Thank you for the article and commentary.

I never heard of Samuel Huntington - although I did hear the phrase "clash of civilizations" a lot during the "War on Terror" era. Skimmed through his Wiki. Interesting since I believe that human history is primarily driven by memetic evolution and conflict.


However, I'm not sure if I agree with him. Will have to read his stuff to see where we agree/disagree after I finish up reading some of Quigley.

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If someone already posted this, my apologies. But I just saw it. What if it wasn't sabotage, but bad maintenance. Lawdog makes a good case: https://thelawdogfiles.com/2022/09/nordstream.html

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Just saw that myself. Trying to rationalize all the sabotage theories has gotten a little crazy in that no one knows what really happened; it's all supposition dependent on one's bias. After reading the article, I started thinking about what we know of Russia's industrial and technical prowess which is pure corruption and incompetence. Lawdog's hypothesis is worthy of consideration.

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This is the stupidest comment I've seen in ages.

"Russia's industrial and technical prowess ... is pure corruption and incompetence."

Which is how they got to the moon, not to mention their other aerospace achievements. Which is why we have used their rockets to launch our satellites.

The Swedes and Germans have both confirmed it was a massive explosion and the Germans used the word "sabotage". No official source has suggested it was anything other than that.

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I’m sure the Sistine chapel looks good Michaelangelo. Appreciate all you do. Ceilings and all.

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"Once it’s clear who are the perpetrators of the sabotage in the Baltic, and once they understand all the life-changing socio-economic consequences for pan-EU citizens, the kabuki will have to stop."

That is why I am skeptical this will ever be made clear to the public. Too many players have too much invested and too much at risk in their own promoted narratives to ever allow blame to be definitively assigned. Plus, who would be in an objective position to assign the blame and be believed?

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Meanwhile, anti- anti-Russia demonstrations in Czechia. It seems the public may be catching on.

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Yes, and in Germany as well. The EU governments may find that even an assignment of blame to the U.S. or Russia may not absolve them of guilt for the energy crisis in the eyes of their constituents.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

As noted by Scott Adams, the fact that John Brennan has made statements blaming the sabotage on Russia seems to be a strong indication that we (the US) did it. If it an ally such as Poland, I believe it is likely that we would have had to assist them.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

The wsj reported 9/18 that Milley was recently in Poland.

Ceilings are the worst! But in my opinion has tremendous impact.

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Yeah, part of it was above a staircase, so I hadda mess with a ladder on the stairs.

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Just a tiny note. The first article was written by Pepe Escobar. Pablo was that rich guy from Colombia, wasn't he?

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LOL! Thanks, I fixed it.

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Who is responsible for the pipeline sabotage? The question I ask myself is who do I trust the least. It has to be my government. I must say they have worked very hard, this regime, to gain my mistrust. Start with Russiagate, which started before the election and continued for years with no guilt found, and continue on to an obviously stolen election, the proof of which is that not one claim of fraud or irregularities ever resulted in a prosecution. The only logical conclusion is that the 2020 election was the cleanest in history or was followed by the greatest cover-up in history. Afghanistan, the J6 sham hearings, the closing down of our energy sector and the economic debacle we are in, and all this being topped off by the worst foreign policy blunders in our history which are designed to provoke a World War and I have a hard time deciding if our leaders are more evil or more incompetent.

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Here's a headline. Not only are there too many Four Stars, there are too many GOFOs period! We've known this for years in the ranks, but they keep inventing new positions to increase promotion opportunities for the fair haired/correct gender/race, etc. and fill them with another star wearer. Blame congress, as they are the approval authority that keeps upping the numbers. Compare the ratio of GOFOs to enlisted today with that of WWII numbers if you want to be sickened further with the sloth.

The dirty secret is that colonels and navy captains can and do most of the work. We could cut in half the number of GOFOs tomorrow and few would notice except the congressmen and defense contractors they make deals with. Look no further than Fat Leonard to see just a small amount of the fraud and graft taking place; but that was on a small scale compared to the amount major defense contractors extract from the DoD till.

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Most strongly agree.

A rule of thumb for the Nav should probably be no greater number of Flags than of ships, but even that number is most likely way too many.

In addition to any GOFO reduction, there should also be a significant reduction to the SES (Senior Executive Service) inside the Pentagon.

"Lean mean fighting machine" we ain't.

We are fat, sensitive, talkative, and if a machine, then one designed by Rube Goldberg.

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I've shared your stuff on a thread and someone not really countered but put up also some writing on why Russia may have done it as well. Today with about every weird thing in the world turning out to be true, I'm going to just sit tight as see what turns up here. The same thread had speculation that it could just be plain old decay that has caused it but I'd say what timing decay has to start WWIII.

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Its amazing reading mainstream news and otherwise smart ppl on LinkedIn fall over themselves writing articles saying that the Russians blew up their own pipelines.

We live in an age where critical thought is absent in the extreme

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Explosions were well within Denmark's EEZ. Right on the very edge (but just outside) of their territorial waters - a much bigger deal, because that is their sovereign territory.

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Towards that multi-polar world, saw this by a link from a friend. Russia and China patrolling together off the coast of Alaska. Make what you will...


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Ahh, so it has been happening since May. News to me.

I was thinking of it in terms of increasing cooperation between Russia and China. As an old Army JAG, I find that prospect worrisome.

I have just been thinking, reading here and other places, the world looks pretty good from the Chinese part of the world. Assuming their economy can hang on with the real estate meltdown, they have the world moving in the direction they want. Lots of limits on that, I will not bore everyone with, but for now, the Chinese government has to be happy with the world.

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I can't say I agree. The Americans setting off Covid on Chinese territory wasn't pleasant for them at all.

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Meanwhile, back in the USA, I'm not too happy with the world around me. Spare a thought for us Americans.

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Removed (Banned)Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022
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Over 200 purged. The one characteristic they had in common was that they had the temerity to question the received wisdom that the Great God Obama dispensed from Mt. Sinai. All that remained were the amoral husks - saluting mediocrities willing to fall in line like Mark Milley and H.R. McMasters.

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