I wonder if the military Schengen area is actually a plan for a rapid combined response for the potential immigrants revolt that will likely occur after a currency reset.

If a rag tag para military can pin down an overwhelmingly superior Israel, imagine what 10s of millions immigrants can do to Europe, especially if Russia decides to play dirty and arm gangs.

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Some of Scott Ritter's materials in this regard are worth checking out. He has a lot of experience in the ME, including a lot in Israel. He maintains that Israel's army is well armed but not very well trained--and especially not for this type of war. It's a conscript army that depends heavily on relatively poorly trained reserves. Hamas' military (al Qassam?) by contrast, while not remotely as well armed, is very well trained and motivated. Hamas also went into this conflict with very carefully designed aims and tactics tailored to those aims. Israel is largely motivated by desire for revenge--which leads to mistakes.

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I hope that Johnson is not that dumb. Maybe he was trolling someone.

Speaking of confiscation. Last year, I’m not sure exactly when Fidelity notified me that US Treasury Department froze all my stocks/investments in Russian banks and O&G companies. Talking about stealing...

2024 will be in the history books!

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NeoCon Fantasy-

Using every illegal immigrant from the EU and USSA to fight Russia in a never ending battle to secure the Rules Based Order.

A 30 million man Army against 'East Asia' in order to secure Freedumb and Dumbocracy for Oceania.

Orwell was close....he just didn't have enough imagination.

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Regarding the Unherd column: "The Russian reserve seizure has shown the world that American assets are only trustworthy if Washington agrees with your foreign policy." Yep. The other thing is, as he notes, the Fed and the Treasury are acting at odds with one another. The Fed can control the short end of the yield curve via setting interest rates but not the long end; the long end of the curve reflects the market reacting to the U.S. government's fiscal profligacy and credit worthiness, among other real world conditions. Thanks

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"Military Schengen"... Wonder how the Baltic states, Finland, along with Poland are feeling right now being on the bleeding Eastern edge of NATO/EU. I'm sure they thought this all through. NOT! Perhaps we can fund all of this too. In addition, Military Shengen DEI training opportunities as a backup if AI Technology leadership falters.

As far as Johnson's statement, I'm sure someone will reconcile his comments with reality. He's a rookie and makes rookie mistakes. The impact is too significant for him not to get this. Perhaps he needs to read less Bible versus and more financial/economic versus.

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I hope you are right because Rickards is absolutely right in what he says - the implications of doing that are grave.

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Good news: we can continue to pay for a disastrous and foolish proxy war with assets that we took from the Russian’s. Ah, sweet revenge! Bad news: Using those confiscated Russian assets would trigger a major global financial catastrophe with almost infinite consequences! What a plan!

And these people in DC can’t understand why we regard them with such contempt?

You simply can’t make this stuff up.

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I don't know why, but the image of the Hindenburg keeps appearing in my mind, Herbert Morrison repeatedly exclaims; OH THE STUPIDITY !!!

Are they neocons, globocons, EUcons, or are they NATOcons? Hard to determine which is which, either way there are enormous cons being run out of Brussels.

Too bad the North Atlantic Treaty wasn't written on toilet paper, a little water would do the trick, eliminate that outdated menace to humanity.

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Ja, Klaus von Davos hat in Brüssel die Kontrolle.

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Sorry - new phone. 1st link is from this year. The link above is from 2016. EU has been pushing for its own army for years. Their ambition is to be the 'United States of Europe' so it's been a hot topic back and forth between the pro (Macron) and the cons (Brexiteers etc) for years. My guess is the Russian current thing is being used as the perfect excuse for forming something resembling their very own military force.

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"Even the staunchest supporters of an EU army cannot conceive of a supranational defence authority that could over-rule such decisions by national parliaments." I wonder if that is still true. That remains the fundamental question of course. Can the EU simply vote to adopt the "Schwengen Zone" military concept and then vote that its member states must supply and fund the supranational force, when no such authority exists? How would it work when the EU currently has no fiscal control over its member states but rather the member states' parliaments do?

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Thanks for this. Wonder what would happen if for example the UK develops a secret military capability but does not want to offer it as part of Schengen? Are they forced too? What incentives do EU countries have to "pay it forward" on an equal basis to the "benefit of all of EU"? Many complications IMO.

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It seems there are a great many disconnects and contradictions in thinking between the factions in Europe's elite now. As Europe's problems become greater and the Neocons see their world fading away, I would expect such fissures to widen.

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RemovedNov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023
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Yeah Serbia! When Djoko played at Bercy recently (where he was victorious, évidemment), the French booed and hissed. At the trophy ceremony, Djoko spoke to the fans (in French) and thanked them for making his victory possible, for strengthening his character and hardening his resolve. Touché.

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Yes, it is terrible to realize, but France is on the wrong side of history! Think of the great Delacroix painting, “Liberty Leading the People” and the many philosophes who risked imprisonment, Diderot and Condorcet, to meet and speak of liberty vs monarchy. Macron is furiously Davos and is pro-censorship. We don’t get Rumble in France by the way. If only France had a Musk-like figure who could really have a voice and an impact…things continue to get worse here.

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That’s all right, Janet that’s my Yellin says not to worry. We can print as many dollars that it takes for as long as it takes to fund our global adventures. Rewarding incompetence instead of imposing consequences is how we wind up with such pathetic and dangerous individuals in positions of leadership. Insane.

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RemovedNov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023
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Re Schengen, remember the siren song of the “free movement of goods and peoples?” As my dad would have said, bolderdash! Such liars. When will the Euros, most especially Germany, wake up and smell the coffee?

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