China's approach was Fly first... Force majeure later. Where was their phone call to Zhou?

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Scott Ritter is very gloomy about all this, convinced that we are headed for nuclear war. As he mentions, the only way this ends without that is for a total Russian victory and a recognition by Nato that it needs to dial down its megalomania. I would add that this is not enough: every current Western leader must also be kicked out. What is scary, is that there seems to be no viable opposition to any of them. Who is there to take over from Sunak? Nato Messenger boy Bojo? Starmer? Big Mike? Let's hope the Hersh story really is a sign that there are a few sane people in the Pentagon.

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Chen Weihua (陈卫华)


China state-affiliated media

Shocking that BBC and CNN (and indeed most Western media) have not shown any of the enthusiasm about the Nord Stream explosive news as they displayed in the Chinese weather balloon.

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As always, thank you Mark.

Metrological predictions are reasonably accurate these days. The path of the 'evil balloon' may not have been fully intended when launched, not the point tho'. (The kerfuffle IS a point, per your post today).

The lack of awareness, lack of action by our 'Gov't protectors' demonstrate a weakness and avenue of significant destruction of in this US locale. (I suggested a couple Balloon-carried EMPs, blamed on N Korea would provide massive devastation and what are we gonna do to Kim? China would play protector and stalemate our response).

Our feckless leadership truly is a danger, extensile in fact, to each and every one of us. Weakness breeds attack. Here we are, feckless, weak and being led by the worst possible 'group' imaginable. (WRH)

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List of examples of US doing whatever it wants in the comments is interesting.

The articles I link to is an analysis of The World Rejects the Liberal Wilsonian Order

Walter Russell Mead, Wall Street Journal February 8, 2023 article.

The World” Has Rejected the Rules-Based Order

Dave Schuler


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I recall that several attempts to balloon around the world ran into troubles because China wouldn't grant overflight permissions.

If China hadn't asked Canada & the US for permission beforehand, then China/US should absolutely have shot the balloon down. China would have.

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Excellent presentation by Macgregor:


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Is there anyone--ANYONE--in the Democrat party who can be relied upon to be a grown up? Or is that the wrong question?

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I think, after blowing up Nordstream with no consequence, its not particularly surprising to see the shoot first attitude from this administration.

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Removed (Banned)Feb 9, 2023
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