Excellent column - thanks Mark. ‘…that has led to social perversions as well as the utterly irrational (and unquestionable) belief that Russia could be subjugated.’ Believing China can be subjugated is that, on steroids.

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Trump needs some easy wins. Moving troops out of Syria seems a no brainer. Why not order it done now, to be completed in 30 days? Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan got us out of there, and for that I am thankful

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The problem is that our elites have absolutely no experience of reality, or certainly not the kind of reality experienced by the people they are supposed to represent. They have never had real jobs and most of them don't even have children. As the Zman said a while back, they are people who have spent their whole life living in a room trying to imagine what it's like outside that room. That's why there is no hope for them. 2025 will see the disappearance of many of these wastrels.

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DHS Secretary Kristi Noem has announced she and Trump have stopped ALL GRANT FUNDING for the NGOs who are assisting in the invasion of the United States

Organizations like Catholic Charities and Red Cross received over $340 MILLION in 2024 from DHS assist illegals crossing the border.

“We’re not spending another dime to help the destruction of this country.”

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Thanks for the mini-lesson on Kant.

Diesen says, "Is it possible to socially construct a new reality? Do we transcend security competition by not addressing it or do we neglect the responsible management of security competition."

Diesen is focusing on matters between nations, but this also applies very well to the problem within nations -- the attempt to absorb migrants and assert that these migrants are American, are British, are German, are French, are Swedish. When they are not so, not culturally. The denial of the reality of cultural differences has resulted in a very real "security competition" at the street level, which is not transcended by elites refusing to address it.

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Subjugation of reality is certainly in play with mass immigration.

Orban has shown that Europeans didn’t forget how to procreate.

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PP says "China is switching the world from a model based on paywalled tech tied to a subordinate productive sector to a model based on cheap/free tech subordinated to a dominant productive sector."

Well, we do produce A LOT of financial products in the United States, don't we? Does Wall Street not dominate the world in this regard? Are we not creative geniuses due to our unparalleled freedoms? And our entertainment products are without parallel. ☹

The other day I watched Inside Job (2010) about the 2008 financial crisis and bailout. Near the end, they quote Andrew Sheng, who had worked for the China Banking Regulatory Commission to clean up their banking messes.

"Why should a financial engineer be paid four to a hundred times more than a real engineer? A real engineer builds bridges. A financial engineer builds dreams and, when those dreams turn out to be nightmares, other people pay for it."

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Beginning in about the 1970s, the US economy transitioned from primarily an industrial base into a service-oriented model and used the power of the dollar-based reserve currency to skim profits from low-cost overseas productivity. And this doomed our politics to transition from benefitting ordinary Americans to subservience to a donor class. That is the root problem that must be addressed. We have way too many thinkers and not enough doers. Unfortunately, the only way out of this mess is a return of hard times. If you want to eat, you must put down the smart phone and pick up a hammer.

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Or a shovel

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We have way too many thinkers and not enough doers."

Yes, Tom, we have had a proliferation and now an overabundance of navel gazers.

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Thinkers, Cos, but not critical thinkers. The kind that matter. I hope the New Year is treating you well!

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Hi'ya Steg, for sure. Lack of critical thinking is sorely lacking among many of those who would ascribe to themselves the notion of expertise. New Year, so far so good. I hope the same for you!

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"We have way too many thinkers and not enough doers."

I would rephrase as: "We have way too many rentiers and welfare recipients and not enough doers."

At the end of the day, its all about productivity.

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Cass, That was TomA's comment above, I did not use the quote marks properly, but my comment was addressing that remark. Your point is well taken and totally spot on! You couple the rentiers and welfare recipients with the navel gazers you get an unproductive society of fools and lazy fools.

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Not to mention, life pretty much sucks if you're not productive...busy and contributing.

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True dat!

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I wonder how much leftists media outside the U.S. is funded by the U.S.


And Trans comic books for Peru:


Will the end of this type of funding have an outsized influence on culture worldwide?

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Did Congress specify that the money appropriated be spent on trans comic books? Or was the money to be spent at the discretion of the bureaucracy entrusted with it? If the latter, then Trump can spend the money on something else.

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"The Zionist ideology is a movement among Jews but is not coextensive with Jewishness and is not supported by all Jews—especially not by younger Jews."

True enough, but not the whole story. Popular support in the US for Israel First policies relies on (and has long cultivated) Christian Zionism, which as you know is quite entrenched in the Evangelical community which makes up the largest bloc in the religious Right. I could point to some old Rothschild psyops that developed and promoted the theological justifications for these attitudes, but that's perhaps besides the point.

