It seems worthwhile, in discussing Joe Biden's future, whether the blob is thinking that he should be removed from his candidacy for election or removed from office or both?

I understand the argument that if he is not fit to run he is not fit to continue to serve and should be removed from office if he is removed as a candidate.

But it will be much easier to remove him as a candidate than to remove him from the WH. The former simply requires a heart to heart from the blob where Joe is told there is no longer any money for his run. The latter will/would require a difficult and ugly removal under the 25th...or an impeachment (not likely)...or Joe (and Jill and Hunter's) voluntary consent. I can see the Biden Family withholding this consent, which would force the blob into a more coercive strategy...with obvious and unseemly downsides. Presumably any of the latter will be much harder to accomplish than the former.

So I'm now thinking that Joe will agree not to run but will insist on serving out his term...and the blob will acquiesce. And the blob still has to coalesce around Kamala which won't be any kind of slam dunk since her camapaign will require the blob to cough up hundreds of millions of dollars more...in a more likely than not losing cause? Many hard choices still to come.

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The power brokers who have been running the country have figured it out!

For one, only Zhou or Kamala can inherit the $195 million raised for "their" campaign. By law it cannot be transferred to any other replacement candidate.

For two, Kamala will be as empty a vessel as Zhou, except she will appear to be awake and sentient. (Still dumb as a box of rocks, but that's a feature not a bug when you want someone to take orders, and not give them).

So Kamala it is!

She will do exactly the same as Zhou.

Pretend to be in charge as The Deep State sets policy behind the curtain of the new empty vessel.

It's as good as the cadaver Zhou!

We'll have a new "Resident" to blame for all the chaos. IF they can cheat enough to get her in against the will of the people.

The Sheeple will also do as they are told . (to vote "for" her.)

I'll take Kamala to be their nominee, what are the odds?

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One former Biden aide told Axios: "Annie, Ashley and Anthony create a protective bubble around POTUS. He's staffed so closely that he's lost all independence. POTUS relies on staff to nudge him with reminders of who he's meeting, including former staffers and advisers who Biden should easily remember without a reminder from Annie."

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So now I read that Wisconsin is allowing drop boxes again and Washington state is having no residency requirements to vote. Sounds like we are slipping right back into 2020. We don't know who is running things in the White House because we don't know who is there at any given time. Joe is always on vacation. It was obvious from day one that he was not in charge.

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It's still all about Trump.

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The blob is made up of individuals. One of the most important is Jim Clyburn, congessional rep from SC and important in the Congressional Black Caucus.

It is really important what happened on Super Tuesday, 2020. Biden was flailing. Clyburn and Obama's gal, Harris, was done. Clyburn brought all the pieces together: 1) he told everyone to defer to Biden; 2) Kamala would be his running mate.

Then they went Chicago-style and won the White House.

Now: Clyburn visited the White House last week and had The Talk with Biden. Kammy is in the driver's seat. She will have Biden's money. Another Chicago-style election (so much so that they are paying young people $35 to sign up 50 people to vote. That would have been a decent price 100 years ago!).

Her husband is CIA, right? Politico ran an article a while ago pointing out that the fixer who got Obama into Harvard Law School had CIA ties. The election will be, overtly, Trump vs. the CIA/Obama/Harris.

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Jul 5Edited

Feel bad for Africans but Corporations will kill us all eventually if not careful. They almost did with rushed to market clotshot. Maybe they will make tons more virii and the "cures" - just good business. Then nukes short range. medium range, long range all in production and all arms controls nixed. It's just good business. They even got us middle class investing and cheering in our demise - 401k's and many pensions are tied to market performance.

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OMG!!! I thought we finished her off!😊

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So what does this mean? Simple. If both parties knew Joe is/was demented and did nothing then it stands to reason...

That both Republicans and Democratic Leadership do not care one wit about the welfare or safety of America or the American people.

Because if either party did, they would have enacted the 25th Amendment and had Joe removed under Medical incapability.

but since Neither party did so, this shows that both

parties are unfit to Govern and lead the United States of America.

