We must never forget that what they refer to as "control" has a flip side that is positively critical to any hope of stable, successful self-govt, and it's called "accountability." If the president isn't allowed to control the executive branch that is meant to work beneath him, then who the hell do we fire when those underlings trample all over the Constitution and tear the country to pieces in the process?

Well of course, no one, because in the real world it turns out there's no effective way to pin the destructive behavior on any one or more politicians or even one political party.

And that of course is the point of the entire exercise to begin with: kill accountability so the corrupt can run wild and never pay a price for doing so.

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Mark and I had a great debate yesterday with Commenter @perle.

If I understand him, perle counsels being patient and keeping a low profile because...well, this too shall pass. Because a government this dishonest cannot possible stand and it will eventually fall. Mark and I disagreed. In my words, generalizing, this government is criminal and it is destroying American lives every day and it must be changed now.

I don't know whether Trump can do it. Yes he tried 2016-2020 and they fought him every step of the way. They tried to destroy him then and they are trying to destroy him now. And yet he fights on. The man has extraordinary courage.

Like mostly everyone here, I acknowledge Trump's (many) personality and character flaws. I acknowledge his narcissism and impossible ego. I can barely watch a Trump campaign event any longer where he repeats the same old tired and empty tropes and hyperbole. I especially despise his alpha male, schoolyard attacks on his opponents, many of whom, like DeSantis, will have to be his allies if he is ever to win the nomination and re-election. I agree with those who complain that Trump made many poor personnel choices and failed to deliver on his policies in some (many?) respects. In particular, he was dead wrong on covid and vaccines and hasn't owned up to it.

Nevertheless, I firmly and unequivocally support Trump. There is no other candidate who has shown himself willing to take on the Deep State directly and fight for us. There is no other candidate who the Deep State (including RINOs and the Uniparty) is so afraid of. There is no other candidate who has the courage to stand up and oppose the insane war in Ukraine. Many of his personnel choices literally betrayed him. Unless and until another candidate steps forward who can establish that he or she will fight for us like Trump and also has a better chance of winning, I'm with Trump.

As a footnote, I believe other candidates for various offices are stepping forward who might not have without Trump's trailblazing. Its a process and momentum is building. Virginia candidate for Senate, Hung Cao, is an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBUE5uft_9k

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NYT - The best bird cage liner money can buy.

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I use it for other things, Dave, but as this is a family website, I'll leave it at that.

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There’s a reason NYT sent this to you and many unpaid subscribers rolling out purchased emails from 3rd parties.

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Right, Mark . The NYT says this will happen, but Trump himself doesn't, and didn't when he was first elected. He even went soft on Hillary quicker than he did with Stormy! Sure, this time he really, really means it. But he defends his Covid policies and RINO picks, trashes effective GOP governors, cozies up to Miss Lindsey and Mr. Caitlin,....wait, he's got a new nickname for DeSantis!

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And, worst of all, Trump accused Zhou of dragging the U.S. into a potential nuclear conflict by even considering allowing Ukraine to join NATO.

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Almost makes me want to go to DC and serve in his cabinet. I’d love to be known as the last ever Secretary of Education or HUD or Commerce or HHS Or maybe the guy who reduced the DOJ from 115,000 to about 45,000? Hey a guy can dream.

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Shut down toxic government agencies: Dept of Education, FBI, IRS, and more (and rebuild from scratch when required)

End civil service protections for bureaucrats: 8-year term limits instead

Eliminate federal employee unions: repeal JFK’s executive order 10988

Move >75% of federal employees out of Washington D.C. & end pro-lazy “remote work” option

Cut wasteful expenditures: White House, not individual agencies, will submit budget requests to Congress

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Touché! I should have specified that I didn't want a candidate who is controlled by the war mongering lobby and appeals to some of the basest American exceptionalist instincts.

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We seem to live in a world right now which is at a fatal intersection between evil and stupidity. I found this great quote from David Solway over at PJ Media which kinda nicely sums up where we are with the issues outlined above and our society in general: "The West is now caught in the vise between undisguised evil and vaulting stupidity, a wasting disease to be fought not only in the political arena but in the very corpuscles of an increasingly decadent civilization. I cannot say if the end times are already upon us. But without luck, grace, intelligence, and dedication, our future is a foregone conclusion." I have no faith in the political system but, in contrast, as lowly individuals, it's our duty to fight to the death against this evil "in the very corpuscles" of this sick society.

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Dear Steghorn21, while I generally admire David Solway (he did cross over and is an honest serious voice), I firmly reject the notion that the masses are described by 'vaulting stupidity'. Captivating language, but outside concentrated blue-zones and the hot-house elitism of the uncritically over-educated and credentialled, not in evidence. On the contrary, robust common sense at the individual every-man level is what I see. The new hit country song "Try that in a small town" by Jason Aldean is an example close at hand

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Bruce, I don't doubt what you say. I think he meant stupidity in the masse, which is hard to deny. I agree too with your belief that intelligence has nothing to do with education. All of the "over-educated and credentialled" people I know willingly lined up to take the death shots, while the "simple" folk around me knew it was a con from the start.

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Irrelevant, because he won't be POTUS.

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Or, irrelevant unless the elections work as constitutionally conceived.

We seem to be too far round the bend.

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So, irrelevant, then.

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NYT used to be a bit more subtle in their lies. Their being so bold is frightening because their readers just nod along.

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To riff on an old maxim, the NYT

will tell you what they are going to tell you to think,

then tell you what to think,

then tell you what they told you to think. So there can be no mistakes.

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He’ll be hung, racked, drawn and quartered, shot, burned at the stake before they let him anywhere near the power to do that. And I’ll still vote for him!

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Reluctantly have to agree with you Joe. People on the right keep forgetting that the left/deep state hates our guts and wishes we were dead! You are absolutely correct, they will pull out all the stops, and I do mean ALL, tyranny always manifests itself in political assassinations when all other means have failed. Things are going to get very, very dicey in the next few months.

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Removed (Banned)Jul 20, 2023
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The problem is, Gary, that they are reducing the wrong kind of population. The people they really want to kill off - free-thinkers, Africans, the poor, etc. - mostly refused to take the jab.

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As far as the free thinkers go, I'd say the goal wasn't at all to kill them off but to identify them and so better be able to deal with them in the future. Most free thinkers were pretty much forced to self-identify through their actions at least, and in many cases through their words as well, so insofar as identifying them actually was one part of the much larger mission, it would be hard to argue it was anything other than very successful on that front.

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