Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

Out of all the items in this big box of crazy...its the hubristic, outright rejection of diplomatic efforts by Nuland, Blinken, Sullivan and those handling "Biden" that are most frightening.

12-16 months ago we in this forum wondered just how far these idealogues would go.

Apparently it won't be until they are forced to sign formal surrender documents sitting on a Russian destroyer...after millions are killed.

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Or worse, until they get us into WW III.

I truly believe that these people are so consumed by arrogance and incompetence that they actually believe that they will prevail in a shooting war with the Russians.

Guess they missed the part in Kissinger’s new book where he says that constantly provoking your adversaries is counterproductive.

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The neocons had planned this from 2013/4 onwards. But in their hubris, they forget that Putin was making his plans too. They forgot the oldest axiom about war planning: the enemy also has a vote.

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

What is driving the Western Support for Ukraine?

- Russia is a useful scapegoat for the Left / Democrats from higher energy costs to food shortages to election issues, misinformation, and economic issues.

- The danger of Russian disinformation/ misinformation justifies censorship.

- Reduces Russian influence in Europe.

- justifies increases in financial tracking to combat Russian sanction busting.

- creates opportunities for more Green policies

- Dirty money / bribes from Ukraine to Western politicians

- Neocon hatred of Russia

- WEF / Soros hatred of Russia

- Attempt by UK to increase their influence

- Polish elite hatred of Russia

The driver was originally the color revolution under Obama. Then Ukraine used money to generate an huge amount of influence in Washington. And over time other drivers have emerged.

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Laundered taxpayers money back to themselves you mean

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and, last but not least, the desperation to cover up Zhou and Co.’s schemes in Ukraine, ergo Trump had to go…great list, Ray, disturbingly exhaustive!

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Who would have thought Trump would act like Jesus in the temple, showing the corruption in our Republic.

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Trump doesn't exactly evoke a Abraham-like figure to me, for sure. Never underestimate in whom or how God works! Of course, Jesus exposed the hypocrisy but they still Crucified him... another Trump similarity? they're still trying, anyways. Best at you sir! (WRH)

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Hello Ray,

I'll suggest, as today's subject-post suggests, this isn't about supporting Ukraine. I agree with you the Russian War thing is very obscure in purpose. I've mentioned before I think there are several 'cabals' in action (you've listed most I could think of) that I don't think are actually coordinated- agendas vary widely - but they're in concert of agreement with what's being done. I think the East-Asia alliance thing is terrifying to most of them; so much wealth has been made via the King Dollar ongoing debacle that when what's due to happen (34 tril $s debt? Plus un-allocated obligations around another 90 Tril $s or so!) will dilute that wealth way beyond simple inflation. Sadly, that dilutes your and my wealth, too. And by dilute: I'm just old enough to remember the 1970's: it sucked except at least I was working (was hard to do with the economy in ruins) and got subsequent pay raises. Today, for a pay raise beyond the few dollars Social Security increases that are teased, I get a raise to cover bills right out of my savings - which means in a few years along with Social Security failing my IRA's will be diluted to where life will be, forgive my saying this- it's not for sympathy - painfully difficult. I am not alone and I do not know what happens to those of us Boomers who are too many to man Walmart Greeters positions... Besides that, I don't know if I can drive a truck with an automatic - :^) - FYI, CDLs now have a level / class for those who can't operate a stick. A joke to us old-truckers but very, very real. My regards Ray! (WRH)

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Look Mark. We’re dark orange!

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I wish I could. The idea of moving just tires me.

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You've been settled in retirement a while I believe. I moved from 'blue to red' WHEN I retired: wouldn't want to now so I get your sentiments completely. Best wishes Mark. (WRH)

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When So Dakota gains population, you know there’s something wrong (no offense to the beauty of the Black Hills!). Re Europe, I hear the fed-ups are relocating to Dubai.

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We are in big trouble as a nation, is it time for a divorce? Maybe so. Things would have been much different had the New England federalists followed through with secession.

