Again, we have to bear in mind that anyone who says anything about Wuflu vs non Wuflu deaths is full of it. We have no idea who has died of what because the data is so hopelessly and intentionally mangled at every level by corrupt hospitals, corrupt county and state governments, and by the feds. We are playing their con game when we debate over virus deaths. It's for good reason that bad cattitude and other stat experts do NOT use US data. They go overseas for that and then try to make sense of US all cause deaths.

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I'm beyond disappointed in SCOTUS. I'm beyond disappointed that the idiots who argued that case all but ignored the OUTCOMES. That said, the vaccine failure is WAY TOO big to hide already. Another week for the anger at the administrative state to grow might not be a bad thing. Child vaccine regret is growing by the minute.

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I thought the original story was a 40% increase in "working age people", so 18-60 something.

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More speculation--Zhou is reported to be going to "address the nation" re Covid today. Is SCOTUS holding off releasing opinion for that?

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Total speculation, but there has been a massive amount of new information and developments, specifically with regard to injections and boosts. From official sources. Hopefully this is having an effect.

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