OK, I go away for the weekend (again) and (again) all heck breaks loose. Maybe it is a good thing I am not a Solipsist. Anyway, my guess is that it is going to take more than a week for Jill and the most dysfunctional family ever to throw in the towel. Heck, it will take longer than that to arrange all the pardons. IMO, they will not throw Kamala to the mentally impaired wolves at NATO nor throw NATO to the mentally impaired Kamala. How much longer than that? Well, I am not betting on Biden longevity that is for sure. He IS toast. That becomes more apparent by the day and hour. I don't think he will make it to the convention. Even THEY know what a clown show that would be. More popcorn, please!

Thanks, Mark, for all your posts. My best wishes to you and Mary Ellen for the success of her treatments! And now I go back and try to catch up (with pleasure).

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I don't know to what treatments dissnoant1 is referring, but prayers for her, and you.

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Bold prediction: Kamala will be President and she will pardon the Bidens, or at least Joe. A damning paper trail of his “deals” exists. In a less corrupt environment it would already be a huge scandal. Of course I believe the real question is who will be standing behind our historic lady president, figuratively and literally. Will she get her very own Dick Cheney?

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I agree and say her Dick Cheney is the one and only Barack Hussein Obama.

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House Oversight chairman who is a Republican, BTW. Why give the Dems an out or assist when they should have Zhou hung around their necks for putting him there in the first place? Typical swamp creatures!!!!

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It does provide Republicans political cover, they can claim all that BS about the good of the nation or whatever. I’d be surprised if they pushed it very hard, time is on the Republican side…

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With an election in four months, why give the Dems an out? 'For the good of the country' would be to ensure a Republican landslide that can overcome any cheating and then making sure a Dem does not see the levers of power for a VERY long time. Surest way to accomplish both is to let Zhou continue on his current path.

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I don’t think Republicans SHOULD vote for a 25th Amendment resolution for the reasons you cite. But appear to be seriously considering it. Cynical, I know, but fuck ‘em…

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Side piece Harris leader of the free world.

Wow, just wow.

What a country.

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It's like Dan Quayle's mom telling him that anyone could grow up to be president.

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We need a list from Ray on the 1st 10 executive orders Kama Sutra will deliver.

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I am not sure Biden will quit. He is feeling insulted by the Brutuses in the media and the Dem Party. If he drops out of the race, he might endorse Kamalamadingdong on the way out the door making it even more difficult for the Dems to get rid of her, too.

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There's time till he gets it together tomorrow between 10am and 4pm. Same as my banker.

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What are your Vegas odds on resignation tomorrow? What is the Mrs. getting from Vegas for next weekend? Leaving the country for the NATO brew ha ha is an excellent time to invoke the 25th amendment. Problem is who's draws the short straw to tell him he's been replaced? The good doctor? The servant convict son? A read a few days ago where no one tells him the truth cause their afraid to confront him. Maybe we could have an alternate dimension White House for Zhou?

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NATO summit is in DC

So Zhou doesn't have to go very far to get there. No stairs😁

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yes, how convenient. Thought for sure they'd be in Wilmington DE.

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I am laughing out loud as I type this, this entire situation befits this joke of a nation, U.S.A. has devolved to become the E. of L. - C.W.N.* where all is fake and gay!

*Empire of Lies - Clown World Nation

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Fake morals, fake politicians, fake positions, fake national interests, fake pieties, fake government. I do think you are on to something.

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At least back in the Nixon/ Agnew time, they got Agnew out of the way with some fake charges, I think. That cleared the way to get Gerald Ford in. Oh and I looked up, of course, it was Nelson Rockefeller put in for VP. Not too subtle there who was running things. The reason I commented was back then we didn't have social media and interaction, it was just newspapers once a day and maybe an evening TV show. It was done quickly.

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Ford was a Midwestern guy... and they didn't entirely trust Midwestern guys. (Even back then populism had a bad connotation among the elites.) I remember thinking at the time, "did they really have to put a Rockefeller in?" when the Republicans were constantly accused of being the party of the rich and the capitalists? Well, yes, yes they did.

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I guess the Demon rats must be buying polls like this:


"Vice President Harris is running closer to former President Trump than President Biden is, according to a new poll."

Or at least they are all trying to gaslight each other into this being the only way out of box they are in. For me, who could be more loathsome? Ok, maybe the wicked witch of Mitch-agin, or Gov. Hair Apparent, but Kama Sutra has to have our adversaries in stitches....