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Evangelicals and now what we call Christian Zionists have been focused on Zion in America since early-mid 19th century. I believe it's roots are in Calvinism. Calvinists share that vision of God's chosen.

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If by Calvinist you mean "Reformed" then they do not share that vision of the nation of Israel as God's chosen. Spiritual Israel is the Church (Christians). Calvin and Luther were not Zionists in the sense that the blessings of God accrue to the nation of Israel.

Sadly, many evangelicals are dispensationalists (though they may not know it).

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What I meant by chosen is their notion of pre-destination as in chosen by God and are assured a place in his Kingdom. Spiritual Israel. Interesting, this is a phrase I am unfamiliar with. Calvin and Luther may not have been Zionists, but the modern evangelicals sure are.

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Check out the origins of the Schofield Bible. Calvinism provided some raw material, but it was shaped by outside forces. Religion in America has always been somewhat of a free-for-all.

For an amusingly extreme example, the LDS (Mormon) Church decided to locate Zion in Utah. All non-Mormons are "Gentiles". There's a very nice national park that bears the name today.

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I understand what you're saying and thought of addressing it. However, I consider Christian faith and Zionist ideology to be mutually exclusive, and I didn't want to get into all that in a brief comment.

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The Catholic Church had a long history of effectively discouraging "Bible reading", especially of the Israelite and proto-Judaic writings. I understand, of course, about Marcion and so forth, but the fact remains that the Church did basically discourage what later became the center of Protestant religiosity. In my view the Church was right to do so simply because, to this day, the Church lacks a truly coherent theory of revelation--while retaining the gut instinct/insight that Christians are NOT "people of the book" but that Christian faith is belief in a real person. There were powerful forces working against coming to grips with the fundamental issues involved. I assume that the early Church came to adopt a notion of "scripture" in imitation of Judaic models, but retained the gut realization that that model was not adequate for Christian faith. This is why I regularly urge readers to refer to the earlier Meaning in History, because in those writings I attempt to outline what I believe is a more adequate theory of what revelation means.

The tragic result of this lack of an adequate theory of revelation can be seen in the rise of Judaizing sects of Protestantism that have embraced Zionism as an ideology. The Catholic Church, of course, is not free of this influence, since it officially treats "the Bible" as one big book--a combination of a textbook of both history and dogmatics--thus hampering sensible interpretation of what it all means in the light of faith in Jesus.

I apologize for the over simplification--this is just a comment. Please consult the archives.

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I always enjoy your comments on this subject, thanks, Mark.

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Thank you for this.

Catholicism + biblicism + zionism have way too personal implications in my life, so I have to try to censor my thinking -- and commenting.

Glad to be made aware that another Catholic thinker is willing to share information. I gave up on the RC online newsletters, and EMJ does not answer the questions I have.

Thanks again.

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Many Catholics have adopted the notion of "development of doctrine"--Newman's sacralization of the secular notion of evolution--as an assurance that the history of Christian faith has been one long history of progressive clarification. Of, if there were any hiccups, the adoption of Hegelian thought during the Modernist phase that was institutionalized after V2 set the Church on the excelsior path. My view is that it's all a bit more complicated than that.

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Fair enough. I've found groups of self-identified Christians all across the political spectrum, and can't really sort them by purity or authenticity from where I stand.

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Schofield Bible?

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The primary textual source of what is called “dispensationalism.”


Which is the proper name for what many of us here tend to call “christian zionism” — me included. I agree with Mark, the term is oxmoronic, especially given that dispensationalists ultimately deny the necessity of God’s revelation in Jesus, by suggesting the Jews have no need of this revelation. That’s what I would call ANTI-christian — as in, antichrist.

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The Church Committee from 1975 has been mentioned recently by several talkers in the Alternative Media.

For many years the family of Forrest Church distributed a copy of the Jefferson Bible, The Life and Morals of Jesus, to every new member of Congress.

Thomas Jefferson attempted to isolate from the New Testament writings only the "words of Jesus," resulting in "the most sublime and benevolent code of morals and ethics which has ever been offered to man."

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I have to think (hope) that Miriam Adelson does not desire the family name besmirched nor linked to Genocide. Miriam must have some liberal friends in the circle she flys in and I am pretty confident that kind of conversation had to often come up amongst friends - especially family and friends children and perhaps grandchildren - , the deaths of so many women and children.

