Wow, just wow. DARPA found mRNA research too dangerous??? Those people turn down virtually nothing.

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Yep. That's like the neocons saying "Actually, we don't want to invade that country".

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The lab leak theory is a psy-op in itself, a great distraction. They don’t want us to realize there is no virus.

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There is definitely something, Frank. Both my wife and I got sick in the fall of 2020 with symptoms very different than any we'd ever had before. We did recover over about 7 days or so, and had a somewhat milder version of the same in 2022. And we absolutely did not and will not take the jab! You are discrediting people who did get sick from this. Be careful - you undermine the truth with that theory. There is something - but it has over a 99% survival rate for people with no co-morbidities, especially is they don't get intubated and injected with remdesivir (sp?). The survival rate for the jabbed is less, and likely getting worse with time. Pray for them!

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I experienced much the same as you with symptoms that seemed out of the ordinary.

I believe that we are being poisoned (various theories there) but a virus it is not because viruses don’t exist, all diseases are just a healing mechanism from toxins within.

I sit firmly in the Terrain Theory camp but that’s another discussion altogether.

Best wishes.

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I don't know about the poisoning. I had never heard of the Terrain Theory before, other than a few people saying things that must have been related to it, but they didn't name it. Thank you for that. I read a few articles on it, from both perspectives. There are things about germ theory that make sense, and there are things about Terrain Theory that make sense. I could see the truth being a combination of the two, with maintaining health (terrain) being largely the primary focus, but germs still playing a part, especially where a certain ailment spreads through a portion of the population. It may be it spreads more among those not taking the best care of themselves, but it is a suddenly common ailment. There has to be a cause, and even if poisoning is happening now, it wasn't throughout history. So again, thanks for pointing this idea out to me, and consider me in the middle camp, leaning towards Terrain. :-)

P.S. I have been largely against vaccinations the last 30 years or so. But I was helped as a grade schooler by getting a series of immunization shots over a period of about 9 months. I was stung by a nest of yellow jackets, maybe a dozen stings or so, and had a strong reaction to that. They had to take me to the hospital. My eyes were swollen shut for days. So after that, they gave me three shots of bee venom a week, equal to a third of a sting. Then they upped it to two shots a week, equal to half a sting. Finally they finished with one shot a week equal to a full sting. I have been stung a few times since, and one of those times was by two bees, and never raised a welt bigger than a quarter. So I think that worked, but my wife likes to keep epipens around, just in case.

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The crime of the century. There are a lot people who need to be hanged for this.

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And then shot. And then drawn and quartered. And then hanged again, piece by piece.

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And then REALLY punished!

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Sending them mean tweets and calling them names... that kind of punished...? You fiend ;-)

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I was thinking more along the lines of them having to watch Morris Dancing all day long. Maybe that just sadism.

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Nowadays, I'm witholding judgment on whether it was a lab leak at all.

I bought into the narrative back in January 2020 that there might be a deadly virus escaping China... That fear was seeded in written social media by smart scientists, and not by the videos of people falling dead in Wuhan; I didn't see any of those videos. I was willing to credit our government with overreacting to a possible threat due to their knowledge of what was constructed in a lab.

Nowadays, there are reasonable people with scientific expertise who doubt the possibility of a sudden global pandemic caused by a deadly virus... or even by a standard-issue coronavirus. Regardless of all those high-resolution animations depicting spread via air passenger travel around the globe. The guys and gals who do numbers have run the numbers, and it doesn't add up.

Perhaps this latest "Fauci visits the CIA to coordinate a coverup" is meant to ensure our "uptake" of the lableak narrative and its premise: dangerous viruses that have pandemic potential (uncontrolled respiratory spread) are constructed in labs. And it may not really be possible. They needed the appearance of a manmade pandemic because they were having no luck with naturemade pandemics.

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I'm open to the idea of a release, rather than a leak.

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Agreed - maybe they saw Trump as their existential crisis and pandemic-related unconstitutional opportunities the solution. The timing was always suspicious.

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This is such an outrage and I don’t think anyone will ever be held accountable! I know that I have seen some who suggest that Fauci is being set up as the fall guy, but I’m not buying into that idea. My sense is that he’ll slither away unharmed, like Lois Lerner of IRS fame, and enjoy a carefree retirement in the lap of luxury while the people who were harmed by this will be left to deal with the real life consequences of this crime, and as far as I am concerned it is a monstrous crime.

As regards the MSMs role as enablers and propagandists, they have my undying contempt. Their role in this is almost worse than those who perpetrated this vile enterprise, because it is allegedly the duty of the Fourth Estate to monitor and expose the misdeeds of government in order to protect the citizens from tyranny. They have failed miserably and for this they should be ashamed. But they won’t be, ever.

I am ashamed that Putin’s characterization of the US as an empire of lies is proven true every day.

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Didn't Fauci get multiple jabs?

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Fake ones. Wasn't there a picture where he got jabbed in one shoulder, but had the bandage on the other shoulder a day or two later? Of course that could be a fake photo too. <Sigh> ... We have liars playing every angle.

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Saline most likely.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 1, 2023
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"He was forced to get vaccinated to keep his job in March 2021." This may sound harsh, but no-one was forced to get the jab.

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BS. Holding your and your family's livelihood to your head is force.

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My private business hasn't recovered from the Covid disaster and I will probably go bankrupt in the near future. All because many of my clients refused to work with someone who wasn't willing to take the jab. I didn't refuse because I'm braver than everyone else - far from it - I refused because I did a cold-headed cost/benefit analysis and came to the conclusion that going bankrupt, losing my house, making my 4 kids suffer was still a better deal than risking ruined health and death from what everyone knew from the beginning was an untested, experimental, unapproved fake "vaccine". A number of my friends did the same. If more of those who caved had stood strong, we wouldn't be where we are today.

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Coercion short of force.

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Those who were wary of taking the jab where wary because of health concerns. Many of us had to decide what was more important: our health or our jobs. Losing a job can be terrible; losing your life can be fatal. I went with the former.

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I look forward to that event with great pleasure, Rascal. I'm tired of seeing good people getting steamrollered while the truly evil ones get off scot-free.

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The truly evil ones have forever to pay for it. They can't, and most won't repent and turn to the only One who can pay their debt. There is a price for their evil. Justice will be done, even if not during their lifetime.

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