We are drowning in a sea of lies!

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I hope Sundance gave proper credit to whom pull this list together. I recall seeing it 2 or 3 days ago. Recalling Jordan Schachtel or similar. Perhaps it’s vice-versa but I’ve read the attack list recently somewhere else.

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Or else?

Are you familiar with The Last Refuge?

If yes you would know Sundance has been following and reporting ALL happenings with President Trump and I am sure he can come up with a list of them on his own.

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On Trump Concur.

On Ukraine attacking the Nuke Plant. This came up about 2 years ago when that plant was taken by the Russians. Ukies attack and say it was the Russians. Same play book. But once again Cui Bono if there was a major Nuke leak?

Certainly not the Russians! But if the disaster was in Ukrainian held territory? Well, of course, the Ukrainian Government in its current state could not handle such a disaster. Well, Who could help? Of Course!! The Ukie NATO military allies who have the DECON equipment and the robust response force to do containment and clean up. Nice way to get NATO troops into the Ukraine.

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Mark, between you and Sundance, I'm getting a very good picture of the upper level goings on. You on the foreign entanglements perspective and Sundance on the domestic side - with considerable overlap. I've been aware something was amiss since the mid 70's, but the saying they're all crooks didn't quite cover it. The enormity of the corruption is appalling.

But I have a plan. Create a spin dizzy - SciFi "Cities in Fight" - and send DC into the cosmos unguided. OK, just trying to add some humor. Enjoy the upcoming week in any event.

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