I had also read a few articles from 2021 2022 where Sheldon Adelson relationship had soured with Netanyahu and Miriam was reported as not too pleased. Hard to get a grasp on Miriam relationship with Netanyahu however she does not appear a supporter ( close to support for Trump) I could be wrong and welcome correction

Trumps 2000lb Bombs to Israel - releasing what Biden had restrained - it appears Trump went ahead and donated more 2000lb bombs - however, they could be possibly ' earmarked ' for Iran nuclear underground attack akin to the attack that killed Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, in underground bunker. Multiple ' bunker busters ' used on one deep location.

Let's hope there is a guaranty they shall not be used on civilians - perhaps these were granted Netanyahu with a guaranty of limitation of use

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I think it fair to say of ALL media headlines discussing American Allies the most prevalent Allies - the leaders you hear about constantly are

Netanyahu who is in the middle of an Israeli Criminal Trial [ On Trial Now ]

as well as the ICC International Criminal Court warrant for war crimes and ongoing investigation

Zelensky has declared martial law in Ukraine and has not run for election

Abu Muhammad al-Jawlani Leader of HTS a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization and had a 10 $ million bounty on his head less than but similar to Osama Bin Laden

---------------- So this is the perspective of many countries

The reputation of your friends can be helpful or perhaps harmful, in this case I think the US needs to completely overhaul their foreign diplomacy

I do not know what Trump will do in Syria - but it is the right choice to get away from HTS

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Part of the postmodern "magic" was the idea that a modern European superstate could be created which defined one of its key components--Russia--as being beyond the pale. There was no real logic to this. Rather the puppets who came to run the EU were obeying the dictates of the British, the creators of NATO. And of course the Americans have followed along behind the wagging tail. "Keep America in, Russia out, and Germany down." Nothing has changed in this formula over 75 years. But De Gaulle had it right--Europe from Lisbon to the Urals. So did Otto Strasser--Hitler's nemesis in the 1930s who fled to Canada and returned to Germany after the war. So these EU leaders are demented. If you really want to study the difference between mental constructs and Reality, check out my essays on German spiritual master Bô Yin Râ.

See my Three Sages Substack. https://montanarcc.substack.com/p/who-is-the-historical-jesus-bo-yin

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Mark, like always, excellent. Two quick questions/points if you don’t mind.

1. I was very impressed with your application and analysis of Kant in relation to contemporary politics. Did you receive formal philosophical training, and if so, where?

2. During my graduate studies (trinity western university in Canada), I wrote a paper that argued modern science and premodern magic, though different in form, are similar in function (the mastery and control of nature). Here is the paper if you’re curious.


God bless

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I did my undergraduate degree in philosophy way back when--1968 to 1973. Loyola U. Chicago. Things were already changing back then so one had to do a lot of self educating. Key is to never stop studying.

It's well known that many of the early "scientists" were also into alchemy and magic of various sorts. The modern narrative of science--the big picture--is wildly at variance with the actual history of modern scientific practice.

Use the search function for lots more from previous years. Or consult the archives at the home page.

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Thank you, and I appreciate your reply. Again, you’ve become a staple read for me.

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Rejection of reality. Where was everyone writing about this during the heyday of this paradigm: the 80s/90s? Crickets.

The good news: we don’t live there anymore. They no longer have that power. We don’t buy it anymore. It died 25 years ago, just seeing the last ghost in the machine at this point.

The rest of the world has moved on.

The way to view Trump/2025, is the belated beginning of a rebuild of the West along the lines of the changes Digital has wrought.

You are right to point to pre modern/Medieval and theology. What is going to happen is that as the crisis builds and things go sideways, the hard and soft sciences in the West are going to be rethought. Starting with physics.

So science, philosophy, history and theology are all going to go through a deconstruction and revival.

As you have hinted, the “need” is for the re-integration of theology into the social and hard sciences.

Also, elites. What the China/AI bubble points to is the complete lack of elites in the West. They don’t exist. We have not created them. To the extent that they were born in the last 60 years, they ended up making money and nothing else. Those elites are in the East, India, maybe Russia and Silicon Valley. Those are who we will be looking to. They have the $, strong views and will step into the political arena.

What has not happened yet, is any process in the US/West for addressing elite identification and cultivation. An all new education, as in throw this one out and re-start. Too radical at this point.

Who is there for Trump to talk to about anything important?

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Reality pushing back:


"wall-to-wall firm opposition by Arab leaders"

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Stupid free zone.

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