1000% correct

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There are many Latin Mass communities that diligently attempt to hold the sacred as Sacred. They will evolve as the faithful Roman Catholic Church. Many pockets of good, religious people will stem the tsunami that is swelling. Am I afraid? Yes, but I know some GOOD people will survive and return the population remaining to rekindle the Judeo-Christian faith and society in the USA.

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"When the ideology of a ruling elite is anti-human, then all politics breaks down." True, but humanity does not cease to exist. Won't they hate us all the more when we preserve our humanity as we deal with the adversity they are creating.

"Luongo: They believe that because they are successful at controlling everything they deserve to be successful and controlling everything. They continue to look on everybody else as the help." When"all politics breaks down" it means they control nothing but their own limited world, and no, we will not be the help.

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Not sure about that. When everything breaks down, the help stop actually getting paid (because at some point, why even bother doing that) and that makes everything extra difficult for them. I'm thinking of a friend who left Venezuela a few years back when it got to the point that his (once fairly middle class) sisters were reduced to giving blow jobs for cans of tuna fish. Apparently most of the military and police still got paid though and they seemed to have a lot of canned goods to barter with as well.

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Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022

"The American people are slow to wrath, but when their wrath is once kindled it burns like a consuming flame."

--T. Roosevelt

If were I among the 'elite' I would worry about whether this is still true. If push comes to shove, I'm pretty sure that most of the owners of the 300 million firearms will not be thinking in terms of suicide.

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Gee, you may have a point! Do you think it would be a good idea to build a fence around the Capitol building and a larger one around the White House? /sarc

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This stuff is also to insane to continue. The fear mongering in this reminds me of Covid fear porn. Yes, the managerial class is insane and has a lot of power. Just because something is true today does not mean it is tomorrow.

How about some articles on the people pushing back and winning?

I don’t disagree on a lot of this, but to give these lunatics victory without making them earn it is not very productive. Let’s not give in and go create the whole self-fulfilling prophecy thing.

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Putin is pushing back and winning. I've been writing about that quite a bit. The rise of alternatives to the dollar should have major consequences for funding in US politics. After all, it's the Great Reset money that has been behind the entire malign anti-human agenda here in the US.

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Removed (Banned)Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022
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Yes, but there has been a huge amount of progress. Again, the fake 2020 elections were awful. California might not see a legit election in my lifetime. But a lot of places and people and legislators have stood up to fix it where they can.

This isn’t going to change overnight, but rolling over is weak. It’ll take time, but we are not lost.

It’s like people egging war with Russia claiming this is the “biggest war in Europe since WW II.” Well, I have friends from Bosnia that beg to differ. “Europe” is not at war. Eastern Ukraine is in a Slovak civil war. We are sending stuff to weaken Putin with the lives of Ukrainians. Letting people think this is “basically” already WW III makes it easier to get them on board with more actual war. Same with this globalist crap. If someone who hasn’t actually won can convince you they have then we lose no matter what. It’s silly to throw up the white flag at this point.

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Uh oh! You may have just transgressed the rules based order. One of its values is to never criticize your betters and never, ever, suggest that the emperors are naked.

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Removed (Banned)Apr 8, 2022
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I learned more of how government works by watching The Godfather series then i ever learned in school. All they want to do is wet their beaks on others labor.

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