Robert Barnes lays into DeSantis for his (non-)response to the prospect of Trump’s arrest and prosecution. Reveals some “interesting” things about DeSantis I didn’t know about (eg., his wife having Lady Macbethian ambitions). I am more convinced than ever the guy is controlled opposition.


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henry posted these, you know where. Here's my spin:

This is trading floor quality distillation. Too good not to share: https://cryptadamus.substack.com/p/how-everyone-got-the-story-of-silicon


Language alert, but “Operation: Break Shit” is just epic in its simplicity.

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Yeah, I was very surprised when I first saw the requirement that loan recipients at SVB had to keep their money there. I'm not up on banking law, but I wondered at the legality of that. Now I see cryptadamus calling that a Ponzi scheme, and it certainly looks like that. His other question is spot on: Why aren't "smart" people talking about that? Jim Rickards, a lawyer, focused on the questionable loans themselves, but the banking requirement should be a flag.

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Tx, will check out. Very much in need to simplicity.

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So my initial take is that one plausible narrative goes like this: The focus of the Fed was to take down crypto and they were willing to allow others off their hooks for the sake of that big picture. For starters. At least that would be a rational explanation. But then there's the conclusion which is pure gold.

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No, the "Focus Of The Fed"* was to take down unlimited credit creation ON crypto, not necessarily crypto itself. It was hyperinflationary without some sort of oversight, That kind of crypto lending.

*That needs to be trademarked. Too good, so I'm stealing it.

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OK, I get that. That's, in effect, why Luongo says crypto is essentially like Eurodollars. Luongo has also said repeatedly, for example, that he doesn't believe the Fed has a problem with Bitcoin and Tether. So does all this boil down to control?

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Control of credit creation.

Totally different. And I have NO idea what Luongo’s referring to with Eurodollars, as there are multiple definitions and “assumptions”.

Sorry to get back to this so late.

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Ryan Grim--easy reading summary. I like his video re Kristian G. Andersen and Ebola. I wrote a fair amount about him when the Covid story broke. Sure interesting to see his involvement with Ebola, a fishy story from the start.

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so is UBS buying CS a good thing for our side or a win for Davos?

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A constant theme on the part of those critical of Trump is why he didn't do something about all the corruption when he was President. The answer is that he followed the rules, and these people had power. Now they have abused their power and committed serious irregularities. The stakes have gone up, and they must continue to abuse their power to avoid a reckoning. As a result they continue to commit illegalities and the stakes go up even higher. If at least they knew how to run a country and an economy and keep everybody prosperous, secure and contented!

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Just wondering...Is this what the likes of John Brennan and Jim Comey and Christopher Wray and Avril Haines, et al, do with themselves every day? With their Multi-Billion $$$ budgets? Are they thinking up narratives like the Jan 6 Insurrection, and then pulling them off? Did they plant operatives in various groups and on-site to incite the protest, and why not add a fake pipe bomber to make it look very violent, and then instruct Pelosi to call off the National Guard and the Capitol Police, and then they call up their friends in the NYT, Wapo, CNN and MSNBC to blast out news reports of insurrection, riot, violence and treason? And then they go home, pour a drink, have dinner with the wife and kids and watch some tube, go to bed and then they're back at their desks the next day thinking up new stories and plots and working them out to make the World a safer and better place?

Come to think of it, they must have hundreds of plot inventors working for them around the clock in IC cubbyholes and on the telephone with the Lawfare, Brookings, Harvard geniuses to think up helpful stuff like the Russia Hoax with the Pee Pee Tape wrinkle, the Mysterious Mifsud Approach, the Stefan Halper "I want to be your Friend" Angle, the Mueller "Investigation" (Yep, Bob'll be happy to do it for us...), the Russian Soldier Bounty Lie, the Ukraine Phone Call, the Strzok/Page Comedy Hour, the Flynn "We're here from the FBI and we're your friend" Trap, the Papadopoulos Downer Scam, the Carter Page Plant, the innumerable Election Steals, the Ukraine is a Democracy and the Russian Invasion Was Unprovoked Narrative, the Roger Stone Dawn Arrest, the Clinesmith Tiny Little Email Correction Non-Story, the Mar-A-Lago Nuclear Secrets Raid, the Hunter Biden Laptop Russian Disinformation Spin, the Russians Blew Up their Own Pipeline Story followed by the Ukrainian Yacht Pipeline Explosion Story, the Manafort's a Russian Agent Prosecution, the We Didn't Censor Twitter Story, the Putin's a Madman and Worse than Hitler Disclosures, and now the Trump Felony Payoff Prosecution, and then their Masterpiece Invention: "President Joe Biden".

You have to give these guys a ton of credit. They sure do earn their paychecks getting all this important work done for us taxpayers! And we didn't even ask them to do it for us!

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I saw somewhere just the other day (can't for the life of me find the article), but the reason the J6 Kangaroo Committee, and the presstitute lapdogs have be pushing "INSURRECTION!" so specifically is that that is one of the words used in the 14th Amendment when talking about nailing anyone from running for elected office. Something else they did their homework on.

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... And the Kung-Flu. How could you forget all of the horse-feathers surrounding that ?

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Yes, how could I? The truth is they did dozens of other things I forgot to mention, too. I guess its all part of the chaos that's intended to scare us into voting for them again...and again.

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Just my thought on this--does anyone else sense that in a way, Trump is almost daring them to go ahead and do it? I sense that he knows more than he is revealing, as always. Seems like theatre. He usually is ten steps ahead of these jerks.

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Trump is using the threatened indictment to control the media cycle, and get around the media censorship : blackout of him.

He is also revealing those in the GOP that are complicit by their silence (Nicky Haley, DeSantis), or limp wristed support (Pence, Ronda Romney McDaniel). I’m surprised by Kevin McCarthy - did he get a spinal transplant?

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Trump also got this on the global radar and has the world talking about it. I saw reports yesterday, forget where, that Trump supporters were already protesting at Trump Tower in NYC.

In a future sane safe and multipolar world, wouldn't it be great fun to watch Trump and Putin at a master chess tournament?

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Recall, Luongo says McC is owned by the NY banks.

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the world is about to go upside down.

But here in Aus, many of the MSM watching masses have no idea what is coming.

I switched jobs this year to a more recession proof role. I even said that during the interview.

The unpredictable nature of everything is the most scary thing.

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Hard to "like" your comment, but I fear it has already gone upside down, in so many ways. The Masterminds have really gone and screwed things up with their thirst for power, authority and greed.

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Mar 19, 2023
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After J6 I wonder if street protests are even an option? It is almost like it is a done deal and people are just going to let it pass? I certainly don't see a lot of outrage on the part of the Republican party regarding this pending arrest? of course, I don't watch or listen to the MSM so maybe i am out of the loop.

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The more I find out about Jan 6, the more I’m Convinced it was a bipartisan set up to Get Trump, and his supporters. As well as sweep any questions about the election under the carpet.

The latest piece of information is finding out the bomber used his telephone. Geotracking anyone?

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Mar 20, 2023Edited
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Fbi released more video recently. Per this tweet it showed the bomber using his phone several times. Plus phones give away your position by continually pinging cell towers.


And this older story is thought provoking:


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