They need to go.

btw. both dems and reps are NOT the government of the USA. They are private organizations and both have shown themselves, with this situation, to be hopelessly corrupt.

Happy Independence Day!

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What did White House reporters know and when did they know it?

Answer: They knew it all along, too. They were part of the conspiracy--and it was a conspiracy.


a reckoning for the way media outlets have turned into spear-carriers for the Democratic Party may be coming. I hope it will be. It is long overdue.

On Thursday afternoon, New York magazine published a long article about Biden’s decline by Olivia Nuzzi, a Washington correspondent who is its top reporter. Nuzzi wrote in the piece, headlined "The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden," that top Democrats had talked about Biden’s worsening memory and cognitive problems at least since January.

"Following encounters with the president, they had arrived at the same concern: Could he really do this for another four years? Could he even make it to Election Day?" But the worriers did not want to talk publicly, Nuzzi said. "They were scared and horrified."

Okay. Those folks want Biden to be president. Their allegiance is to him, not the truth. Thus, the conspiracy.

And Nuzzi wrote she could not get these high-ranking Democrats on the record - though it is not clear how hard she tried.

Then, late in the piece, Nuzzi made an extraordinary admission - one whose importance she seems not to have recognized.

She, too, had seen Biden’s decline up close. So had much of the Washington press corps.

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Former Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, now a senior advisor to the Biden campaign, told MSNBC on Monday that the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's editorial board engaged in "undue influence" on the election with an editorial calling for President Biden to end his campaign.

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Sounds like we need a criminal prosecution for "interfering in an election". I was told that was a crime.

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Jonathan Turley @JonathanTurley

It appears that reporters are really, really sorry about not revealing the President's decline but explained that it was the “right-wing media” that prompted them to avoid the story. It is a telling admission...


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Jonathan Turley with an implicitly firm grasp of the obvious--what's going on. He calls on Dems, but why aren't we hearing barely a peep from GOPers?

Jonathan Turley @JonathanTurley

There is now a rapidly increasing list of Democratic politicians and pundits calling for greater transparency of President Biden answering questions. But none are calling upon AG Merrick Garland to release the Hur audiotape. Curious...

...For example, if the White House is committed to such transparency, the President could instruct Garland to release the audiotape and waive the frivolous privilege assertions previously invoked by Garland.

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I guess the consensus is that the audiotape is utterly damning.

In all likelihood the GOP doesn't have to insist on playing the tape card, since its already game over.

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I strongly disagree. It's not "game over" until we get full accountability. The tape is only part of that, but all parts matter. Until we get it all, it's another gaslight/hoax job. We gotta have a full accounting of who actually ran the government.

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Well, I meant its 'game over' for Biden. As for accountability...of course, we want full accountability.

Shall we ask Speaker Mike to hold some hearings where Matt Goetz and MTG ask some Govt witnesses to tell us what they've been up to for the last 5,10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years? They could ask the CIA to testify, too.

I'm being facetious, but to my mind this is only about removing Biden and finding a new nominee. I don't see how/why the Uniparty is going to go full open kimono.

But I'm open to ideas!

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Until and unless we know who was making the decisions in this administration, how will we know whether those persons are still there in the coming years? Will they be there, undermining Trump or some other President in the future? Is it the CIA, for instance? How will we ever get answers about who opened the border, who wanted the war against Russia, etc.- and why they pursued those goals?

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1. We won't.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

4. We won't, we won't and we won't.

Until the American People rise up and insist on a Government of the People, by the People, for the People.


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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Government: Rep. Goldman Insists that the Country is Safe in the Hands of Others

"... This week, Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-NY) ... Goldman suggested that it really does not matter. In responding to a call for Biden’s removal under the 25th Amendment, Goldman suggested that the Republic is safe because it is safely in the hands of people around Biden. It is an argument that flips the 25th Amendment on its head and embraces the idea of a figurehead president."

Really, Daniel Goldman? Whose hands? Ron Klain's? Jeff Zients'? What makes their hands "safe"?

