Don't mean to be contrary per se, but I have had "ideopathic" peripheral neuropathy in both feet for at least 20 years. Went to a PN researcher at Hopkins about 10 years ago, who did numerous tests and in the end could not identify the cause. He told me then that approximately 30% of PN cases are "ideopathic", which means that the cause could not be determined. So I would take the above with a grain of salt. Just because the cause of Biden's PN could not be determined in no way proves it was caused by the vaccinations. (I am neither "pro-vax" or "anti-vax" as far as the Covid "vaccines", though I am leaning toward an anti-vax position for the mRNA vaccines based on ongoing research that shows that the vaccines may cause vascular and coronary damage.)

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And what do you think the symptoms of vascular and coronary damage are? Sigh.

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That's entirely reasonable. In fact, a fried emailed me saying more or less the same: Kirsch doesn't have any actual evidence. This is how I replied:

"I actually agree, but I thought it was important to get out simply because it's more than JUST a guess--it's a reasonable, or certainly not an UNreasonable, surmise, not a WAG. It raises an issue that deserves to be addressed."

I never try to just stir the pot without a reason. Perhaps I should've have spelled out my thinking more clearly.

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"a fried" = "a friend"

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What would be helpful is answering 'what does the future hold' for Brandon and Newsome based on this diagnosis. Going forward, what new or increasingly acute symptoms could present themselves? Can the side effects of buffer shots be treated? With Brandon's advanced age, and the likelihood he is a walking carcass of constant injections to keep him lifelike already, how much additional risk are his handlers willing to take (with Dr. Jill's consent)?

WRT no cognitive exam, anyone paying attention knows the answer to that.

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Where's Gavin?

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Very strange. Interesting there is treatment, I wonder what.

He is usually pontificating left and right, especially with the Rittenhouse acquittal, very strange. And to miss a major climate change conference - it’s a sin against the Ca state religion of environmental BS.


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Not being on the Left Coast I don't follow his daily activities, but it does seem he came briefly to the surface and then dove back down.

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Zhou was in mental decline before he even ran for president though.

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