Why pick on Democrats only? It seems to me, as an outsider, that violence is hard-wired into American genes as the answer to everything. John Wayne syndrome and guns, guns, guns. Trump himself was critical of Biden's behaviour re Gaza -- he wasn't doing enough to facilitate the genocide! And what a heroes welcome Netanyahu will get shortly when Congress, including Republicans, will give him multiple standing ovations. The whole fabric of US society, while paying lip service to Jesus, seems to be spoiling for conflict. Either in courts or on battlefields, let's duke it out!!

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He has Ceasar’s luck, truly.

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They tried that already, but botched it:

Trump War Room @TrumpWarRoom

Former top Biden staffer and current CNN contributor Kate Bedingfield just said **Democrats need to "turn their fire on Donald Trump"** — days after a deranged lunatic shot him in a failed assassination attempt.

Democrats just can't help themselves.

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I find it hard to understand how the leftists supporting violence as long as it is against people they don’t like cannot see their own hypocrisy and the complete conflict with their alleged ‘be kind’ value set. Are they stupid? Or blinded by hate? I can’t stand Joe Biden but I wouldn’t wish for anyone to assassinate him. I want him to be beaten fair and square at the ballot box. Why do so many leftists feel the ends justify the means (the Sam Harris types)? Is it a brain malfunction?

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I agree. I find it hard to believe that they would go to such measures if Nikki Haley was the nominee.

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It's mental illness. If pharmaceutical companies weren't so toxic, the smart money would be going long (four years) while the Democrats seek medication for depression and anxiety.

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"Or blinded by hate?"


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