Steele was busy injecting portions of the first three Clinton Dossier memos into the FBI via a breakfast meeting with Bruce Ohr. Bruce immediately meets McCabe and L Page at McCabe's office on a SATURDAY in late July:

>> https://twitter.com/JohnWHuber/status/1104405479940411392 <<

That's BEFORE CH was even opened. They didn't wait until September before seeing the allegations.

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Look at Ohr's questioning by Gowdy:

>> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D1OjAlzX0AMaDun?format=jpg&name=medium <<

Ohr starts to respond to the question of how he determined who he should pass along the info Steele gave hi moments earlier, and begins: "prior to the meeting ..." then he catches himself, shifts the focus of his response, and never answers the question Gowdy asked. But he clearly began to say he did something PRIOR to the meeting, resulting in McCabe and L. Page being in McCabe's office that Saturday morning immediately after Ohr's breakfast at the Mayflower Hotel with Steele.

It sure seems like Ohr was about to let the "cat out of the bag" by saying the meeting with McCabe and L Page was PREARRANGED BEFORE the BREAKFAST WITH STEELE.

The implications is Ohr knew the nature of what Steele was bring him, and McCabe and L. Page were similarly given a "heads up" before the breakfast meeting, so they were waiting for Ohr at McCabe's Office, instead of Ohr frantically trying to reach him on the Golf Course to come to the office for some hot x-MI6 intel on Trump.

IOW, the whole thing was planned and coordinated ahead of time. And Ohr quickly changed his framing of his response to cover that up.

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