Putting on my tinfoil hat for a moment, does anyone else wonder why governments are suddenly acknowledging that UFOs are real after decades of denial and obfuscation? Consider this - perhaps aliens refuse to cooperate with the many individual countries' governments and are demanding that they will only deal with a One World Government. Blast away, my friends,

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Consider this: the prince of the power of the air, the great deceiver, is the source of all UFO's that are not somehow fakes or some other man-made objects mistakenly identified as other-worldly. The non-worldly objects are demonic. They truly are not of this world.

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I think globalists, communists, socialists, neocons and that ilk should all be called by their wet dreams: totalitarians. Otherwise they scurry around distracting everyone proclaiming distinctions that have no difference.

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A very timely compilation. I would submit that Heidegger's "Dasein" has mutated from an existential condition to a sociological objective by TPTB. TPTB (at least those who have gladly made themselves known in their anti-human views) are not ashamed to proclaim their own divinity and superiority to those deplorables who oppose them. That said, want to bet that THEY will continue to eat beef and pork and lamb and chicken? I wonder how the 2030 prohibition of the evil cows will go over in India?

As regards Ramaswamy, I withhold judgment. He protests the Hunter characterization and I think it only fair to give him time and hear him out:



I know nothing about R and China but to my mind that would be disqualifying of him in itself if true.

Just to show I am not entirely gullible, I thought the following a good test and antidote for dealing with pretenders and known psychopaths (those liars who seem to be determined to rule in Hell rather than serve in Heaven):

“Good faith people are willing to be corrected (because the Truth is important); not so the liars of course (they know they are wrong) or the ideologues. So the ideologues therefore don’t act in good faith, though they think they do.” — Truman Verdun


Thanks, Mark

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Nice mix today Mark. Can barely keep up with it all. Heard climate crisis emergency powers (Zhou) coming soon too. Let's really mess up a good thing.

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Brandon says "climate justice" is an integral part of his "administration." I guess that means no meat/dairy/gas.

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Why do I have the feeling that I am on the Titanic racing full speed ahead towards the iceberg? Only I am not in the ballroom wineing and dining and dancing, but on deck eyeing the lifeboats. Is it because debt, public and private, is at an all-time high, as are the markets? Is it because we no longer have a debt ceiling, and Congress is on a spending spree? Why do I get the impression that the government does exactly the opposite of what I would want them to do? Fiscal responsibility used to be generating more wealth than you spent. National security used to be realistically maintaining sufficient force to convince foreign powers not to mess with you, and maintaining the respect of the world by a realistic foreign policy. My voice doesn't count, almost as if they are convinced that all voting from now on will be fortified to get the desired result. Do they assume that the workers and the middle class will continue to provide support , goods and services , meekly accepting the governance of their superiors? And why do I lack confidence that those in charge have the ability to correct course and bring us safely to port? It doesn't comfort me to think that they too will go down with the ship.

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So now schools are unable to ban lewdness from the classroom because it violates NY state law! That pretty much sums up where we are in this country. It’s truly a sad day when the AG of NY says that schools cannot ban lewdness from the classroom. Anyone with just one functioning brain cell knows this is wrong and yet the state says you’ll be the one in trouble if you try and prohibit it.

I simply don’t know how to respond to such insanity. It would appear that Ms. James is part of the elusive “they” that is out to destroy the country and turn it into a giant cesspool.

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That C40 org looks like nothing more than an excuse for city managers to book overseas conferences. Everyone on the C40 management team looks like a dog kennel employee. Phoenix proper might technically be blue (like my mayor, whats-her-name), but the metro area is not, so pledge away for all it's worth.

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More Tom Luongo on genuine vs fake / astroturf:


There seems to be a huge amount of fake, controlled opposition. Voxday, love him or hate him, has been excellent at pointing out some of the strange backgrounds of major figures and organizations.

A good litmus test, is does the person and/organization admit the 2020 election results can’t be trusted, and it was probably stolen from Trump. Or the Jan 6th prisoners.

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with respect to "When given power we begin to see just how crazy these people are ...." to me the trigger is how one authoritative hand raises an alarm, and another provides funds from which they both engage in graft. The academics are a natural early source, but what has happened in our era is the degree to which the legal/political/media/corporate communities (rent-seekers all) have taken notice of how lucrative the practice is and made it a powerful method for $ capture by elites (see sue-and-settle). That it has tunneled into full-blown mega-corruption ought not be surprise: it is what lousy people do when huge fortunes are involved. Not just single digit $B, but triple digit $billions (IRA, which see), and that is just in the USA. When allied with a party-apparatus-gone-bad (the first part of Mr Wauck's blog entry), we arrive at Lysenko-ism [ironic, Trofim Lysenko was born in what is now known as the Ukraine]. The fact these displacements are held with the fervor religious intensity can rile explains why they are so hard to shake.

