Ketanji is not a biologist. Trump is not a doctor. Trump is alternately guilty of not following expert advice and following expert advice, as the case may be. Why should he even bother explaining. As for the biggest issue in US politics, I recommend an article in the American Mind, "Show Trial, American Style" byTJ Harker. In it he states: "The object of the pending trials of Donald Trump is not to determine if he really believed his election fraud claims, or if he stole office paper, or if he lied about it. Their object is to demonstrate to 80,000,000 Americans that dissent will not be tolerated." Whatever the verdict in the two trials, they will succeed in proving that our regime is illegal, oppressive and indifferent to the wants and needs of the public. Having succeeded in that, massive coercion will result in the public finding ways to avoid compliance, massively.

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Ukraine and its NATO overlords is being taught a lesson taught to Germany and Japan from about 1942 onward. That is: industrial strength wins industrial wars. NATO doesn't have the economic strength to defeat Russia therefore Ukraine can't win. NATO countries are stuck in a doom loop economic and cultural morass. One without the other won't stand. Industrial strength without a desire to fight doesn't work - at least not in democracies - nor the other way around. NATO and it proxies stepped on a hornets nest.

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Thank you for bringing up 1942. Germany and Japan were convinced that America didn't have the ability to come together and wage a successful endeavor militarily and industrially. They were wrong. Now Russia and China are convinced that America cannot come together under this regime to succeed in any endeavor. They are right.

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Since you've cited my work a few times in the past, you might be interested in this new review-essay I've just published in the Claremont Review. It's not paywalled right now.


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Thanks very much, Glenn. Will definitely get to that today. So much going on on all fronts, foreign and domestic, that it's hard to keep up--but look forward to your essay.

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Glenn, thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments and link to your essay. I have been reading CRB for a long time, but have not read much in this issue, yet. I plan to get back to it, but the pace of info we get from Mark has been keeping me coming back here daily plus the loyal readers who comment here are courteous I.e. no real bickering, very knowledgeable commentary with a deep passion for truth and honesty in the information we get here.

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Thanks! Yes, it seems like a good group here.

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Great summary. Trump must have been under hideous pressure to toe the party line during Covid. However, he has no excuse now for not apologising. In general, the Covid news is looking good. The truth is indeed seeping out at last. It's rather like Biden's dirty secrets in Ukraine: the Establishment is desperately trying to keep the lid sealed, but the pressure is building up to an uncontainable level. Concerning Ukraine, it's easy to see why Putin is going softly, softly. Despite public and military pressure to act faster, he knows that precipitating things could well push the nutty neocons over the edge. Well, at least things aren't boring!

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I agree with your view on Trump and Covid. I believe the pressure was intense and until he speaks more honestly and openly about this mark on his presidency he will continue to have doubters and those who wish to derail his efforts this cycle. He has enough resistance from members of his own party let alone the insaneocrats among the Biden admin and the DNC. I spend less and less time at, what was once my opening blog site of the day, PLB. They have evolved into a full on neocon site (although Liz Staufer is a breath of fresh air) and the commenters there often times spend a lot of wasted energy bickering with obnoxious light weight pseudo intellectuals of the left who stop by to annoy people with their witless stupidity. As for the Ukraine debacle there remain many in the USA who see Putin as evil and that we are in a righteous battle to deter a monster, OMG the kool-aid they drink. Looking at this conflict with an open mind and armed with information how can those who call themselves patriots lap this crap up is beyond me.

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That’s been one of my biggest beefs with Trump is the failure to face his total misjudgment of the Covid situation. I know that he’s a germophobe and some of his reaction could stem from that, but it is abundantly clear by this stage that it was a complete disaster and he needs to address his role in that disaster. I’m still surprised by how he misjudged so many people that he placed in responsible positions. Not sure if it was the fact that he relied on the advice of people he thought he knew or just overconfidence in his own abilities, either way it would be nice if he stepped up and faced the fact.