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I meant to say, incapable, not capable

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The political Sands keep shifting hour to hour here. We have never ever to my knowledge had a political crisis like this before. While I do not believe anything will happen tomorrow I do believe in the next seven days it is entirely possible that something will happen. I originally thought Biden would step down as a candidate and be allowed to stay on as president until January but I can see now that that’s probably untenable. Why would we allow somebody in his condition to remain as president if they are not confident enough to run for the office to begin with

They need time to make a deal for Dr. Jill, Hunter, and the rest of the family. You could be damn sure that all Pardons are going to be drafted and done before he leaves office, at that point he won’t make any difference politically for him, one way or the other. There will have to be certain financial guarantees, I assume for Dr. Jill., she’s going to want to make sure that there is a nice presidential library for Joe over in Delaware, and that the optics of him leaving are satisfactory for everyone. Lots of moving parts here, but it could be done.

And then we get to have Kamala Harris as president probably for only about five months, but it’ll be the most insane five months ever in the history of presidential politics. You will have a woman who is in capable of leader ship., a grossly immature individual, who is in capable of dealing with anything in a serious nature, prone to laugh and cackle, and make absolute no sense when she opens her mouth . Can you imagine the deep state trying to handle her on a day-to-day basis? She will wake up in a different world every day trying to do something else God protect us from any type of executive orders she might sign or God knows what she might say. If you think of Joe Biden was an embarrassment to the world wait till Kamala gets on stage. No scenario can I see this woman winning a national election.

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Maybe the constant presence of little Tony Blinky doing his mournful "...we tried telling the Israelis (sigh) but... shucks..." expression would dampen down Kamala's default maniacal mood?

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Yeah. Even Kamala's staff apparently hate her. Who would be willing to put up with the cacophony of cackling for another four years? She would have five months and hopefully that would not mean the end of the country.

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Lots happening on the world stage, too. Zhou's Neocons got us into the war(s) they've been fomenting for more than a decade. It's a total disaster, and they'll turn it over to Kama Sutra. Begging for big trouble.

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Either way Zhou being dismantled, either tomorrow or next week throws open the curtain on all the liars that lead the west. Just today Keif published a photo of him being congratulated by Biden for all to see, big beam on his face as he talks about the 'special relationship' - next we see Biden is being wheeled away from the nuclear codes because he's a dribbling panty pooper. So Keif is shown up already in his first week to be part of the big lie. Doesn't instill trust. Plus the NATO summit will be a farce. I mean it already is but even more so with the Biden debacle. Add to that France is about to explode because leftists and centrist conspired to subvert democracy by tactical withdrawal of candidates so Le Pen's party came 3rd. Now they likely won't have a government that functions. It's going to be an interesting week. Oh, and wait till you see our new Foreign Secretary. He resembles a slug and is intellectually on a par with Butt what's his name.

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I'm thinking the NATO conference will be attended by every country's backup leaders.

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Apart from ours. 'Sir' Keif will definitely spend more time abroad than at home. As for NATO - this year I doubt they could write a better skit for Saturday Night Live - they should just show news reels.

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A little early for a trip on a dodgy helicopter for Sir Keef, I suppose?

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I don't think we'll need a dodgy helicopter. Statistically only 20% of the electorate voted Labour. Keif himself dropped 50% of his personal vote share. He is married to a Jewish woman and he insists on spending Friday evenings uninterrupted with his family, which I guess means Saturdays are out too. But he presides over a party which ponders to Islamic extremists. His party is likely to tear itself apart very quickly and he's proved himself to be a liar, weak and a flip flopper on policy. When his party tries to introduce harder taxes, stringent green policies and every other socialist madness I think Keif will prove to be his own dodgy helicopter.

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That is my hope. Waking up in a Tory seat, again, was no biggie to me... And the Sukeef 'landslide' (ha!) wasn't exactly a surprise.

In the meantime I'm keen to see Larry the numer 10 cat give Sukeef's family cat a good duffing up ;-)

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I think the country needs a good cat fight. Maybe one between Lady Starmer and Angie Rayner at some point. ..

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"The NATO Summit in Washington will mark 75 years of historic achievements, demonstrate the strength and unity of our transatlantic bond, advance the implementation of the most robust deterrence and defense plans since the end of the Cold War, and showcase NATO’s vital role in defending our future for generations to come."

Hey, Happy 75th Birthday, NATO! We have a little surprise for you! Still wrapping it up tho!

~ Washington, DC

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And I hope that it is hot and the air conditioning on the fritz.

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And a Trump 47 says phooey on a 76th!

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