Where are the incorruptible men and women who will go to DC and tear down the clown show?

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Great question H! Worth thinking through the implications. Let's assume that 2022 sees a veritable host of the Incorruptibles elected. Just what do you think such a host could do? Precisely how would they "tear down the clown show "?

Let's see. Make fiery speeches to an empty chamber for the cspan cameras? Introduce bills that threaten to cut intel agency funding by half a percent iver 10 years? Seriously, what real power does Congress have against the fearful might of the Fourth Branch (ht Sundance) and the bureaucracy and congressional staffers? If President Trump couldn't rein in these monsters, what hope do the Incorruptibles have? These monsters have got a taste for blood and power and they're not going anywhere or giving up any power, certainly not at the insistence of mere elected officials.

The trouble is that all of us who ask for incorruptible leaders are asking that question 5 or 10 years too late. Our nation is in a Stage 4 communist takeover and only military force (or some kind of Depression era meltdown or war which will quickly devolve to military force) can reverse it. This isn't an argument for passivity or resignation. Far from it. It's a call to action. To appreciate just how bad things are and prep accordingly.

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My only point was that congress DOES have real power over the 4th Branch, it's a matter of exercising it. I see your jaded view and raise you ten when it comes to the chance that congress will ever exercise it's power and I well take Mark's point about power corrupting, still I think you set up a false dichotomy. I think there is great, even fearsome power in a non-miltary popular revolt. The Criminal Cartel is clearly afraid of awakening the ire of the populace for their treachery. They are clearly taking pains, even as the mask begins to slip, to still put on a show of the up-and-up/constitutional order/rule of law/ elections matter. Why? I submit it is because that while they are all very corrupt, they all really really really don't want to be identified as such. Is the IC blackmailing officeholders to get them to do their bidding? Most likely to almost certainly. Is a civil war the way to stop them doing that? Not as clear.

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Incorruptible men and women? There are none such.

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"Men in authority will always think that criticism of their policies is dangerous. They will always equate their policies with patriotism [or of Science at the moment], and find criticism subversive." ~ Henry Steele Commager (1902-1998). This was prescient by Commager but it has also been the history of Man in general. This applies to your previous article on the Marine Corps as well.

“Damn! We’re in a tight spot!” ~ Ulysses Evert McGill, O Brother Where Art Thou

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Jan 1, 2022
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They can't kick it to the states because the entire issue involves mandates promulgated by a federal agency, OSHA.

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Dec 30, 2021
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And it tracks what other countries have documented.

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