As related to Ukraine and the concomitant, as well as seemingly infinite, problems it has born, I have a very uneasy feeling that with so many moving parts and so many truly incompetent players involved, things could easily get out of hand and trigger a cataclysmic, albeit unintended, series of events with horrendous consequences.

This foolishness, not to mention dangerous, notion that the neocons have about their being on top of the situation along with their completely unjustified confidence in their own abilities does not bode well for the country.

I’m also not fully convinced that the BRICs development and its affect on the status of the dollar and the overall financial makeup of the world economy is as “far in the future” as some folks might assume. I’m reminded of Hemingway’s characterization of bankruptcy as being “gradually and then all at once”, seems to me that’s where we are right now, somewhere where between gradually and all at once. Not willing to join Tucker on the “hot war with Russia” bench, but I think we are a point where the situation is every bit as perilous as it was during the Cuban Missile crisis. And it’s also abundantly clear that the folks who are running this mess cannot hold a candle to the caliber of people involved in that crisis.

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I’m amazed Trump got as much as he did. My gut feeling is if Trump had gone too far off the approved narrative on Covid, he would have been impeached.

As well as getting distracted facing an impeachment, and a hostile house under Pelosi.

From what I read, Trump had a lot of backstabbers internally in Covid. Unbelievable, like Birk. Just corrupt.

Plus a news media that pummeled Trump on Covid constantly whenever he departed from the approved message.

My guess is the fda, Cdc, Big Pharma, medical establishment had a lot of credibility with Trump at the start of Covid. As well as with most people. That credibility is now gone.

I agree, it would be great if Trump did a mea culpa on Covid.

RFK is bringing up interesting points on the jab, and vaccines in general.

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BRICS countries dislike the Anglo countries - USA, Britain, Canada, Australia.

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The Russian financial sanctions gave a huge boost to Brics, and de-dollarization. And apparently countries preferring non U.S. suppliers, to reduce the danger of sanctions. De-dollarization and de-Euro is happening faster than I expected, but it’s still a slow process.

Trump on Covid. Trump is focused on lawfare and the primaries. As well as still being censored. He came out recently with something on Covid, but was hit with accusations of what he did wrong.

The eGOP position, which disagree with 5 of 5. This is what Trump is fighting:


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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

The Manson was the new one for me. Seems Manson had some interactions with people involved with the illegal lsd experiments / mkultra. Small world!

In Obama Tuckers point is how the media had a code of silence / omertà concerning it.

JFK - his point was there was some type of cia involvement, which has been covered up, and continues to be. The RFK jr. Interview mentions was fascinating.

Ww3 came out of the mcgregor interview, and seems to reflect Russian fears, which is terrifying. I don’t see nato / us official intervention possible.

Agree the us had some type of involvement with the Nordstream bombing, I think it was outsourced somehow through the British.

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Lots of commentators have raised questions about the Kennedy assassinations recently, as well as the risk of a Trump assassination. I've been trying to figure out why they are doing it. It seems to me its never a good idea to put a bad idea in a crazy guy's head, but maybe the thinking is that if knowledge of the risk and the possibility is out there, its less likely to happen. I certainly don't know, but it is disconcerting.

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With how the left justifies violence to get their way, usually with no repercussions (examples plays and rap videos of killing Trump, or Kathy Griffin holding Trumps head - just disgusting) it’s a huge possibility.

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34 known military bases in Africa. For how many years? How many troops per base? Has anyone ever met a soldier who was stationed in Africa? Does anyone know anything about what our mission is at any of these places? I suspect this is all seriously secret stuff that “they” don’t want “us” to know anything about.

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"China signed a deal with Brazil last year to increase gain purchases."

I believe 'gain' should be 'grain'.


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I wonder if China will pay Brazil with some of the USD it has taken in over the years and might be glad to get rid of...

