I like this old one: Q: what's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the Truth? A: about six to nine months.

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That DC jail thing is third world. Where’s the outrage?

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Thank you for the summary of politics in America. I would like to remind everybody that there is also something called real life, the real world. Politics ain't going to make the Ukraine all better, and it won't help much when our economy collapses. Maybe even politics will have to change, and adjust to the real life exigences if we are to find a collective solution. Or we can just go on adjusting as individuals.

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Yep. I've got better things to do than spending next 15 months worrying about who will win an election that might not even take place, and won't matter anyway.

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It’s a damn shame when the Russians are the good guys in every situation.

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Why a shame? You don't have to go full Putin fanboy to realise that there is a lot that is admirable in their country, culture and history.

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My magic 8-ball says:

"Trust the Russian"

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Mark, in answer to the question you posed in the last sentence, I don't trust the deep state or big pharma, so by default, I'll have to go with the Russian general. General Flynn's voice calls out in the wilderness: "This is so outrageous. This must not be allowed to happen in America! Where are the judges? Where are members of Congress?" I will add, where are the Presidential candidates ???

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If I recall correctly, many, if not most, of the US- affiliated bio labs are located in Eastern Ukraine. You know the Russian- speaking areas that Putin claimed first. The US was desperate to not have the activities of these labs discovered. Thus, we find ourselves on the brink of WW3, so that our dirty little secret of manufacturing bio weapons in Ukraine is not discovered.

As a side note, anytime the Gates Foundation is involved, I assume the worst. Bill Gates may be more dangerous to civilization than George Soros.

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America has biolabs scattered around the world, many known and some number of black sites. RFK Jr discusses in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson:


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Let's not forget the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) BSL4 lab in Manhattan KS that was scheduled to open last summer. Great idea to plant it right in the middle of America's beef belt!

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He's a real life Bond Villain like Klaus Schwab.

Our way has sunk so low that now Life Imitates Art

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All he needs is a big white fluffy cat.

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We need to photoshop one on him

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The controlled demolition of our cities is, as we all know, on purpose.

The plan is to repurpose them as "15 Minute City's"

Defending the police is working as planned

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Blue cities, certainly. Red ones don't seem too bad.

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Commenting re Jay Valentine:

Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch)


Courts can only get involved after someone has been harmed... they cannot pre-emptively shut down voter fraud. Tying voters to real addresses can. This is how you stop the stuffing in time for 2024.

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When seconds count, the cops are minutes away

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And how does the Russian message on bio warfare play outside the us and Russia?

What is the reaction in India and Africa?

Gut feeling- huge potential downside to the us reputation.

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The military coup in Niger definitely appears to be based in the realization of the country (and Africans more generally) that their colonialist emperors have no clothes.

I think there are layers to US perception and thus, reputation. Were it not for Trump and the many inconvenient truths exposed by him & his admin, wd any of the current 'rebellions' been sparked into existence?

We're in a world class war - the masses are at war against tyranny. As much as there has been an extended effort to erase history, the fact that the US was founded upon the preeminence of natural, God given rights is not easily erased. Nobody respects the Biden regime. How the US moves forward from its current illegally imposed rule (and past disengenuous sleights of hand) will be what our reputation is based upon.

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The US and EU now want African boys to go and fight and die against Niger to ensure cheap uranium and other minerals for the West. Unlike the patsy Ukrainians, the Nigerians et al don't seem so easy to fool. Expect Nulan to push for US military intervention.

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I don't expect Nudelman to do anything but push for war - it's the only move in her playbook!

Whether she'll be able to get it is another matter entirely. She's been "acting" Deputy Secretary for less than a month. Her Senate confirmation was deemed unlikely so Zhou had to appoint her the "acting." I say "enjoy the show." The US regime is already struggling w/bad optics of the Ukraine failure. To compound that w/an attack on Niger barely a year before the next election seems unlikely to me, tho I can certainly agree Victporkia wd have happily waged war the moment she returned from her failed visit to Niger.

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I can't believe they would commit US/EU troops. However, I didn't believe that Putin would move on Ukraine either, so what do I know? However, if the neocons do win the argument and the Empire's troops go in, it will be very hot for them. I'm sure the Wagner boys will be using a lot of that spiffy new Russian weaponry to fill a few body bags for the evening news back home.

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Russia's move on Ukraine was difficult for me to believe until the scads of predication were revealed, thanks to Mark & others not a part of msm.

I'm with you on "what do I know?" Just guesses. We'll know it when we see it!

