It's been over 40 years since I worked for the feds, but this is what the process used to be. To get a security clearance as a civilian employee, the prospective employee's background is investigated under an enhanced background check. The investigators talk to neighbors, friends, previous employers to determine whether the applicant is suitable for the position and has no affiliation with terrorists or communists or any other group that advocates for the overthrow of the government. The prospective employee's fingerprints are run through federal and local criminal databases in every place the prospective employee has lived to ensure that the applicant does not have a criminal record. In the past, you had to have a spotless record to be granted a security clearance. For a position that does not require a security clearance, the investigation is much less thorough. The background check used to be updated every 5 years.
The process must have changed significantly over the years, though, because John Brennan was deemed eligible for CIA employment and security clearances despite the fact that he voted for Gus Hall, an avowed Communist, for president and was a member of some very lefty groups when he was young.
If we are going to have true Justice reform , the first thing is to get rid of Qualified immunity. It is just cover for evil people who use their position for power, favor and revenge! Also get rid of McConnell ,Romney and Collins.
Good luck with that, but I think you should start with the (accurate) premise that your republic is already lost and would need to be recreated. Hearing nonsense about "preserving the republic" (as if it weren't already gone) only undermines your appeal to people who might potentially agree with you.
good luck, the Republic is in worst state than Reconstruction
this is roughly the Federal government we would have had under Tilden -- no safe harbor for Republicans anywhere in Democrat areas at any level of government -- except they also control nearly every major institution as well, so don't expect another Compromise of 1877
at this point it might better to just give the blues their own country where words mean whatever they like
"Our institutions... must be radically overhauled & reformed, & a renewed emphasis on first principles restored."
Can you imagine the forces arrayed against us in this battle? Remember, incumbent lawyers, who benefit greatly from the current arrangement, control the law making process .
I maintain that real reform will not occur without real war
Can you imagine: The mightiest Army in the world arrayed against General Washington's barefoot, rag-tag army? We have traded the freedom for which they died for comfort.
Absolutely, positively, correct ! Justice by our legal system has become very scarce indeed, especially since the last half of the 20th century. Seems that when justice does occur it is by dumb luck, happenstance or error, never deliberately. After seeing the final results of first a guardianship then the probate of 2 decedents estates involving my mother and her brother, I'll say this, there is no bigger nest of vipers on this planet than the members of the State Bar of Texas. Bad lawyers become judges, legislators, prosecutors and the few good ones are never to be found when you need one and charge crazy high fees. If you happen to have an easy, cut and dried legal malpractice case unless it involves huge 7 figure dollars no attorney will take the case. Never volunteer to be an executor or administrator of an estate, learn from my experience.
Like Techno Fog, Robert Barnes, Margot Cleveland, and a few others, she has been a top drawer to-go for legal analysis for me. I look forward to her defining a new role in the battle.
What are "clearances" and the clearance process?
It's been over 40 years since I worked for the feds, but this is what the process used to be. To get a security clearance as a civilian employee, the prospective employee's background is investigated under an enhanced background check. The investigators talk to neighbors, friends, previous employers to determine whether the applicant is suitable for the position and has no affiliation with terrorists or communists or any other group that advocates for the overthrow of the government. The prospective employee's fingerprints are run through federal and local criminal databases in every place the prospective employee has lived to ensure that the applicant does not have a criminal record. In the past, you had to have a spotless record to be granted a security clearance. For a position that does not require a security clearance, the investigation is much less thorough. The background check used to be updated every 5 years.
The process must have changed significantly over the years, though, because John Brennan was deemed eligible for CIA employment and security clearances despite the fact that he voted for Gus Hall, an avowed Communist, for president and was a member of some very lefty groups when he was young.
If we are going to have true Justice reform , the first thing is to get rid of Qualified immunity. It is just cover for evil people who use their position for power, favor and revenge! Also get rid of McConnell ,Romney and Collins.
Good luck with that, but I think you should start with the (accurate) premise that your republic is already lost and would need to be recreated. Hearing nonsense about "preserving the republic" (as if it weren't already gone) only undermines your appeal to people who might potentially agree with you.
good luck, the Republic is in worst state than Reconstruction
this is roughly the Federal government we would have had under Tilden -- no safe harbor for Republicans anywhere in Democrat areas at any level of government -- except they also control nearly every major institution as well, so don't expect another Compromise of 1877
at this point it might better to just give the blues their own country where words mean whatever they like
The idea is to make as much money as you can as a lawyer then go into politics where you can make even way more money. A recipe for corruption.
Well done. We need you. Anyone who has worked in the court system over the past two decades knows the truth of which you speak.
"Our institutions... must be radically overhauled & reformed, & a renewed emphasis on first principles restored."
Can you imagine the forces arrayed against us in this battle? Remember, incumbent lawyers, who benefit greatly from the current arrangement, control the law making process .
I maintain that real reform will not occur without real war
Can you imagine: The mightiest Army in the world arrayed against General Washington's barefoot, rag-tag army? We have traded the freedom for which they died for comfort.
AMEN! Well stated 💪
Thank God, we have some people left who are willing and able to fight for a free country.
How sad is it they my first thought is that she needs protection. Hope she has it.
She wrote several pieces decrying the many miscarriages of justice in the Michael Flynn case.
Absolutely, positively, correct ! Justice by our legal system has become very scarce indeed, especially since the last half of the 20th century. Seems that when justice does occur it is by dumb luck, happenstance or error, never deliberately. After seeing the final results of first a guardianship then the probate of 2 decedents estates involving my mother and her brother, I'll say this, there is no bigger nest of vipers on this planet than the members of the State Bar of Texas. Bad lawyers become judges, legislators, prosecutors and the few good ones are never to be found when you need one and charge crazy high fees. If you happen to have an easy, cut and dried legal malpractice case unless it involves huge 7 figure dollars no attorney will take the case. Never volunteer to be an executor or administrator of an estate, learn from my experience.
Like Techno Fog, Robert Barnes, Margot Cleveland, and a few others, she has been a top drawer to-go for legal analysis for me. I look forward to her defining a new role in the battle.
Odd considering that the Lawyer's Guild has been at the forefront of tearing it all down.