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I hope Denninger is wrong on the jab:

“ There is probably nothing you can do about it”

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Karl has been doing a lot of excellent research on the jab. I fear he may well be right. There are still a lot of younger people dying suddenly where I am.

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I should add that, on the other hand, Geert Vandembosche's prediction about mass die-offs in the many millions has not happened. Yet, at least.

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It's interesting that the new variant, the Electoral/BS-24/7 one, is said to be catching on especially with those who had themselves injected. Of course, the question arises which batch these people took, etc. Lots of work for scientists here.

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I think he is wrong, but it’s complicated. I’m not going to try to explain what I’ve read. I will say I think there needs to be a comment thread somewhere about what can be done. Ant ideas? It’s so important.

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023

I’m trying to understand, and the willful blindness by the mainstream medical complex, and obscuration of data by the government and big medical / pharma is shameful. Not to mention big pharma pushing their expensive, patented solutions that have questionable efficacy - Paxlovid.

Some good info:


Dr. Peter McCullough has a detox protocol:


FLCC has theirs:


All three have items in common.

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This is great Ray! Now we have something to work on. It’s particularly good for me because I have cancer, stage 1, that I’m dealing with naturally. ( the Pharma med, was gross ) I’ll work out a joint plan. Thanks a lot.

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Hope you feel better soon, Anne, and make a full recovery.

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023

I stumbled across this link today & have not gotten around to reading, but perhaps you might find something helpful in it, Anne? Dr Marik was my hero during the Covid lock down. https://covid19criticalcare.com/reviews-and-monographs/cancer-care/

PS: God bless - I will be praying for you!

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Good link, cc! There’s a lot about cancer care that the medical establishment won’t acknowledge. Other diseases too, like rheumatoid arthritis. Have you ever noticed those pharma commercials for the newer biologicals that say, “If a TNF blocker like Enbrel has stopped working for you…” They all stop working eventually, so they keep coming out with new biologicals, slightly tweaked but still just treating symptoms. But medicos won’t look at or investigate anything else. They want you on their outrageously expensive drugs for life.

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Thank you so much. If I can find this thread again, I’ll tell you more after I read it.

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I’m reminded of that news story awhile back of some clinic in, iirc, South Carolina where they discovered their shipment of mRNA vials were nothing but saline. I think they may have wanted a sizable control group for their experiment. All the worst adverse effects from the vaccine were from certain batches, according to howbadismybatch.com.

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Also, if you didn’t throw in some innocuous doses, it would be too difficult for even corporate media to ignore, sponsors or no.

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I totally agree. I scare myself when I get down in the dumps - but then I do something about it. But when that woke garbage started I really got scared and felt there was nothing I could do about it. Now I believe that’s when I let myself get sick. Enough, eh?

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RemovedSep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023
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"Re- electing Pres. Trump is not our salvation or the solution to our problems."

Then in your opinion, what is? This is not a trick question. I am interested in the views of frequent commenters and I ask in order to consider what others are thinking is the salvation or solution to our problems. Who in the filed of empty suits is willing to operate honestly and on behalf of all (legitimate) citizens while bucking the TPTB? Trump is not perfection, but he has an agenda and one that suits a lot of people. The neocons are operating on the world stage fully convinced they own the USA and will act on their historical grievances if they are able to seize complete control of this country and possibly the world as demonstrated by their ill fated campaign against the Russians. They have plenty of stolen money to buy off those who would stand in their way. Fight or flight?

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I think that's a very good way of putting it.

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Thank you, Mr. Hoffman for the courtesy of you reply and one I happen to agree with. You said it well and have captured the moment and the people who need to make this happen, for our good and the good of this country and, as you say, the good of our grandchildren. The desperation is becoming evident with each propaganda piece they hoist on the country and all the fear that is being manufactured to keep us distracted and afraid. Not this time.

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I still can’t believe the West seized Russia’s foreign reserves.

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That, for me, was an even greater mistake than the whole Ukraine debacle itself. A fatal error. What were they thinking?

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