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And we never run out of money to "do well by doing good" because we have been able to print money.

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This is the best summation of what’s wrong that I have seen in a long, long time. We know the truth, we’ve been told and shown the truth over and over throughout the ages, by teachers and preachers and philosophers, by priests and prophets — it’s all still there, eternal wisdom of the ages, if you can sift the wheat from the chaff. With the coming of AI, that too may be lost to us soon, rewritten, revised and reinterpreted to suit. But we suppress the truth “in all unrighteousness,” for man is a rebel against God. And he loves to have it so. He is exceedingly proud of it. But take heart; Jesus said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word will never pass away.” For those who know we are more, much more, than biological machines: get into that word now, if you haven’t already.

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Tho' I'm rather prejudiced in agreement - God 1st is mandatory, Yet such thinking is much vilified if not outright rejected and hated. Funny that, Man thinking he can be 'like God'... sounds rather much like that ol' snake in the grass ('er, rather, garden) does it not? Nothing new under the sun, if you will. Original sin doesn't just rhyme. Blessings Mark - and all my fellow MIH pursuers! (WrH)

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What is to prevent big Blue states like NY, CA, IL, etc. from refusing to let Trump on the ballot for 2024 due to 14th Amendment?  What if even when ordered to by the Supreme Court they refuse, preventing a valid election?

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Take it a step further; say Trump wins in 2024 & they (Dems) refuse to let him take office. Crazy? Who can’t see the corporate media supporting this 110%? “He’s a criminal!” “He hacked our democracy…’ etc. You can hear the sound bites already. + with the now “wokified”military all bets are off. Push back & you’re labeled a “white supremacist” allowing the Feds to put a jackboot on anybody’s neck they choose to.

Kurt Schlichter & Michael Anton have recent columns around this.

Please convince me I’m totally wrong here.

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Good question! Although I suppose the real concern would be if swing states like PA, Mi, WI, GA, and AZ refused to put Trump on the ballot.

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Interesting thought Dick. Altho' since those you suggested already vote Dem automatically it seems, little change to electoral counts would be realized I think. But perhaps more likely, the election entirely would be invalidated. Would that mean the 'present occupant of the White House' remained in office? And, if so, still a loss for our somewhat no-longer Republic? Tho', if a Jeopardy answer were suggested, I'd title the topic "Constitution of the US". :^) Best regards sir! (WrH)

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Measures like that are, IMO, entirely possible. Never say never--not anymore. It's difficult for me to believe that a sharp guy like Turley hasn't considered such possibilities, so I suspect he's holding back from discussing them openly. He dismisses the 14th argument as invalid, but he must know that defiance could be possible.

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Turley sees how Garland is using lawfare to try and destroy a political adversary as has never been done before in this country. Garland's appointment of the highly partisan Smith to go after Trump and now appointing Weiss as SC (again, since he already had the authority, right?) ignoring the requirement to select someone outside the DOJ. Then we have Newt Gingrich who had a most trustworthy source whisper to him that the fast-tracked Georgia indictments were instigated by a phone call from the WH to DA Willis to take the heat off the Weiss appointment.

It is almost as if Garland and his DOJ/FBI cabal pressured by the WH are feeling trapped by all that is being revealed with Hunter/Joe Peters revelations and being forced to make these in-your-face off the cuff decisions that defy precedent and protocol. How much longer they can foul off the fast balls coming at them before striking out is the question.

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Thanks for Newt citation - but I don't know of any evidence that the DOJ feels "trapped" by the White House. They have seemed to have been happy to be a weapon serving the Biden Executive branch political desires in everything they have done so far.

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Trapped may have been the wrong descriptor. Confined would have been a better choice, as the WH pressure is pressing Garland to take actions that expose just how much the Justice Department does not work for the American people, but for the democratic party and the current corrupt hat rack occupying the WH.

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Aug 22, 2023
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Martin Armstrong is a pretty rare intellect. Not to say he is infallible. But to me he is well worth listening to and drawing (qualified) conclusions from... which I will do with this video given the time to view it all. BTW, Luongo was/is a protégé of his. Thanks, Rascal Nick Of!

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Aug 21, 2023
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In Lyons' post on our "China Convergence", he briefly explains the problem of Adorno and the antifascism program and its sequelae in his section on "The Therapeutic State and the Threat Within"; Lyons draws on Crawford's essay at Unherd subtitled "Was the sexual revolution a government psy-op?"

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Fascism, fascism, fascism, it's always a threat of the rise of fascism yet "They" never seem to fear or understand it's "Their" ideology that is fascist and it's what they do that is fascist. Funny that, no?

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