Like I said, DC is a cancer on the country. Waiting for anything to happen in that place that is in the best interests of America is a fool's errand. The Founders never envisioned a place so corrupted with power and if they did...well, Thomas Jefferson had a solution but ,to speak or write anything like he said invites DC to destroy your life. Any change in this country is going to come at the state level. THAT is the country the Founders envisioned yet getting there is a war most Americans are unwilling to fight.

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Agreed. Even if Trump wins, he will face the same opposition that he faced in his first term. DC is broke because it reflects what 50% of Americans (and Westerners in general) have become. This will continue until the whole system breaks down and something new is born out of the chaos. Everyone who wants to survive this will need a hidey-hole, whether it's a well-stocked pantry or living in a red state that will not buckle to DC.

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It's the war of the secular progs against the rest. Is it actually 50%? Hard to say. By some measures, yes, by other measures, no. What's lacking is a coherent world view based in Western Civ.

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

I think the actual number of secular progs dedicated to wiping out our culture and civilization is quite small. The problem is that they control the high ground of society and have massive influence over many normies and midwits who can't think for themselves. And yes, the belief in Western Civ and in Christianity has fallen, except as a system of personal belief for a remnant, and the resulting vacuum has not been filled.

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Had a peek at Luongo's blog recently.

A bit disappointed he apparently has nothing to say about the Fed's three-month "test" of the CBDC "digital dollar".


He did mention it two years ago, but it seems his position on Powell has evolved since then.


(For those not clued-in about what's a CBDC, I recommend this little vignette: https://theupheaval.substack.com/p/just-say-no-to-cbdcs )

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Well, Luongo did note the video where the Mpls FED President said that CBDC was a solution looking for a problem. The important thing, I think, to realize about this test program is that it applies only to the wholesale side of monetary policy (overnight lending between banks, holding of reserves, purchases of foreign currency and other assets by the Fed, etc.) There are advantages to using a CBDC for some of those functions.

The retail side, which most of us commonly think about when we think of digital currency augmenting or replacing paper fiat currency, is a whole other ball of wax. THAT is what would delete the function of the "NY boys" in the Federal Reserve system and conceivably enable centralized control of private financial transactions. Thankfully, the technical infrastructure needed to implement that, and the legal framework that would need to be put in place to support it, mean that if it ever happens it is a long way down the road. As the Mpls Fed President said, its value add is highly questionable (except as a means of authoritarian control). After all, we already have digital payment systems in place now (called credit cards).

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How much of the system we now live in began as "solutions seeking problems"?

Technical infrastructure can change quickly. Laws can change quickly. The SWIFT and PCI systems we use now are showing their age. The status quo has many technical disadvantages. It's expensive to run, and carries a heavy and constant load of petty fraud. Almost any modern system would be better, from a technical perspective. Only inertia and the lack of an alternative keep it in place. Decision making in this space is already so consolidated that network effects are negligible.

I just doubt that the Fed has any antipathy to "authoritarian control". That's kind of what they're all about! Maybe they'll defeat Davos, but that doesn't mean they're good guys. Pretty sure Luongo's been saying that too.

Anyway, I'll be keeping an eye on this "test". I think it's a step in a scary direction.

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So I just read that Trump's account has been reinstated at Twitter. Heads will explode.

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A great win for free speech, but I hope Trump thinks this time before he presses "enter".

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You seem to be blaming Trump for getting censored by the globalist prog cabal, and advocating for self censorship in the future. That's ridiculous and self defeating.

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Not so, Mark. I'm glad he's back, but I hope he's more judicious with his tweeting and doesn't get tied up in personal vendettas like he did before. He needs to concentrate on the big issues and not get side-tracked by personal twitter wars.

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On the other hand, this video of Obama talking about rigged elections has been put in Twitter Jail: https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/11/18/massive-citizenfreepress-news-site-suspended-from-musks-twitter-for-sharing-video-of-obama-admitting-election-machine-exploits/

When it's all said and done, what do you suppose Orange Man's return-on-investment will be for Truth Social?

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Removed (Banned)Nov 20, 2022
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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

I don't relate to this "can't control himself" nonsense at all. What exactly is so offensive about the unvarnished truth? Those who are offended are certainly welcome to go where the polish suits them - as if we don't have decades worth of examples of what that polite polish provides to real people.

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Trump is all no longer between us and the Flood. It will hit before 2024. He may then be the one to correct the situation, if we give him our confidence. Or course if you want to take a chance with Cruz or DeSantis, or Meade, McClellan, Burnside, Hooker, etc.

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From Biden's post-election remarks on November 9,

Q: So how do you reassure [the G7 countries], if that is the reason for their questioning ["for how long" will America continue safely in the capable hands of Joe Biden and his administration], that the former President [Trump] will not return [in 2024] or that his political movement, which is still very strong, will not —

THE PRESIDENT: Oh, yeah? (Laughs.)

Q — once again take power in the United States?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by — if we — if he does run. I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again.

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Surber showing a maturation of or an already mature intellect. The sign of a human being who can admit his imperfect nature and admit to a need for forgiveness and reconciliation. This is a large part of why I voted Trump in 2016. I knew Trump would be a litmus test for integrity both among the establishment of the GOP and among the "Libs." That remains as true today as it was then. It along with Trump's policy positions and his success in implementing them during his administration are why I will vote for him again. Is he perfect? Far from it. Do I wish he would admit it? Yes. But on the other hand, has the Republican Party admitted to its need for reconciliation with the people it claims to represent? Not in the least. Have the Dems/Libs admitted that they are neither Democratic or Liberal, but are indeed Fascistic and Totalitarian? Not in the least. This calls for more Trump. It may bring about the formal end of our two party and fifty state political system as we have believed it to be... but it may also then introduce something much better.. a government based on truth, justice, and local responsiveness to local needs. Perhaps we shall see. Or perhaps we shall see Davos. Choice is ours.

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Seems like I read an article where Josh Hawley (R-MO) mused that the 2022 election signaled the demise of the Republican party as currently structured. With all the lame-duck quackery being bandied about - amnesty and codifying homosexual marriage - he may be right.

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After the mid-term fiasco, pretty much the whole of the Republican Party flipped us the bird. Of course they couldn’t resist rubbing salt in our wounds by putting Mitch and Kevin in charge!! Maybe I’m being overly sensitive, but it sure seems like they are saying, “Ok, you voted, now go sit down and shut the hell up!”

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Since the demonrats have taken election fraud to new heights, and I believe there is nothing they won’t do to avoid Trump, how is it that he is allowed to win? I’m so disgusted with the repubs too.

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I agree with both Mark and Don but your point is where it falls apart. There is no war on this earth they are going to allow him to be president. I fear for his life.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

Yes, I do too :(

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Removed (Banned)Nov 20, 2022
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The great unanswered question. Ha! "A cabal"? Who? Someone calls the shots.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 19, 2022
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There is nothing stopping Trump from running right now & he is running. Period.

Q: How do you eat an elephant?

A: One bite at a time

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