Diesen does not mince words! Mercouris, albeit in another style, deftly dismantles Z’s Victory Plan, or “prace plan,” pronouncing it just another iteration of getting Ukraine into NATO. Uhh, wasn’t that the whole reason for this conflict? He handily dispatches the fool Johnson and the Oxford Don Garton Ash. If you have a good 35 minutes, from about the 50 minute mark on!


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I suspect most readers of this page will agree with me that this letter, linked below, is a truly extraordinary document:


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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Extraordinary indeed. It's astonishing that they could actually believe what they have written.

Wonder how many of them also signed or still adamantly believe that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation?🤔🙄

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I wonder how many of the signers, who are retired high-ranking military and government officials, are currently on defense industry and related payrolls. I suspect a huge proportion of them are.

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No doubt. Interesting that Cookies Nuland, Hillary RC, John Brennan, Wesley Clark and others of such Leftist ilk are signatories.

Interestingly, I did see one name that I personally know and met many years ago. I was a 2Lt and he was an upcoming Maj select. He was dating my co worker and even back then was on the Golden Jet Jammie path to several stars.

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I wonder why Mike Pompeo didn't sign it... :-)

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George Soros explains

Toward a New World Order: The Future of NATO

"...the combination of manpower from Eastern Europe with the technical capabilities of NATO would greatly enhance the military potential of the Partnership because it would reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries, which is the main constraint on their willingness to act."

"reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries"

unfortunately ' Partner ' Ukraine is filling them




" that the counter offensive would fail because, as Hodges conceded, Ukraine had no air power to provide close air support. ... "

A cynic may comment perhaps that they knew, and they sent in the Ukraine press ganged troops for they were not EUSA troops. I find it difficult to believe they would have sent EUSA troops into the same situation.

"" Firing these inexpensive rockets—which, nevertheless, can defeat the so-called Iron Dome—and hitting targets far beyond the previous ranges will have the effect of forcing greater evacuations and greater economic disruption. ""

One may imagine they don't give a hoot if the rockets hit a target and it appears they in fact hope many do not ( limit US involvement )

" defeat the so-called Iron Dome " perhaps means they simply force Israel to keep shooting expensive defensive missiles Currently I believe that's the primary goal

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George Soros -- In case the Ukrainian side wasn't getting enough Naziism from the Azov battalions here's the worlds oldest and most famous Nazi collaborator to chime in.

How perfectly fitting.

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Well, I went to Johnson's web site to read his commentary on the Hodges interview, and I also read the comments on his post and followed a link and listened to Aaron Good interviewing Gary Vogler and Larry Wilkerson on "the dirty politics of Middle East oil" and how Bush pere thought the Israeli Lobby helped him lose in '92 and of course Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich on his way out the door and yes Dubya was out of his depth and Israel needs energy security and...

Hang on I thought we started the Iraq War in 2003 to kill the bad guys over there before they used their WMDs on the good guys over here. Kinda sorta. It's a little hazy, because I was busy with young children at the time as was proper.

These young children are now adults. Diesen notes that "superior-inferior framing is an important component of propaganda to mobilise public support for war and fuel contempt for the other side."

Yep. My children push back hard on any suggestion that Ukraine is not winning and Russia is not losing.

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Go figure.

Gerald Celente @geraldcelente

Israel can blow up pagers across Lebanon but had no idea that Hamas was planning the Oct. 7 attack

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This. It has to mean they know the US isn't coming in. And they know their army isn't up to Hezbollah.

Megatron @Megatron_ron

Israeli Channel 12 regarding Lebanon:

"Netanyahu, Galant, and Halevi reached a decision to gradually escalate without entering into a full-scale war."

**So they give up on invading Lebanon...**

3:55 PM · Sep 22, 2024


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The culture of the area has a habit of lieing, bluffing, and posturing. My guess Netanyahu’s actions are more about Israeli politics and keeping power, and trying to bait Herzbollah / Iran into a mass casualty attack.

Mark’s previous post noting Herzbolla / Iran is keeping to a strategy of attrition is correct. Israel is bleeding economically every day, and is not set up for a war of attrition.

I wonder what the real impact on Herzbolla’s combat strength is of the pager, walkie-talkie, and airstrike attacks are.

Gut feeling - the Herzbolla commander’s life involved in the marine barrack attack was being saved by the Israeli’s for the maximum political impact.

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Your the 2nd writer to note that use "animals" in describing Russians.

When a group starts down the Untermensch path, you be sure that group are the bad guys.

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True. If you want to make your "enemy" into something you hate, or have others hate, first remove his humanity.....

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Ok, am I missing something here? If the Pentagon brass is in what “amounts to a revolt” over policies that it believes are foolhardy, reckless and irresponsible, and are no longer satisfied with assurances from “Biden’s minders” and demanding a face to face with the CinC, how does that even work ,let alone make sense? There is no POTUS, no CinC in the person of Joe Biden, he’s a demented, senile old fool who, as videos released over this weekend clearly highlight, cannot even remember what head of state he’s introducing for a couple of seconds, so exactly how in the hell is this rambling incompetent going to assuage the fears of the Pentagon brass that “he’s got this”? Is this just an empty formality so that they can cover their collective asses when this smoking pile of excrement hits the fan?

Or is Jill Biden Wilson going to be at the head of the table when the Generals enter the room.

Call me simple minded, but this is just insanity to be play acting when the fate of the world literally hangs in the balance.

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I'll give you Jonathan Turley's answer:

Jonathan Turley @JonathanTurley

Biden's meltdown at the event with the Indian PM, https://shorturl.at/M3iqM, is making Woodrow Wilson look like the model of cognitive functioning. This is the person recently defended as "intellectually, analytically the best Biden ever."

The incident however is still short of the standard for the 25th Amendment in my view. https://jonathanturley.org/2024/07/22/succession-by-defenestration-how-bidens-withdrawal-could-trigger-a-25th-amendment-fight/… Biden is functioning, just not well.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

Respectfully disagree, just don’t see him being anywhere near capable enough to manage a crisis that requires quick analytical thinking and a keen grasp of a rapidly evolving situation. I’m also not convinced that if it were DJT in question that the 25th wouldn’t have already been enforced. Nah, of course it wouldn’t, don’t know what I was thinking.

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Turley isn't saying, nor am I, that he's up to handling a crisis. The 25th doesn't give much guidance on the legal standard. I'm saying that the Pentagon decided that they couldn't trust Zhou's minders to fully inform him and for Zhou to know when he was being snookered.

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I don’t believe further escalation was stopped because the Pentagon was able to get through to Biden and convince him it was foolish. Joe Biden would take us to nuclear war if he felt it would defeat Putin. I believe that whatever Cabal informed Biden he was not running for re-election got to him on Ukraine and informed him he was no longer running foreign policy and to shut up and do as he is told. He fully intended to authorize long range missile attacks until he was told no shortly before meeting with Starmer. Hence his anger. Nothing more than a hissy fit because he didn’t get his way.

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Biden does not trust Kamala to double cross him, so is staying in power till January.

Or Kamala is trying to minimize her public exposure till the election, and becoming potus would negate that strategy.

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Ray if you’re trying to make me feel better, it isn’t working!

I’m just so sick of all of this self serving game playing when the fate of the nation hangs in the balance.

These are our leaders?

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