I count a total of 46 different partisan elected offices (federal, state,county) that I get to vote for, a few 2 year terms, most are 4 years, some staggered 6 year terms. There are precisely 2 Dem. office holders, the POTUS & VP, all the others are supposedly Republicans, there are 2 that I like: Sid Miller - Texas Commissioner of Agriculture & State Senator Brian Birdwell. All the rest are various forms of political vermin, ranging from irritating to deadly.

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A short addendum, I live in a county with a population of less than 14,000 persons (+100,000 cattle), in the highly populated counties there are dozens of additional judicial offices, multiple County Courts at Law and District Courts, nobody knows who they are really voting into office. If I lived in a city there would be at least 1 council member, several if there are at large seats, and Mayor. Since every square inch of the state is in a school district there are School Board Trustees to be voted on.

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Hey ScT, My county ["Washington County"] has 11,000 folks, more cows and many more sheep (? I know...) and a ton of beet & onion fields. The Boise area, growth centric in the state, comprises 2 counties and 2/3rds the state populace. Our 'Austin' is in 2 areas: the Ski Resort area (Sun Valley with it's own Jet-capable airport) and the northern panhandle section near Washington State's city of Spokane. Probably 65% Trump voters statewide but still, way too much politics goes to DC from here. What is hard to accept is the nat'l influence on stuff, like shutting down our Churches. While just 6 weeks, our 1st Amendment is more important than the 2nd; around here there's no problem with the 2nd but we 'gave in' to the attack on the 1st. At least for 6 weeks. I've said it before, God Bless Texas and you! He has richly blessed me and my family; I pray for a return to a God-first society; the one that made this experiment called the USA so good. - :^) -- (WRH)

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G' evening SCT,

I'm supposed to be pleasantly forgetful as I age, instead I'm really perplexed (which infers the brain still working, just not solving stuff). I didn't retire away from Washington State due to politics, but it's liberal politics had ruined enough that I live much better in a conservative-state's economy. Hindsight shows that excepting my grandkids being in the Seattle region, one of the best moves I've ever made was leaving. Born and Raised in Seattle; this is the 3rd time I've left it: it just kept getting worse. It wasn't until the 3rd move I realized there was no reconciliation for me because of the political-poison that thrives there.

So, here I am in a really conservative state (Idaho) that, similar to what you wrote about, had one of it's fine senators (Crapo) enjoy a nice paid vacation to Davos and participated with the WEP in that mess-fest. I dunno, once representatives go to DC they get eaten up by the power thing I guess. We're small enough population wise that we know who we vote for mostly quite well. The national races, however (such as Senator crappy I mean Crapo), show that doesn't matter.

Kurt Schlichter wrote those novels on a post-divided (divorced) America (*Kelly Turnbull series); he said he hoped it would never happen - but I don't care very much for California anyways. I've found the best people - a judgement made without political feelings known - hands down to be 'not of coastal regions'. I never did the psychedelics so popular during my youth, but what's happened is this country has become that lyric "What a long strange trip it's been" and now it means something to me. Sober-reality is now bizarre. No wonder so many do drugs these days: maybe it makes the world make sense to them... Blessings and my best to you sir! (WRH)

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Hoping this weekend in Lent is a blessing for you and yours Mark. Thanks for this info and this format in which to air and share our thoughts.

Much is 'unfolding', little as the [well-described] '3rd American Neocon party' would hope for. The description of our problems at home being forsaken (my para-phase) to prosecute the war on 'someone-anyone', (presently Russia), is so accurate that all that remains is to notice the unfortunate success being had with was noted in your post: "The public can apparently take an awful lot of gaslighting, double-dealing, and derogation." I don't know if it's intentional-acceptance, the gaslighting aspect seems to provide for the success of the rest. Our citizenry has become largely glad to be dependent and trusting with our Gov't leadership these days. (And loves their phone-screen above all else). My anxiety comes when considering the reckoning that's coming due... My best regards to all! (WRH)

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Thanks Wayne. We're trying to do some special things.

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