Since when has the DOJ ever cared about what Congress wants, especially when it has anything to do with accountability? Yet it is hard to imagine where this has come from and where it is going. Could it be a way to tie a neat bow on the Ukraine fiasco while blaming it on Z? "No, we just can't send any more money there with the corruption they have over there and not knowing how those billions were spent. It's too bad about Ukraine but we did the best we could. They brought much of this result on themselves by their irresponsibility." ???

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Nuland’s “surprises for Russia on the Ukraine battlefield” played out well with Scholz Taurus comments and recent failures on the Kerch bridge.

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I should take some pictures of all the new mansions being built here in NW DC and post them.

And the fabulously expensive cars.

I think I will make it a little project over the next week.

By the way, I saw Fauci walking by my house this morning with his security detail.

Two Tahoes driving at 2 MPH and 4 people on foot.

He was walking in front, alone, head kind of down lost in thought.

Sad to think those hundreds of millions of dollars from Big Pharma didn't buy him happiness...

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Fauci realizes he will never live as he once did. His former life is gone forever.

He will pass on a lonely man. That's his penance.

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Suppose this goes nuclear. If you were her, you wouldn't want to be too closely associated, would you?

Kinda like Fred in RocketMan (1997): "It wasn't me!"

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$10.5 Billion for Maiden?


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According to Mike Benz,

"When the dust settles, Ukraine will be 'the largest operation in CIA history'".


And the biggest and best that money can buy.

Not only $10.5 billion for Maidan, but $240 billion more for Ukraine.

According to Geroman,

"120 billion dollars were spent on open items and almost the same amount on secret items of the budget of the CIA and the Pentagon with 2018."

For *democracy*.

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and under Trump's 'watch'. See if this boomerangs somehow.

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If I understand where you're coming from, AC, yes, there was spending for "Ukraine" under Trump. But I don't think Trump was in full control of the Ukraine spending during his term. I concede this is not a good look for Trump. It remains to be seen what Trump's plan for Ukraine is if he is re-elected.

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True, he was not in full control of Ukraine spending. Too busy defending himself from Lawfare. However, I feel this will be used as MSM talking points at some point down the line as the spending gets further exposed.

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I was told that, if you ask nicely, using words like "F@k the EU! Yats is our guy," anything is possible.

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The scapegoat hunt is starting, I see.

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Fantastic news. Next step: the hangman's noose.

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Is impaling an option?

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You have a point. A very sharp one.

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I think the point definitely needs to be driven internally to grasp the gravity of the situation.

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She'll be what she dreams of being: an important stakeholder.

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According to more praise from Secretary Blinken:

"Her efforts have been indispensable to confronting Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, marshaling a global coalition to ensure his strategic failure, and helping Ukraine work toward the day when it will be able to stand strongly on its own feet – democratically, economically, and militarily."

- Zerohedge

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And to think, Mount Rushmore is already filled up! :)

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I've been wanting that for years.

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Always have to hang the failure on someone.

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