Knuckleheads in Canada celebrating SS murderers:


The Normandy massacres were a series of killings in-which approximately 156 Canadian and two British prisoners of war (POWs) were murdered by soldiers of the 12th SS Panzer Division (Hitler Youth) during the Battle of Normandy in World War II.

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Sep 26, 2023
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Incredible. This type of in your face lying should warrant immediate no-confidence/impeachment

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Poland is outraged at Canada, but as the author of this tweet notes, Poland isn't in the best position to criticize Canada, having lavished support on the Ukro-Nazis for the past years. NB: many members of the current Polish government, such as Kaczynski, have family roots in western Ukraine, so they know far better than most exactly what kind of monsters they've been supporting.

Canada enters a conflict with a new country, this time Poland

The Polish ambassador to Canada:

"Canada & Ukraine leadership at OurCommons cheered a member of Waffen-SS Galizien, notorious UA military formation of #WW2 responsible for murdering thousands of Poles & Jews."

"Poland best ally Ukraine has, will never agree on whitewashing such villains! As Poland Amb. to Canada I expect an apology."

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Russia: West has a Nazi problem!

West: that is Russian propaganda!

Canada: Hold my beer...

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Says the lady at the WEF conference, "WATER. Every kid knows how important it is to have water... getting citizen engagement around this, and really, in some ways, this notion of experimenting with 'the common good'; can we actually deliver this time?"

I've been distressed to read a lot of commentary trying to teach people in the medical freedom movement why "the greater good" is wrong and must be rejected. Sure, insofar as the word "greater" suggests quantity -- suggests a metric -- and someone "in charge" is tasked with honestly measuring and reporting back on competing goods. In other words, "greater good" is a utilitarian philosophy which the Church rejects by... reasoning about it.

Most of these medical freedom arguments are framed and discussed by well-meaning atheists, evolutionary biologists, or game theorists. They are hoping we can reason out good from bad, which will work for the individual and scale up to ordering society for all men. But, I'm sorry to say, for all of their rationality, they don't have a leg to stand on. We've been arguing about what is Justice -- what (goods) each individual deserves -- since we've had language with which to argue.

Then, "the greater good" is confused with "the common good" and leaves Catholics and other Christians of good will who would like to bring to the fore our framework within which we can honestly discuss what Justice looks like for all people -- what is intrinsically good and intrinsically bad -- fighting to be heard.

So this lady, in using the phrase "common good"... well, it really frosts me. She asks, "can we actually deliver?" No, she can't, and neither can the people who promise we can work our way up from mere bodily autonomy to deliver the difference between good and bad in ordering a society in which the WEF does not schedule your injections or tune your pod temperature and top up your bug allowance.

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Although not mentioned in the Sunday Roundup, another top-of-the-fold story is the indictment of New Jersey Sen. Menendez and his wife. These indictments came from out of the blue so far as I can tell. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds as Menendez, like Biden, undoubtedly knows some incriminating secrets the Deep State/Swamp would prefer to keep off the record. While his home state democrats are calling for his resignation, including the governor, the democrats in the senate remain tight lipped from what I've read. Menendez has scheduled a press conference for Monday morning to assure the nation of his innocence in this matter. Who lines up behind him in support when in front of the cameras should be instructive.

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How has the us absorbed our 10 million new residents?

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They're learning to code.

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Canada is a leading clown country.

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It's just jaw dropping, just a solid punch in the face, not a glancing blow either.

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I believe WaPo poll was intentional, not accidental. Considering David Ingatius message last week to step down (along with Willie Brown's protégé Kamala), the poll was a second more direct message from WaPo news division to Zhou and Dem base to prep that a change is needed to avoid Trump grabbing the big seat in 24. Zhou can't win & needs to move aside.

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I agree with this- said as much on Althouse's blog this morning.

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Not so sure.

1. WaPo backs away, says it's an outlier;

2. NBC comes up with a poll much more favorable to Zhou.

I agree that they need and desperately want him gone.

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Maybe some differences of opinion inside WaPo?

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How low can Trudeau go. On the eve of Yom Kippur no less.

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Sep 25, 2023
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At a guess I’d put you in the ranks of uniparty republicans whose anti-Trumpism is virtue signaling. I think your shock-horror at Trumps apparent deportment is paper-thin, and you’d have not a word to say about plugholes of degeneracy into which America is sinking - wokism, lsynxpb, epsteinism, trannyism etc. Maybe I’m wrong, but your hatred of Trump is a red flag to me and I’d not trust you up front.

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Q: Did you vote for Trump in either 2016 or 2020?

Q: As a lifelong Republican--and knowing what we know now about the Ruling Class and the Deep State--what current, or even past, GOP candidate would you vote for in place of Trump?

Q: And why?

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Sep 25, 2023Edited
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Fair enough. I, too, am happy to leave DeSantis in Florida. I, too, am unhappy with Trump's Covid response--not least because it demonstrated a certain naivite on his part. OTOH, I would caution you and all other DeSantis fans that his foreign travels, seeking the imprimatur of foreign travels, is a giveaway that he would not be his own man on foreign policy--and that, ultimately, is the only area in which presidents hold much sway. You're kidding yourself if you think any president can control the budget. Powell's policies and diminishment of reserve status for the dollar is what will change that. Most political choices end up being the least bad choice.

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Sep 25, 2023
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No president can control the budget--the SCOTUS saw to that by shooting down the Line Item Veto. IMO that decision ranks in the top three worst and long term most damaging to the country. decisions: Dred Scott, Roe v. Wade, Line Item Veto. OTOH, people like you should reconsider your feelings about Trump in light of his SCOTUS picks. Again, no president can control those picks once they're confirmed. Overall, Trump comes out golden on this super important issue.

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What words should be marked? So, you don’t like Trump and your reason is ego? Please cite a politician without an ego, or a wealthy man or woman without ego? Your reasons seem silly, but I’d like to know what your alternative is, a return to normal or continuing to support the demise of a free country by the uniparty?

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Sep 25, 2023
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Sure there are just as there are many types of people. We all have an egos some bigger than others. Egomania seems to attach itself to politicians and wealthy narcissists. Are you saying I do not know the difference?

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Exactly what policies of President Trump adversely affected you personally...because I can name a boat-load of Dem policies that do directly affect my (our) well-being. These Dem policies and efforts have lead to inflation (bogus energy and climate policies), loss of freedoms (medical mandates; bogus prosecutions like J6; efforts to eliminate 2A), censorship and cancel culture (gov. mandating/threatening tech companies and people), increasingly unsafe cities, reduced law/order (efforts to defund police; efforts to apply the law unevenly; massive illegal immigration), war-mongering and threat of escalating to nuclear exchange (Ukraine policy), to name a few.

When it comes to voting for one of the two choices for President, feelings are grossly overrated.

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