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Unreal. Always an excuse, always a different shade of lip color to adorn the pig. This is ok? No, this is a conspiracy, and I’m sure the darling of venomous anti-Trump “journalists” Nuzzi, knew this lo these past four years.

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When the donor blob tells Biden its not happening, I think it will be over for him, plain and simple. Over but for the several dozen pardons he'll want to be granting to his family and teammates before he leaves office.

But for 'over' to happen, the blob has to agree on who will replace him as their nominee. This, as we all have been commenting, will not be so easy in our 'democracy'. Lots of tough choices to be made by those who rule us.

My current thinking is that it will be Kamala. She has already been (somewhat) vetted. She can use the campaign money already raised. Her liabilities while substantial are not disqualifying: the blob can manage her as it has managed 'Joe Biden'. Once the spinmeisters get going she'll be offered up as the Next Coming, an offer the American People can't refuse: our first black/white/asian/female/Universal President.

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Is a Presidential pardon valid if the President is mentally incapacitated?

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Good question! I'm also wondering whether a President can pardon himself? (Based on what I've read, I think the answer may be yes...) Also, as a political/legacy matter, will Biden try to pardon himself and his family for all of the pre-2020 influence peddling, etc. This will be a tough question because his opponents will characterize a pardon as a tacit admission of guilt...but a failure to pardon leaves open legacy-killing potential prosecutions...

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Whether he resigns or is 25thed, Kama Sutra steps in. At that point I don't see how they deny her. It's getting harder almost by the hour for him to stay in the WH much longer, even if he steps down from the candidacy.

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I'd say that Kamala needs a food taster.

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She is in good hands (as long as she stays in line). Obama will have way more control over her than he did over Biden.

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Yeah but can she win the election? They can steal a certain number of votes but they can't steal an election landslide. If she is just as toxic in the election as Biden then they really have to do something to get rid of her.

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"Yeah but can she win the election?"

I think this is a big part of the dilemma they are facing. Taking down Biden comes with lots of 'costs' which will be unnecessarily incurred if the result is the same. I.e., Dems lose in November.

So the blob is now trying to figure out who, if anyone, can win the election. This will take some time.

If I had to bet today, I think the blob will choose Kamala. We'll see.

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The ultimate consideration is almost certainly holding the coalition together--even at the cost of a loss.Zhou is destroying the coalition, and that's what really alarms the power brokers. They hafta look to the future.

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They have been doing audacious things for years with impunity.

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The tricky part about the 25th is that it will require GOP cooperation. If that comes easy, then there's gotta be some sorta fix in.

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this part is the great unknown. The GOP could not support the 25th, thereby ensuring the electoral success of Trump vs Biden, rather than an unknown.

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But, they won't need to '25' Biden. He'll step aside when he's told to.


A. They have a ton of sh*t on the Biden Crime Family.

B. Biden can't continue without continuing financial support.

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Thursday night I went through all the A part in my mind. It's completely true of course. They could pull the trigger on him any time they want. However there is a serious problem--it comes back to who knew what when? Certainly Bluto Barr knew, and he was far from alone. But Zhou has plenty of stuff on everyone else, too. He may be the kingpin, but trying to take him out via prosecution seems to me to be both dangerous for the establishment as well as potentially too time consuming at this stage. Pulling the financial plug might be the best option, less messy than the others.

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I look forward to Ray's list of the pro's and cons of GOP cooperation.

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Trumps silence makes sense, and shows a lot of discipline. His one unofficial golf cart analysis I’m wondering if it was deliberate or not.

The gop’s silence, my gut feeling is they are not sure what to do. Their donors have not spoken.

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When it comes time to count on the GOP, you can count on them not having a spine.

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I think David Sacks has spoken. Not sure.

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Regarding "The other question is, Will Trump make this a big issue?" I hope so. Zhou and the Dem party have disenfranchised voters. This is the message Trump should send repeatedly. This is going to be further felt with black voters. False/fake primaries do not sit well with the voting population and I hope it's felt down ballot too.

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