In recent days we've been treated to a glimpse of the disarray within the US National Security State with regard to its war on Russia. One aspect of that disarray was reflected in a report emanating from the Pentagon supported Rand Corporation urgently calling for a negotiated climb down from the US war on Russia--couched in opaque think tank happy talk. Of course we're winning militarily and economically, but we're tired of all that winning so why not try negotiating an end to all the military and economic winning?
On the other hand, we have the spectacle of US generals making ever more bellicose public statements about war with Russia, with China, with whomever. For example:

Is this public display by the uniformed military what the Founding Fathers had in mind for the American Republic? I somehow doubt that.
In a video discussion of the growing disarray and disagreement within the DC establishment over the war against Russia, Alex Christoforou of The Duran posits two factions within the Pentagon. One adheres to the Neocon/State Department line and is pushing for ever greater escalation in terms of the type of weapons systems committed to the Ukraine battlefield—tanks, ATACMS missiles, F-16s, the sky’s the limit for these crazies. That view was on full display in Victoria Nuland's no holds barred briefing to the Senate, in which she
Gloated over the US attack on Germany's energy infrastructure--Nordstream 2.
Conditioned negotiations with Russia and the rollback of sanctions on Russian withdrawal from Ukraine.
Called for Putin to receive the full Kosovo treatment--trial as a war criminal.

In other words, all hypocrisy aside, Nuland was calling for war and more war. 'Gonna study war lots more' seems to be the Neocon mantra.
On the other hand, there is another Pentagon faction whose views—says Christoforou—are reflected in the Rand report that we've discussed (here and here) over the past few days. That report seems to present the views of those like Gen. Milley who recognize the need for some sort of negotiated off ramp for the US. This faction is actively scrambling to formulate such an exit strategy. The Rand report, in this interpretation, is part of that effort. Short term political considerations have hampered the ability of the negotiation factions to accomplish this, but in the long term--meaning, any time beyond tomorrow--something has to give. They clearly see the US headed toward a WW3 for which it is woefully unprepared, heading for an economic disaster, heading for political disaster for the US National Security State on the domestic front. Russia is winning, and time is on Russia's side--not America's side. You can detect that even in the WaPo, behind the “stalemate” subterfuge:
As the Rand report says, the NatSec State--or, this faction of the NatSec State--needs to start prepping society and our vassal states in Europe for the looming defeat. This needs to be done while soft peddling the enormity of the miscalculation, the catastrophe that they have brought on the collective West--unprovoked by Russia. The ruling elite of the West did this to themselves and to us, despite Putin's best efforts to talk reason to them.
And so we have the spectacle of one faction desperately trying to escalate into WW3, while the other is just as desperately seeking an off ramp.
Christoforou leaves the last word to Ron Johnson, who had just come out of a secured briefing on what's going on in Ukraine. Johnson wanted to talk about budget matters, but in response to a reporter's question he tersely stated:
"We just came from a secure briefing on that. Um, the question I had was, How are we gonna change the dynamics on the field? Um, so, I certainly wanna support the people of Ukraine, but at some point in time we're gonna hafta start recognizing what the reality on the ground is."
Boom. Exit stage right. Johnson just blew right through that WaPo nonsense about a “stalemate”.
Of course Johnson feels compelled to maintain the pretense that this is Ukraine's war. But we all know what he's saying: The dynamics and the reality on the ground are that Russia is winning and is in no particular hurry to stop the winning any time soon. How can the US--the real power behind the war on Russia--change those dynamics? By recognizing what the reality on the ground is. In other words, by accepting defeat and entering into negotiations with Russia on terms of equality. Nuland's pre-conditions for negotiations will never get the US to that place at the table. As Doug Macgregor has said, Putin will certainly be willing to negotiate, but not with our puppet regime in Kiev and not under any pre-conditions. In December, 2021, Putin presented his draft treaties for the pullback of NATO to its pre-1997 configuration as the basis for negotiations--not with Ukraine, but with the US.
I personally found this Ukrainian perspective interesting, although I have no way of gauging how common it is:

Further perspective, this time from Newsweek:
So, in short, we all seem to be drifting towards armageddon because those horrible Russkies treated Nuland's family badly a few hundred years ago. Nothing will change in the West until every, repeat every, current government and politician pushing this insanity is kicked out and replaced by sane leaders.
Zhou can't be trusted. Nor his administration. Notice the ole "bait and switch" relative to committing Abrams (manufactures & taxpayers to produce and fund). Now McCarthy will meet with Zhou to negotiate an increase in the debt ceiling. Plan for McCarthy and the Republicans to "get pantsed" then cry foul.