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I was actually working for someone in the British Embassy when they invaded. He was very smug about predicting it - inside sources, don't you know! I wonder how smug he feels now.

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Not many respect the Zhou regime, but many fear the coup-driving IC aparat

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ONLY if China saber rattles.

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Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of China. Are they pure & utter evil as has often been portrayed to us, or are they some mix of good & bad? I often wish my comprehension & brain capacity were at much greater levels.

One thing I would really like to understand is are they pursuing their Silk Road strategies in the same hegemonic vein of US & allies or something worse even? That's what I've always been prone (or prompted) to believe, but bits come out occasionally that make me question or wonder if their goals or approach might be something entirely different than what's commonly assumed?

Up is down & down is up these days - crazy.

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Aug 18, 2023
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“He challenged them across the board. He challenged their pro-war policies. He’s challenged them on Ukraine. He’s challenged their globalist agenda that’s ripped off our working class for years, hollowed out the industrial base of this country, and made our workers and this country slaves compared to China and these other nations that have taken away our jobs, taken away our technology. Trump challenged all of that.”

Nice statement. But who is "them"? Does Hawley have the guts to acknowledge that the establishment wing of his own party fits the description of the above every bit as well as the Democrats? When he comes out and acknowledges that, THEN I will put stock in his word.

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Aug 18, 2023
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Berletic doesn't seem to be objective with his China analyses (from what I've seen; small sample size) Also, once you know of gutter oil, the idea of eating anything in China must give you pause.

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Arnaud’s a commie anyways. Wouldn’t know he’s being monitored if a pig flew across his nose.

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Aug 17, 2023Edited
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Uni-party takes the cues given by the intelligence community.

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Aug 17, 2023
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I'm with you there. This country has become what Reagan called the Soviet Union, "The Evil Empire." If you have read any of the reports or seen videos of some survivors of the Maui fire you can only come away from this thinking this fire was deliberate and the resulting deaths were an upside for those who orchestrated the event. From the governor, to the mayor to the police chief and the administrator of city services (water dept.) nothing adds up. Then you have Barack Obama using this tragedy for a fund raising call for his foundation which sits on nearly $700M and distributes a measly 3% while the administrators take home multi-million dollar salaries. Oprah is offering pennies for their properties and the developers are lining up. WTF! Every day the news just gets more intolerable and Pedo Pete shuffles off to the beach.

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Aug 17, 2023
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K: I have long suspected that martial law is the end game. The constant “in your face” pressure is relentless: a village idiot who was not elected sits in the Oval Office, traditional Catholics are the target of the FBI

because they are a hotbed of anti-democratic rebellion, the flagrant disregard for the rule of law by virtually every aspect of the federal government, the onslaught against freedom of speech in the name of “protecting our democracy”, a congress that is riddled with corruption, duplicity and a total disregard for the good of the country or the desire of the voters, a military that is more concerned with what pronouns to use instead of how to win wars, the pillaging of the national treasury to support an endless proxy war and the continuous threats emanating from DC if the peasants don’t fall in line! Push, push, push. Hoping that someone or some group will decide to push back and allow the Deep State, Elites, MIC-whatever you choose to call them-to claim these people are too dangerous and in order to “save the country” it is necessary to declare martial law and to rid society of this problem once and for all. I can fully envision Biden pounding on the podium with his fist and displaying a smarmy condescending smirk while he shreds the Constitution in front of the whole world.

Totally sickening, but it seems we are heading there on the express train.

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Martial law for which team?

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Aug 17, 2023
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He had to say that because Trump won’t sign ‘the pledge’. He could then be seen as ‘bad as Trump’. They have to keep up the gaslighting. I don’t think he would EVER vote for Trump afraid his butt might be indicted. Haha

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Bill Barr and regrets in the same sentence? I don't believe it. After all, this guy was CIA. Is he now CYA?

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Buyers remorse now?

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Aug 17, 2023
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Aug 17, 2023
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Keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer.

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Aug 18, 2023
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The oligarchs have always been around and were a force before Wilson. Nevertheless, the establishment of the Federal Reserve and of a federal income tax during his administration both encouraged and made easier oligarchical control of the federal government.

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Aug 18, 2023
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1) Not really. Congress was in large part owned by big business in the "Gilded Age." 2) Yes. 3) On the evidence of his actions and what we know of his background and beliefs, no he didn't.

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Aug 18, 2023
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Too much $$$ flowing through DC; rent seeking too lucrative.

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Actually earlier and solidified by 09/11.

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Aug 18, 2023
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They were manipulated.

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