Pain to the US, both short and long term, is the entire point and not an unexpected consequence.

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The actions of the US/Eu against Putin are insane. Are they the result of arrogance and stupidity; or are they part of some cunning plan?

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Yes, Putin attended one of the WEF recruiting seminars. No, that doesn't necessarily mean a person is WEF. That comes out through their professed positions and actions, as we see with Gavin and Justin and Mr. Bean and Macron, etc. OTOH, there are some well known WEF attendees who are ardent Trump supporters. Maria Bartiromo is one, to offer one example that springs to mind.

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I hope Putin is not a WEF member with the goal of implementing what this Elite wants.

It certainly looks like Putin is putting a big damper on the WEF.

On the other hand, the WEF wants to create chaos for the very purpose of achieving the NWO.

And chaos is at least underway, and it could get worse in the near future.

A lot of balls to keep an eye on right now and maybe still misunderstand cause and effect

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This whole thing is such a dumpster fire that it boggles the mind to think that anyone with an IQ above a bag of rocks had anything to do with “planning” it.

Sad to think that a 98 year old has a better grasp on the reality of things than all of these clowns put together.

Kissinger has forgotten more about foreign policy than these guys will ever know, so when he tells you that you can’t ignore and disregard Russia, you might want to pay attention.

And as you have been pointing out Mark, their plan ain’t exactly working out as described.

Unbelievable arrogance and wanton disregard for the unintended consequences of this course of action seems to be the guiding principle.

These people apparently have an infinite capacity for stupidity.

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For all his faults, Kissinger has always been a realist who never minces his words.

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Well written, good situational information. What is rarely mentioned , or avoided , is that it may not matter who "wins". What matters is that the war has started and is going on and may be going on for a long time.

The war may be part of a larger agenda and the consequences the war has on the economy, energy, refugee flows , political balance of power and food crisis , among other things, is desirable by those who are fired up and absolutely do not want to negotiate even though the situation is hopeless.

Surely , really a conspiracy thinking, or ?

Consider that the majority of leading politicians are Freemasons - coincidence ? Hmm And what does this organisation want? I leave it to the readers to dig further into this. Interesting but not pleasant knowledge.

Something really sucks. Even Putin seems to be a Freemason and like Zelensky he has a solid background in the WEF. So analyses here and there are of course interesting but are they from the right perspective? Maybe. My thinking is pretty much outside the box.

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Hi, If you search for Putin Freemasons you will find directly information that I find disturbing and ,has Putin really distanced himself from the WEF?

That is the question. If not then we are shitting the blue cupboard with all the analysis and being fooled. Chaos is the goal in that case.

At whose expense ? I follow the War quite closely and no doubt Russia is completely pulverizing Ukraine's forces. Now it remains to be seen whether the "West" will find reason to escalate the situation even further.

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Glenn: "If you search for [fill in the blank] you will find directly information"

This is true. It's what's so great about the internet. You can find confirmation for just about anything.

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Hi, yes you are right.

Will refrain from this type of comments in the future. It much to try to understand right now.

Continue to read your excellent posts in silence:)

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Putin as ex KGB is essentially an intelligence officer to his core. I clearly don't know the man but my guess would be that any stint at the WEF and any membership of any kind of organisation is first and foremost an intelligence gathering exercise. It's how they do.

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