I just listened to Mike Cernovich. His argument is that, while Chamberlain did a super job showing the rest of us the type of wacked out ideologues liberal SCOTUS justices hire, these people are too high IQ to allow their misdeeds to be so easily traced. I suppose the response to that is twofold:

1. Very smart people have been known to do very dumb things. This is fact.

2. The number of possible perps is extremely limited: 9 justices, each of whom has four clerks. I think we know it wasn't the cleaning staff. So the perp is drawn from a pretty limited circle of high IQ people. The nature of leaking of this kind leads leakers to rely on people they know and trust, rather then mailing the swag anonymously and counting on it not going astray. Because the journalist needs assurances that the stuff is genuine.

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I like argument #2 particularly. There is a "chain of custody" concern as well as a need for trust that the person conveying the information to the public will do so in the exact manner one wishes. That to me is best accomplished through a preexisting (and accountable) personal relationship.

Anyone who has been quoted by the press knows that they (the press) have not only a tendency but a persistent self-interest in skewing (i.e., misrepresenting) what one says in entirely unpredictable ways. In a matter this grave and of this importance that is not a variable a sane person would want to leave undefined. Thus, and in light of its supporting evidence, I am perfectly comfortable believing Chamberlain's hypothesis.

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What is wrong with all these she devil Liliths anyway? Isaiah Chapters 32-34 come to mind.

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@mark This may have been posted, but if not, Glenn Greenwald has a fantastic write up on the Left's reaction to this leak.


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This is really well presented by Greenwald. It is sort of schizophrenic in a way, though, when he talks about the proper role of the SCOTUS both in terms of promoting "Democracy" and in terms of applying the Constitution as a bulwark against majoritarian opinion. In my opinion the crux of the argument around the role of the SCOTUS should be based on its role in limiting the federal government's ability to infringe on the stated and implied rights in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. As such rights are "negative," the court should never postulate any NEW rights of any sort. This they did with Roe and that is now the problem.

In the end the fulcrum for the abortion question will be whether the right to life as stated in our founding documents applies to the "pre-born." That question will not be resolved just on the basis of whether it is decided on a federal or a state basis.

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TexaxDude posted it last night. I'm reading it, but have to cut the lawn, too.

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My ponies do almost all of my "lawn" mowing, manure goes in the compost pile.

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I just don’t see Roberts being man enough to grab this bull by the tail. Sorry, but he hasn’t distinguished himself during his tenure as Chief Justice, just something else to run away from.

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Riddle me this. What do Kevin Clinesmith, Eric Ciaramella, Jake Sullivan and Elizabeth Deutsch have in common?

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Dark hair and insanity, is my guess!

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They're all Jewish?

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Nah. I’ve heard that it’s some guy named Ciaramella and his jelly roll sidekick known as the vend-man. Comes from a guy who also swears that the Totchka-U that hit the Moskva was fired directly from the Lusitania just as it passed through the Gulf of Tonkin. ;-)

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Looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. While "Elizabeth" could or could not be the reprobate here, it does seem that she may be the duck. Despicable.

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The Supreme Court losing its (absurd, phony) reputation as an apolitical institution is a feature, not a bug. The left destroyed the courts long ago and the right has been playing a sucker's game in propping up the notion of them being impartial arbiters. The Supreme Court has been reduced to just another political tool. It's long past time that the right began using SCOTUS to unabashedly move the ball in the other direction. Congress and the Executive were never supposed to have been subordinate to SCOTUS, essentially requiring their imprimatur for every law and action. Marbury was the real problem and it will not be a bad thing if the court loses its supremacy.

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Whether this woman is the leaker or not,it’s rather telling who these Leftist judges have working for them! Do we have any idea of when the Supreme Court will officially come out with their ruling in this case? The usual suspects are already calling for violence!

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And, Joe Biden just came out and stated that the MAGA movement is the most extreme political organization that's existed in American history. Now they are focusing their targeting on MAGA people so guess where the violence will be directed yet again?!

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And the only topic to the left more energizing than abortion is trump. So attacking maga agenda makes the election about trump again. As with his 3 SC appointees.

Dang I still think they are a bunch of assclowns but the way they can switch narrative on a dime is impressive and something that should worry Gop. I keep hearing the likes of Graham, Blackburn and Scott say it won't make a difference, I disagree.

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New commenter here... one who has been following this excellent SubStack for a while. Also, I am based in South Africa, so may not fully grasp US workings. My question about this leak is... I grasp the issues of concern about the actual leak, but why am I not seeing any opprobrium directed at the journalist, and The Politico for going ahead and publishing the article?

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Because Politico is a liberal establishment house organ serving Zhou regime interests.

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Yes... and I understand that the GOP are generally a feckless bunch, but I would have hoped that at least someone might have grabbed to opportunity.

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I'm not sure I agree here. It's natural and understandable that the journalist published. Same with wikileaks, Snowden, Hunter's laptop.

Onus on the Court not to leak, not on Politico not to publish.

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May 4, 2022
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Yep. It used to be that the Left's morality was "it's only wrong if you get caught," as long as the deed promoted an end they liked. Now, even if they get caught they get rewarded with a job at CNN or MSNBC. Moral limits no longer exist for them.

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May 4, 2022
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I vote all of the above. My intuitive guess is that Kagan, Soto, and Breyer all sat down for a strong belt of pinot grigio and plotted the next move. It was agreed, amidst evil giggles, that Breyer would be the best one to initiate the leak and his clerk, as the most rabid baby killer, as the logical leaker w connection to the state propaganda outlets.

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May 4, 2022Edited
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Rascal, in early February 2020 or late January there was a poll released on overall optimism in our country. Something like 70% who responded felt optimistic about the future. It was the highest rating since the 1950s. I may not have the date or percentage exactly right, but I remember thinking this is great for trump's reelection. About a week later Covid was all over the news and the death tolls began.

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It is the best of times because it is the worst of times. The gang that forced their way into total power don't know how to use that power for good and are making a mess of everything. The reaction this November will be awesome. But first, there is a lot more pain on the horizon.

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May 4, 2022
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May 4, 2022
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Any riots will be in Blue states, so just more of the same. Red America will just carry on as normal. The question for leftie rioters will be "How do you burn rubble?"

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May 4, 2022
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Coincidental but I don't think so...https://archive.ph/UvATt

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