"he makes a pointed reference to the international banking community “run out of New York.”"

That makes this link somewhat interesting:



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I've read the 35 comments on this post (to date). There seems to be overwhelming sentiment that there is no way to change course...that we are stuck with the government we've got. The voters are ill-informed and hopeless. I can't really disagree. I would only add one additional thought, and that is:

Who, in fact, are the deep pockets who are paying for the government we are stuck with? Who, exactly, are they? What are their names and how much do they spend? We know it takes an enormous amount of money to elect a President, a Senator, and a Representative. Where does it come from? I'd like to know who exactly are the lobbyists who seem to own nominal Republicans Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and who do they represent? Where does Adam Schiff get his money and why don't his donors care that he lies? Who put up the money to elect John Fetterman? Who donates to the PACs and SuperPacs and where do these PACs spend their money? It seems incontrovertible that the defense industry is coining money supplying weapons and machines to our support of Ukraine. Which politicians has the industry supported and with how much? And how do they funnel the money to the politicians who support them? It is preposterous to think that Joe Biden actually received 81 million votes. Where exactly did Joe Biden get the money to fund the various operations which resulted in his receiving 81 million votes? Surely it was not from most of the 81 million who allegedly voted for him. We know that Biden, Harris, Clinton, Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell, Shumer, Jeffries, Blumenthal, Maxine Waters, Sheldon Whitehouse, Tlaib, AOC, Omar, etc, etc, lie regularly and repeatedly. Not to mention the late great John McCain. And Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn and Lindsay Graham. Who funds these guys? What are their names and who do they represent? What exactly are they paying for with their donations?

I suppose it is just as unlikely that we will ever find out the answers to these questions as it is that we will ever have a truly informed electorate. Perhaps its really all the same question.

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So much to unpack here. "The idea that the US can somehow divide and conquer them (China and Russia) separately is daft." The neocons have come full circle. Dividing, if not conquering, Russia and China was exactly what the US managed to do for most of the last 70 years. It's the neocons' insane policies that have pushed the two together. Concerning the comments on nuclear strikes, I think Doctorow is not thinking this through clearly and his logic is tangled. He says that "The West has shot its wad, and has nothing left but nukes." The implication here seems to be that the West won't use nukes if that is their only card left to play. I don't believe that. I believe that the maniacs in charge in DC are fully capable of going nuclear if everything else fails. He also says that "Such escalations would not cause Russia to go nuclear; they would, however, very likely lead Russia to retaliate with conventional warhead hypersonic missile attacks on targets in Europe west of Russia—US and vassal state bases." Well, Russia may not go nuclear at that point, but their hitting Western targets will almost certainly push us into nuclear war. I still say that Russia needs to wrap this up soon or things are going to turn even uglier.

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The left would be utterly speechless without euphemisms.

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America HAS woken up. We no longer pay attention to anything our government does. And yes, the sites they condemn are the ones we go to for news. But, but, but they are in power and make the laws. Who cares? There are workarounds, or we simply won't comply. Force us to send our kids to your lousy schools! Lock us all up! They are biting more than they can chew, and are in danger of not only having Putin laugh at them, but the majority of Americans as well. A propos, I now regret having missed the State of the Union, which I hear was hilarious.

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I'm afraid Americans, with the exception of a small minority, are soundly asleep, a slumber so deep that they will never wake from it even when they find themselves standing in soup kitchen lines. And should the suffering that is surely coming their way actually wake them up, a major war will swiftly be conjured up to galvanize them in common cause and direct their wrath away from the true cause of their suffering towards an external existential threat. It's very disheartening to watch.

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Steve Kirsch - over 1,000 favorite

What funeral directors know that you don't

In 78 years, they never had a 15 year old who died from a heart attack. In December 2022, they had 1 a week for three weeks straight. Nobody is talking about it publicly.


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Clearly, not that there was really any question, this latest revelation that the government was involved in manipulating what news and information is read as well as working to eliminate funding for opposing views can only be understood as open warfare against its own citizens. The fact that the State Department is working hand in glove with a foreign organization to further it’s nefarious aims is all the more infuriating!

It also appears equally evident, as my sarcastic friend from Texas pointed out so eloquently, we are effectively hamstrung to change things because of the corruptly manipulative manner in which both parties have structured politics in this country.

Truly, what kind of options remain available for those of us in flyover land?

I find it amusing, in a gallows humor kinda way, that those of us on this blog see perfectly clearly that Putin has absolutely no reason whatsoever to agree to any kind of ceasefire because time is on his side and yet this fact has apparently eluded all perception by the geniuses who are in charge of this ever burgeoning calamity.

One more question, can anyone explain to me exactly how does one “woke” an enemy to death? Just curious:-)

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It’s as if the government school system is trying to intentionally cut its own throat, parents aren’t stupid. They known (now) that they were lied to about the jab. If anything opens up the homeschool or private school market this is it.

Two years ago my daughter in law worried this would come about. I told her, I got you, I always thought my “second act career” would be teacher. Teaching my grandsons about life will be awesome.

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"Macgregor is right. Americans need to wake up."

Yes indeed, Americans need to wake up, if for no other reason than so we can observe the coming collapse in real time.

In Denninger's latest post he states this:

"Today, I ask, what option do you have if neither party, both of which have complete control over who they seat in committees and can torpedo a run for office under either of their banners through policy changes, primary support which can include ridiculous sums from outside of the district or even the state in question and similar, will actually stand up particularly when some group other than their alleged "constituents" is running around with a wheelbarrow full of money effectively bribing (or threatening to blackball) all of them, whether its technically a bribe or not?"

"There is nothing left in that instance available to you through the political process, is there?"

"Something to think about."

I will add this, may God help us to help ourselves avoid total devastation.

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Hmm. That Global Disinformation Index. Think, think, think.

"The last official edition of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum was published in 1948 with supplements until 1962. The index last contained over 6000 titles which could not be reconciled with the doctrine of faith or morals of the Church. The Index existed for almost 500 years until Pope Paul VI repealed it in 1966."

I only listen to NPR because I want to make it to heaven... on earth?

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All risk and no reward. The land of the truly dumb and ignorant. Mandate a jab that even the acceptable Fauci “science” now admits doesn’t do what it was supposed to do, yet carries significant risks up to and including death. Insanity.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

Appreciate your 'stack and providing [all] the info: I simply am stunned. What used to be my concern was where is all this leading? While still valid, that has become terribly burdened in the need to be 'more than concerned', in recognizing where we are today.

Mark, you linked to M. Albright's abject disregard of human life even 'children!'... the attitude, nay the practice of disregard for life is seen simply in another front - hundreds of thousands of Ukraine and that regions people dead today; with millions world-wide that will face starvation directly due to this current front/assault on humanity. How many must die, as the question we might find absolutely basic, is not even a consideration for those evil propagators. A very large part of this group are 'leadership' of our country. This is all I got right now-and it's not got any hope showing up. (WH)

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Remember that Madeline Albright famously said that the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was somehow "worth it"--in the interests of our Rules Based Order?


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All these pieces of vile information that keep inundating us mean nothing. The global deep state could care less that we know what they're doing and what they intend to do. They're going to do it whether we like it or not. The only thing that will bring this c*ap to a grinding halt is if conservative/patriots gain complete control of the U.S. Dept of Justice. COMPLETE, UNMITIGATED CONTROL.

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Wow! Land of the free? Ruled by demonic haters of normal humanity.


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