The Baltics putting up dragon teeth barriers and mines shows something is up in Tallin.

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Perhaps Russia sees an interesting opportunity in drawing out the war - killing as many foreign spooks and "advisors" as possible under the cover of the west's own gag orders.

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Hint in the unpaid section there was corruption involved in the lack of hardening of the arms depot.


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From the post.....

What's disturbing to me is that several more of the intact ammunition bunkers show signs of cratering from above - some of them quite large, as in the bunker to the right of the R4 mark - suggesting that the attack on Toropets was actually far larger than reported and may have involved the use of heavy missile.

......End post

Comment..... Maybe not.

Familiar with the Destruction of the 11th ACR in the Doha fire in 1991? An ammunition carrier caught on fire. It eventually blew up sending live ordnance around the compound and that ordnance subsequently exploded and caught other vehicles on fire This caused a chain reaction that repeated itself causing mass destruction.

This may also have happened in this case. One stock pile blows up, sending ordnance everywhere causing a chain reaction.

But who knows? Maybe there was more to this attack than meets the eye?

Sullivan made a mistake or is this a cover up? With Hezbollah having so many missiles and rockets , would have it made more sense to send these Patriots to Israel? But when did that transfer to the Ukraine happen? Before Oct 7th last year?

As for the Swiss and the swedes, their leadership is nuts OR their leadership is composed of progressive ideologues who want a "conservative" Russia to be defeated and disassembled......just like our NEOCONs

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The baltics could be getting a kick in the balls soon.

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Further evidence that Jake Sullivan is a reckless moron.

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Shouldn’t his boss fire him?

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wait, he has a boss?

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