 2023
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And those mean tweets. Jeez!

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Dr David Martin can fill in a lot from his knowledge of patenting and licensing history. For example, he shows that Moderna received a vaccine patent BEFORE public infections.

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board published a plan in which there was going to be a release of a respiratory pathogen. That and the many dependencies in the World Economic Forum's Great Reset suggest strongly that the release was deliberate.

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"Fascinating glimpses". Fine. Now that the smoking bat, as it were, has been exposed, now what?

Having witnessed AG Garland stonewalling/filibustering Sen. Cruz over more trivial matters in a Congressional Hearing just now, expectations of the See Eye Ay being brought to heel are somewhere between slim and none.

And, Slim left town.

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Thanks for pulling this all in one place, Mark.

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I lived in China between 2007 and 2022 and experienced the worst COVID lockdown in Shanghai. It was the most horrific thing I have endured in my life. I am thrilled that the truth about COVID is now finally emerging, but I am left very sad for what humans are capable of. Being a biomedical scientist myself and having specialized in biochemistry, I am also stunned at how science/tech has been misappropriated in this regard. I have completely lost faith in the authorities. And they even allowed so many people to believe that the Chinese were responsible for creation of that monstrosity.

Evil, Evil, Evil, and Evil ==> That's what CIA stands for: EVIL.

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Regulatory capture. The whole regulatory body has been bought by Big Pharma. The latter pays for all the research for its own products and the pays off the regulators.

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Question everything.

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Sep 29, 2023
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I read all the way down to find out what you were talking about since I've struggled with wildlife this past summer too - first a bear tearing into my trash & then foxes in the chicken coops. :-( I have a lot of deer too, but haven't done any gardening for the past few yrs. They'll jump the 4' electric mesh fence to traipse thru the chicken yard, but never breached my 5' wire fence when I did garden. Best wishes! Robin

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Sep 28, 2023
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From one of the links: 'During the 1990s, USAID was implicated in the forced sterilization of approximately 300,000 indigenous women in Peru as part of the country's Plan Verde. Population control guidelines promoted by international bodies, including USAID, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Nippon Foundation, supported the Fujimori government's sterilization efforts.[185][186] Investigations by Peru's congressional subcommittee found a causal correlation between increased USAID funding and the number of sterilizations performed.[186] These sterilizations were part of a global strategy by the United States government to reduce birth rates in developing countries for political and economic stability.'

Is there a limit to the depths these people are willing to go? Ask Satan. He knows.

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There's Peru, and then there's Cuba. From Wikipedia:

"USAID has been used as a mechanism for "hastening transition," i.e. regime change in Cuba.[158] Between 2009 and 2012, USAID ran a multimillion-dollar program, disguised as humanitarian aid and aimed at inciting rebellion in Cuba. The program consisted of two operations: one to establish an anti-regime social network called ZunZuneo, and the other to attract potential dissidents contacted by undercover operatives posing as tourists and aid workers.[159][160]"

And basically the rest of South America. From Wikipedia:

"In the summer of 2012, ALBA countries (Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda) called on its members to expel USAID from their countries."


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Sep 28, 2023Edited
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Not only will no true journalist touch it, but the sheep go on as if things are completely normal. Very bizarre.

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Forget the journalist. No NeoCon, Congressman, or White House administration wants to get the full story. Worse CIA and Deep state operatives won’t allow it.

It’s for our protection you know.

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