There’s an interesting symmetry between the BRICS and the old Non Alignment Movement.

Russia’s ascendancy today is as a quasi leader of the old movement and with the teeth to challenge the Atlantic super power block.

I think the Neocon’s vitriol hatred for Russia (apart from historical) is the fear of a global version of Niger, where the remnants of the colonial control of third world resources (via free trade) comes to an end. Even China tapping the resource wealth directly rather than through Western intermediaries is also a threat.

The Neocons are literally fighting for their wealth hegemony.

It’s unlikely Trump will bite the hand that feeds him.

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I don't think anybody could do a better analysis of Trump's current positioning at the present time than you have done, Mark. Political considerations on his part are leading to measured responses from him and that is just what one would expect from him at this point; It is his election to lose at this point (IMHO). Why jeopardize that by going out on any limbs?

At the same time, he states "Europe is in chaos, the Middle East is exploding... China is on the march, and this horrible president is dragging us toward World War Three, We are racing the clock."

The logic in this statement is irrefutable: 1) I am criticizing Biden's actions because they are leading us to WWIII; therefore: 2) I do not want WWIII and will not intentionally take actions to lead us to it; thus: 3) I will not be willing to act on behalf of Ukraine or Israel if in ways that I think will lead to WWIII.

That's the positive view as opposed to Martyanov's negative one. The remaining question then is "Does Trump understand what level of actions in either the ME or Ukraine will lead to WWIII?" I hope he does. Prayer for his guidance, wisdom, and understanding is indeed warranted.

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Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom

Background: The Russian military is using GPS jamming to prevent drone and missile strikes from Ukrainian territory. That's why the US Air Force Global Hawk provided targeting data and remote control for the ATACMS attack. An act of war by the US Govt against Russia.

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Bad things will continue to happen . . . at an ever accelerating pace, unfortunately.

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I'm sorry but I can't shake my sense of doubt where Trump is concerned. Taking money from Jewish billionaires is one issue, but the over-riding problem is that Trump is weak and easily-manipulated. He could usher in world peace or he could hand things over to Bolton and let it rip.

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I confess I have no idea what Trump will do on most issues.

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Usually depends on who spoke to him last. However, in his favour, that is probably what terrifies the Deep State. He might go "off script"

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I see his campaign is "walking back" his goofy idea that anyone who graduates from a US college--including 2 yr. colleges--gets a green card with their diploma.

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That's exactly my problem with Trump, Mark. Who will have the final say on this and every issue if/when he gets back in power? Him or his team? He's all over the place at a time when we need someone solid as a rock on the key issues.

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I saw an interview with Martin Armstrong who said his computer program Socrates sees chaos across the board in September. I think that makes sense. Europe and the US will enjoy a last summer before things get really ugly.

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If memory serves, I think it used to be predicting June. But hey, I guess we have enough chaos across the board already, no?

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We don't need a computer to tell us that, but Armstrong is right. It does feel a bit like June and July of 1914, doesn't it?

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Addelson’s widow has a fortune worth $30 billion.

I’m getting different amounts in how much her husband donated in 2016. May have been up to $400 million, or as little as $100 million.

Mellon, grandson of Andrew Mellon, also gave $50 million to Trump, another billionaire. Cornered aluminum market. Anti monopolist.


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My opinion, how much sway can those Adelson millions really have, he’s not going to run again, so how much good will can it really buy in the long run? He’s been around politics long enough to adopt what I say and what I do can be very different . He certainly knows what it’s like to weather criticism warranted or fabricated

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In politics it's all about leverage.

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I'm going with some bad things will happen.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

And stupid

The Western “experts” are clueless.

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The plan seems to be to bring the whole world crashing down and rule over the ashes. It will fail, of course, like all neocon plans do, but the price for us normies will be heavy.

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Very Trumpian--always a safe bet! :-)

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